H90 Power draw & routing

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    • #166740

      Hi all, just ordered y H90, thanks again Eventide for the continued evolution of the product line ! Couple of questions: what’s the power draw in milliamps for power brick integration ? Are the routing combinations (in/out/stereo/dual mono) configurable on a per preset basis ?



    • #166743

      Should add – I mean the I/O config routing (not the internal signal path)

    • #166749
      Eventide Staff

      What’s the power draw in milliamps for power brick integration? 

      Although we provide a 12V 1 amp power adapter, the H90 can be powered with 600mA. Testing with our own PowerMax/Mini products we can safely run it at 12V 500mA because of the excellent efficiency of those power supplies. 9V works as well, but it’s a hungry 800mA.

      Are the routing combinations (in/out/stereo/dual mono) configurable on a per preset basis ? thanks

      The H90 has two global routing modes – Dual mode and Insert Mode. When you designate one, the program routing (series-parallel, insert positions [insert mode only]) can change on a program basis. Keep in mind, however, that Programs designed in Insert Mode do not work in Dual mode and Vice versa.

      • #166763

        What’s the power draw in milliamps for power brick integration?

        Although we provide a 12V 1 amp power adapter, the H90 can be powered with 600mA. Testing with our own PowerMax/Mini products we can safely run it at 12V 500mA because of the excellent efficiency of those power supplies. 9V works as well, but it’s a hungry 800mA.



        I have a power brick (Voodoo Power 3 Plus). Would combining two 9V 500mA outputs with a current adapter to get 9V 1000mA work OK?

      • #168149

        If you’re using a pedal Power 3 Plus, simply use one of the 12V 1A outputs on the far left side of the power supply. This is more than enough juice and the optimal voltage.

      • #169547

        What’s the power draw in milliamps for power brick integration?

        Although we provide a 12V 1 amp power adapter, the H90 can be powered with 600mA. Testing with our own PowerMax/Mini products we can safely run it at 12V 500mA because of the excellent efficiency of those power supplies. 9V works as well, but it’s a hungry 800mA.

        Are the routing combinations (in/out/stereo/dual mono) configurable on a per preset basis ? thanks

        The H90 has two global routing modes – Dual mode and Insert Mode. When you designate one, the program routing (series-parallel, insert positions [insert mode only]) can change on a program basis. Keep in mind, however, that Programs designed in Insert Mode do not work in Dual mode and Vice versa.


        does the power mini come with a cable that will go straight into the h90? if so I’m going to buy one straight away!

      • #169564
        Eventide Staff


    • #166765
      Eventide Staff

      Yes. Voodoo makes the Current Doubler adapter.

    • #166767

      Thank you!

    • #166781

      And what about ciocks DC7?

      it provides max 12v 500ma

      is a double cable needed in this case too?

      • #166783
        Eventide Staff

        A single 12V 500mA outlet from a DC7 will power the H90.

      • #166800

        But *not* the 12V 400mA outlet from the original PowerFactor? That’s what I’m using now, and it *seems* to be working properly, but I’m starting to get a little paranoid about it.

    • #166803

      Hi all, and Eventide gurus ! The complexities of electricity !

      Just to confirm (as im a bit nervous about hitting the unit with 18v)  – 2@ 9 volt, 400ma outputs combined with the Voodoo Lab current doubler https://voodoolab.com/product/current-doubler-adapter/ will work with the H90 and not damage the unit ?

      I am using the following https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/PedalPwrDig–voodoo-lab-pedal-power-digital-4-output-isolated-guitar-pedal-power-supply

      Utilising the two 9 volt 400ma outputs as described above. Thanks !

    • #166804
      Eventide Staff

      But *not* the 12V 400mA outlet from the original PowerFactor? That’s what I’m using now, and it *seems* to be working properly, but I’m starting to get a little paranoid about it.

      We do not recommend under powering the unit with only 400mA.

