H90 – Noise gate/Hush

Home Forums Products Rackmount H90 – Noise gate/Hush

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    • #170834

      Hello, I am a user of the H90 unit and I am wondering if there are any plans to add a noise gate or Hush option, similar to the one available on the Rocktron. I am using the effect in the effect loop and relying on the gain from the amplifier, so such an option on the pedal would be very useful to me. Thank you and best regards, Anže.

    • #170842

      This is the wrong forum. Go here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/forums/forum/products/stompboxes/



    • #170847
      Eventide Staff

      There is no system level noise gate that can be applied to the entire pedal, but the EQ Compressor and Distortion algorithms all included a noise gate parameter.

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