H90 – Mute Path 2 in Dual Routing?

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    • #174615


        I have a dual routing setup for 2 guitars (my use), and would like to “mute” or disable Path 2 on certain patches. Is this possible?

      • #174620

          If you’d like to have a program with only one active path, you can add a Mute algo to the other path.

          If you want to have a program with 2 active paths and mute one of them on the fly without switching to another program, you can map a HotSwitch to the preset’s Out Gain and set it to minimum.

          • #174621
            Eventide Staff

              An alternative to the HotSwitch mapped to output gain: if you have Kill Dry enabled for a preset, it will not pass through any signal when it is bypassed (effectively working as a mute).

          • #174636

              Thanks so much for the responses 🙂

              If you’d like to have a program with only one active path, you can add a Mute algo to the other path. If you want to have a program with 2 active paths and mute one of them on the fly without switching to another program, you can map a HotSwitch to the preset’s Out Gain and set it to minimum.

              I assume this means only one algorithm for the active channel? There are some cases where I’d like to use both algorithms for the soundscape :/

              An alternative to the HotSwitch mapped to output gain: if you have Kill Dry enabled for a preset, it will not pass through any signal when it is bypassed (effectively working as a mute).

              My scenario: One electric, one acoustic. I do also have someone play acoustic with me for certain songs. I’d like to “mute” the acoustic for certain patches while my electric uses 2 algorithms on Path 1, and “disable” path 2.

              That being said, is your suggestion meaning that as long as I don’t play the acoustic is essentially “mutes”? I’m concerned about stage sound vibing with the sound hole and feeding back 🙂

              *This is also may second day with the H90, and so far the YT vids are seriously helpful… except for this lol

            • #174637
              Eventide Staff

                Thanks for providing more information about your setup. I don’t think Kill Dry will work for this, that would remove the dry signal completely and you would only hear the wet effected signal (no dry acoustic guitar).

                If both algorithms are on Path 1, then there will be no way to adjust the level or bypass Path 2.

                The simplest solution may be to connect the acoustic guitar to a physical mute switch or tuner before it goes into the H90 so you can easily mute it.

                • #174640

                    Thanks for the quick response! I was afraid of that lol! While playing around I was getting the weird “ghosting” of reverbs and delays etc, so thanks for that confirmation 🙂

                    Another added piece to this convoluted setup is that I also have to switch acoustics from time to time (live musical theatre) which resides on Path 2, but luckily I just recalled that my Sennheiser XSW-D has a mute function, so I can use that for now 🙂


                  • #174647
                    Eventide Staff

                      You’re welcome. Sounds like the mute on your Sennheiser is a good solution.

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