    • #166805
      Eventide Staff

      Just to confirm (as im a bit nervous about hitting the unit with 18v) – 2@ 9 volt, 400ma outputs combined with the Voodoo Lab current doubler https://voodoolab.com/product/current-doubler-adapter/ will work with the H90 and not damage the unit ? I am using the following https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/PedalPwrDig–voodoo-lab-pedal-power-digital-4-output-isolated-guitar-pedal-power-supply Utilising the two 9 volt 400ma outputs as described above. Thanks !

      You will be alright.

    • #166806
      Eventide Staff

      By the way, this cable s doubles the current not the voltage, so you’re not hitting it with 18v.

    • #166807

      Thankyou joecozzi  – fed ex mentioned my unit is somewhere south of Hawaii over the pacific. Hopefully it will get to Australia (without a stop over at the Marshall Islands) 😀

    • #166819

      I have a cioks dc5 if I use the CIOKS 4022 Type 4 Stack Flex Power in the outs that have 300ma each would that be enough to power the H90? Two 12v at 400 ma each.


    • #166824
      Eventide Staff

      I have a cioks dc5 if I use the CIOKS 4022 Type 4 Stack Flex Power in the outs that have 300ma each would that be enough to power the H90? Two 12v at 400 ma each. thanks

      No. The stack flex cable is used to add the voltages of each outlet. The H90 cannot accept 18V or 24V.

    • #166826

      I have a cioks dc5 if I use the CIOKS 4022 Type 4 Stack Flex Power in the outs that have 300ma each would that be enough to power the H90? Two 12v at 400 ma each. thanks

      No. The stack flex cable is used to add the voltages of each outlet. The H90 cannot accept 18V or 24V.

      Ok thanks. Is it the cioks 8800 that doubles the ma? So if I used two 12v 300ma outlets with cioks 8800 will that then provide it 12v 600ma and would that be safe?


      thanks again

    • #166827
      Eventide Staff

      Yes and yes.

    • #166989

      Hey there. Looking forward to receiving my unit soon. I am currently running power to m H9 with current doubler cable from my Voodoo Labs pedal power two from the two “Line6” outlets. Will this work for the H90 as well?

    • #166990
      Eventide Staff

      If the dip switch is ON for 12V functionality and you use a current doubling cable, you’ll achieve the minimum amount of power to turn the unit on. So, the answer to will it work is yes. However, at boot up, the H90 spikes to about 550mA. I am not familiar with that power supplies ability to handle that since this method would only top out at 500mA. I would search elsewhere.

    • #167196

      I just confirmed with True Tone that their CS7 will power the H90. Even though the highest current output is listed as 500ma, the total current load can be up to 1900ma which is automatically distributed as needed, as long as the total draw doesn’t exceed that total current number. Given that my other pedals draw about 200ma, I have a fair amount of headroom.

      • #167197


        I have a JUMA pedal power from stymon and it has 12V 500mA output option. Do I still have to use current doubling cable for the enough amount of current?


      • #167198

        I’ve just found that JUMA 12V provides 350mA not 500mA, so I would need use current doubling cable.

      • #167579

        I just confirmed with True Tone that their CS7 will power the H90. Even though the highest current output is listed as 500ma, the total current load can be up to 1900ma which is automatically distributed as needed, as long as the total draw doesn’t exceed that total current number. Given that my other pedals draw about 200ma, I have a fair amount of headroom.


        I tried this today, It powered up, but a very loud hum.

        Does anyone have any idea what the hum is from?

        Works great with no hum with the wall wart it came with.

      • #167581
        Eventide Staff

        If you’re using one 9V 500mA outlet, my guess is that you’re under powering the H90. You need a current doubler cable and combine the 500mA outlets.

      • #167584

        I have no idea where the hum is coming from (maybe a grounding issue with another pedal?). I used my CS7 to power an H90 with 3 other pedals and it worked perfectly. Make sure you are using the polarity reversal adapter.

