H90 PC Load Speed (+Quad Cortex)

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    • #186105

      Hello, I’m here with a question about MIDI PC loading speed on the H90.

      I’m using a Neural Quad Cortex as a MIDI controller with the H90 in effects loop 1.

      Changing preset on the QC sends a program change to the H90, but there is around 1.8-2 secs delay before the program loads on the H90.  I get the same result testing with an MC-3 or MC-6 controller and with different cables.

      I found the below in another thread from 8 months ago:

      I’ve also sent in an email to the Eventide support, here’s the response: Sorry to hear you are experiencing issues with the speed that Programs load on the H90. We have tested this extensively and have determined that the Programs will load at an acceptable speed for live performance and other applications. Below is some further information:

      • There is a tradeoff between the spillover time and how quickly you can expect Programs to change.
      • If your spillover time is 30 secs, and you try to quickly load Programs within that 30 sec window after the first Program switch, you might have slower switching times.
      • Programs will switch faster outside of the window of the spillover time.
      • If you need to change Programs quickly, reduce your spillover time or turn spillover off.
      • We haven’t measured any difference between the pedal receiving MIDI PC messages and switching on the box itself

      Is this covered by the above? It seems slower than the H9 when I was controlling that using an HX Stomp.

      One other Q:

      H90 receives PC 1-99, corresponding with the default list length.  Is there any way to PC between lists?  I don’t have an issue with putting everything I need in one list, I just wondered.

    • #186127
      Eventide Staff


      Yes, the bullet points listed in that post would apply to what you describe. Have you tried adjusting the spillover settings?

      There is no way to remotely change the Program List, you need to do that from the system settings.

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