    • #167592

      i have the CL6 cable plus should not be a ground issue if the wall wart works just fine.

      i will grab a current doubler and see what happens  thanks

    • #167594

      Hey there. Looking forward to receiving my unit soon. I am currently running power to m H9 with current doubler cable from my Voodoo Labs pedal power two from the two “Line6” outlets. Will this work for the H90 as well?

      has anyone else tried this and can report? really don’t want to have to buy a new pedal power supply to power the h90 🙂

      • #167599
        Eventide Staff

        Specs wise, this should work as long as you switch the outlet to 12V. According to the manual, using a current doubler cable should give you 500mA (12V 250+250). I know the H90 has a startup spike of around 565mA. I don’t know whether the Pedal Power 2 Plus has the capability of reinforcing current where it’s needed for this spike like other manufacturers. May want to ask their support. This is the reason Eventide recommends 12V 600mA.

    • #167608

      Noob question for the people powering the H90 with power supplies – Are you all using reverse polarity adapters ? I’m under the impression that the H90 is center positive, and most power supplies are center negative.

      • #167609
        Eventide Staff

        That is correct. If you are using a power supply other than Eventide or Coiks, a reverse polarity adapter with a 2.5mm end going into the H90 is required.

      • #167642

        Much appreciated, Joe

    • #167751

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hey Joe, I rebuilding my board to accommodate the H90 and have a DC7. I intend to run this at 12V which should supply 500mA, which you stared should be adequate. I also see you mentioned if you’re using a Cioks you don’t need a polarity reversing power cable? What’s the reasoning there? I have one of their red tipped cables which I thought was for that purpose. Thanks!</p>

      • #167753
        Eventide Staff

        I intend to run this at 12V which should supply 500mA, which you shared should be adequate.

        Correct, this was confirmed by Cioks.

        I also see you mentioned if you’re using a Cioks you don’t need a polarity reversing power cable? What’s the reasoning there?

        The green Cioks cable, the Flex type 4, already incorporates a center-positive connector that is 2.5mm.

        I have one of their red tipped cables which I thought was for that purpose.

        The red cable, or the Flex type 2 cable, is also center-positive but it is 2.1 mm connector not suitable for the any Eventide pedal.


    • #168063

      I can confirm my Cioks DC7 at 12v with included green cable works great with H90.

      • #188008

        Hi, I have Cioks DC7. I set it to 12V 500mA. When I power the H90 I hear clicks :(. That happened when I tried to power my HX stomp. The sound went away as soon as i got a doubler cable for it.

      • #188016
        Eventide Staff

        Sorry, I’m not sure what this issue is. Are you sure the setting is correct? 12V at 500mA should work fine.

        Please send a video of the issue to support@eventideaudio.com.

    • #168066

      Kevo888 are you using 2 , 12v outlets to power it , or just 1 @500ma ?

    • #168068

      Kevo888 are you using 2 , 12v outlets to power it , or just 1 @500ma ?

      Just one at 12v.

    • #168133

      I’m still pretty confused with this whole power draw thing. I understand I will probably need a current doubler cable for my Stryman Zuma  https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/PPAP–voodoo-lab-current-doubler-adapter-4-inch-str-str-y-doubler

      And I need a reverse polarity cable to hook into the H90. Here’s the confusing part, at least for me. Sweetwater sent me this link for the reverse polarity cable.  https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/DCRR2.5RP18–vertex-effects-2.1mm-2.5mm-angle-angle-reverse-polarity-dc-cable-18-inch

      And Stryman sent me this link for the cable I would need.   https://www.strymon.net/product/polarity-reversal-cable-2-5mm/

      My rep from Sweetwater said that cable from Stryman wouldn’t work and the rep from Stryman said that people with H90’s are using it. Seems like 2 entirely different cables. Can anyone point me to exactly what I need to hook the H90 up to my Stryman Zuma? Thanks!


    • #168134

      Sorry I forgot to put the correct links in to my last message. I guess there’s no way to edit comments after you make them.




    • #168135
      Eventide Staff

      Hi philh0954,

      Strymon doesn’t sell a current doubler cable, so I would go with the Voodoo Lab/Vertex combination of products. Together they will allow you to power the H90 from your Zuma. The problem with the Strymon adapter is that it’s female on one side, so it would only work for a pedal that only needs the power from ONE outlet and in conjunction with one of their barrel cables. That’s not the case with the H90. Hope that clarifies things for you.

    • #168137

      Thanks for the clarification. I’m still thrown of a little bit from the email Stryman sent me. Here the text of it:

      “We have never used the cable that you’ve just linked, however, we’ve had customers use our polarity reversal cable with a current doubler for Eventide products for years with no issues whatsoever.
      The current and polarity adapters that we sell still require the standard DC power cable that Zuma/Ojai comes with in order to connect it all. It appears that the Sweetwater rep may not understand this.
      I hope this clears it up for you!”


      What you are saying I believe is that all I need to power the H90 with my Zuma is the current doubler cable and the Vertex reverse polarity cable that Sweetwater linked to. I will not need the cable that comes with the Stryman, right?


    • #168138
      Eventide Staff

      I’m still thrown of a little bit from the email Stryman sent me. Here the text of it: “We have never used the cable that you’ve just linked, however, we’ve had customers use our polarity reversal cable with a current doubler for Eventide products for years with no issues whatsoever.The current and polarity adapters that we sell still require the standard DC power cable that Zuma/Ojai comes with in order to connect it all.

      I do not see a current doubler adapter on their website, so we’re both confused.

      What you are saying I believe is that all I need to power the H90 with my Zuma is the current doubler cable and the Vertex reverse polarity cable that Sweetwater linked to. I will not need the cable that comes with the Stryman, right?


    • #168139

      They had told me they don’t sell the current doubler.
      Here’s another email I just got from them:

      Victoria Godfrey (Strymon)

      Jan 2, 2023, 15:53 AKST

      Hi Phil,

      Attached is a screenshot from Eventide’s website stating that the H90 is positive polarity.

      We do not sell current doublers, as previously mentioned. You could use this current doubler:


      Which would connect to the DC power cables that come with Zuma, which then would connect to our red-tipped polarity reversal cable:

      Which would then connect into the H90.

      I hope this clears it up for you.

    • #168140
      Eventide Staff

      What they’re forgetting to tell you is that with Strymon’s adapter you would have to use one of their barrel cables in between. Two adapters with female connectors alone can’t be joined.

    • #168141

      So you’re saying that I could do it with their reverse polarity cable but would need to use their barrel cables as well. Basically with their way I’d need 3 cables attached together and Sweetwaters way would only be 2 cables, right?

    • #168142
      Eventide Staff


    • #168627

      I have two available ports on a “Pedal Power Digital” supply. Each port is 9V 400ma. If I use the Voodoo Labs current doubler adapter, will the H90 receive sufficient and “healthy” power?

    • #168628
      Eventide Staff


    • #168634

      One more annoying question (first Nasa pedal of this type I have ever had). I see normal power cable connectors are too small to fit the male power connection on the H90. I have a current-doubler cable ready to, so what pedal power cable will fit properly on the H90’s power connector coming from the end of the current doubler cable?

    • #168635
      Eventide Staff

      2.5mm center positive connector. Like this one: https://voodoolab.com/product-category/cables/reverse2-5/

    • #168652

      Please make sure that you are delivering the correct polarity. I use a TrueTone power supply and I had to get an adapter that went from center negative to center positive.

    • #169530

      Sounds like i could use a single 12v output from a Strymon Ohai r30?

      • #169534
        Eventide Staff

        No, That’s not enough power as the 12V outlet of the Ojai R30 only puts out 375mA. You could use either two 9V outlets with a current doubling cable and a polarity converter cable with a 2.5mm barrel on the H90 side, or you can use two 12V outlets with the same cables.

    • #169561

      Oh, actually the current drops to somewhere around 360ma or so when selecting 12v on the ohai so I guess I’ll need a current doubler

    • #170743

      I got my H90 and the inclosed power supply is 12v 1A. I have the the Eventide PowerFactor v1.2 that will only do 12v 400mA. How can I use this power supply or do I need to do something else.


      • #170745
        Eventide Staff

        If it’s the PowerFactor 2 then you’ll need to combine outputs 7 & 8 using a current doubler cable (8800 Parallel Flex) into a green Flex cable to power the H90 properly.

      • #170749

        It doesn’t say PowerFactor 2, just PowerFactor but it has the following and it appears that that will work. So 12V 800mA is good?

        Outlet 5-6: 9 or 12 V DC / 400mA

        Outlet 7-8: 9 or 12 V DC / 400mA

        Outlet 9-10: 9 or 12 V DC / 400mA

        I don’t know if you can answer this and it’s not related to the H90 but is there a way to combine two 9V outlets to get 18V plus double the amps?



    • #170751
      Eventide Staff

      So 12V 800mA is good?

      Yes, you’ll have to combine two of the 12V 400ma outlets with a parallel current doubling cable.

      I don’t know if you can answer this and it’s not related to the H90 but is there a way to combine two 9V outlets to get 18V plus double the amps?

      Yes. For this you need a Voltage Doubling cable. 2200 Series Adapter cable. By using two isolated outlets the Series adapter Flex gives you the sum of voltages of the two outlets used. This adapter Flex cable should be used in combination with any of Eventide/CIOKS standard Flex cables if you want to power an 18V, 24V, or even a 40V pedal.


    • #171653

      VL Pedal Power 3 Plus user here. Is there not simply a single cable that will connect the PP3P to the H90?

      Would this one work, attached to the 12v 500mA outlet?.. https://voodoolab.com/product-category/cables/reverse2-5/

    • #171656

      VL Pedal Power 3 Plus user here. Is there not simply a single cable that will connect the PP3P to the H90? Would this one work, attached to the 12v 500mA outlet?.. https://voodoolab.com/product-category/cables/reverse2-5/


      I’m also using the Pedal Power 3 and asked Voodoolab about it. They suggested to use one of the 12V X-Link (1A) outputs with a reverse polarity 2.1mm/2.5mm cable. Works like a charm!

      This is the cable you need:


      • #171659

        I did wonder if I could use one of these outputs, but was paranoid I’d screw up my lovely new pedal. That’s perfect as I have that cable already. Thanks!

    • #172849

      Hello Eventide Team

      I have a strymon Ojay R30. In this unit, it have 2  switchable outlets (9 V DC @ 500 mA, 12 V DC @ 375 mA & 18 V DC @ 250 mA)
      Could i use voodoo PPL6-R and Current Doubler Adapter PPAP?

      How can i power up my H90 with it?

      Greetings from Brazil!

      • #173071
        Eventide Staff

        Yes, this the correct configuration of cables. Sorry we didn’t see this message sooner.

    • #173068

      Hi team!

      Recently got my h90 and loving it but I would like to add the pedal to my current daisy-chain powerunit with plenty of juice at 9v, barrel plugs of 2.1 mm and center negative. What adapter/do you suggest I buy? I’m located in Europe/Holland. Would one of these work? Otherwise – what do you suggest?






      • #173072
        Eventide Staff


        These adapters will do the job provided the power outlet puts out 800mA @ 9V or 600mA @ 12V. Otherwise, you will need to combine more than one outlet with a current doubler cable.

    • #173187

      Hi all,

      I confirm that powering up the H90 with Voodoo Lab Pedal power 2+ (outputs 5 & 6 w/ dipswitch in the up position) works just right so far.

      I built myself a custom current doubler + polarity inverter connector, but you can use the adapters sold by Voodoo Lab.

      Hope it helps!

    • #176114

      Can I use the Pigtronix power supply to power the H90 by combing two 12v 300ma slots?

    • #176115
      Eventide Staff

      Yes, as long as you use a current doubling cable, not a voltage doubler. Keep in mind the input to the H90 is reverse polarity (center-positive) and 2.5 mm.

    • #176116

      Thanks. I’m assuming a current doubling cable is easy to find?


      What are the two best power bricks you recommend?

      Does the smaller version of the Eventide Cioks power the H90?

    • #176118

      I love the True Tone One Spot CS12. It handles an H90 and a bunch of other boxes with ease. It also automatically assigns current where needed, so no current doubling cables needed. It can provide a total of 3000ma of current, which should be enough for a lot of pedals.



    • #176122

      Thanks! Could explain to me how Mmmm which port you would connect the H90 to? Thanks (I’m a total newbie)

    • #176223


      I have a power supply that has 10 isolated outputs, but only one is 12v 300ma… according to what I read here, it’s not enough for powering the h90… therefore I need the double current cable…

      but here is my doubt:

      The power supply has 3 outputs of 9v 300mA and only one of 9v 500 mA.
      To reach the 9v 800ma required by the h90 I will have to combine the output of 500ma + one of 300ma… Would there be any problem with combining these different outputs??



      The h90 is amazing!

    • #176224
      Eventide Staff

      To reach the 9v 800ma required by the h90 I will have to combine the output of 500ma + one of 300ma… Would there be any problem with combining these different outputs??

      No problem at all.

      • #176225

        Perfect! Thanks for your reply Joe….

        Also want to know if its any difference in performance or sound between using 12v vs 9v ??



      • #176226
        Eventide Staff

        There is no difference in performance or sound.

    • #178326

      Can I safely run 4x H90s on an Eventide Powermax by Cioks power supply?
      Would there be any issues with the startup current mentioned? In theory could you safely run 7?

      • #178345
        Eventide Staff

        4 H90’s at 12V, Yes. 4 at 12V and two coupled 9V outlets for a fifth unit, yes.

    • #178343

      Can I safely run 4x H90s on an Eventide Powermax by Cioks power supply? Would there be any issues with the startup current mentioned? In theory could you safely run 7?

      Must be quite a rig with 4 H90s!

      I don’t know if the Eventide Powermax will provide enough current. It appears that at 12 volts, it provides 500ma for each output, instead of the suggested 600ma. I use the True Tone One Spot CS12 and it can handle up to 3000ma which is automatically distributed across all available outputs and has 4 12v outputs.

      I have one and it’s been flawless.

      The Powermax may work if you start up each H90 separately, but that’s a wild guess.


      • #178346

        Well I’m just spitballing. It’s not a massive rig at all. It’s really just a massively pimped Analog Rytm and some synths. Im definitely going to have 3 so it sounds like it should be worry free with the powermax. I’ll add the true tone to my reading list though.

    • #178348

      Well I’m just spitballing. It’s not a massive rig at all. It’s really just a massively pimped Analog Rytm and some synths. Im definitely going to have 3 so it sounds like it should be worry free with the powermax. I’ll add the true tone to my reading list though.

      Well, Joe is the man, so either would work.

    • #181126

      is there any sonic or physical benefit to running 12v 1a vs 12v 500ma?

      • #181134
        Eventide Staff

        No. Note that we only officially recommend using an Eventide or Cioks equivalent power supply when using 12v 500ma as we have tested those specific power supplies.

    • #181413

      Hello there. At the moment I’m powering up underneath my pedalboard with the original power supply connected directly to my Furmann conditioner. All other pedals are connected to two different power bricks. I’m all nervous about it too, like many here, of using the bricks for my H90. So, that being said, One of my bricks is the “Palmer PWT 12 MK2” (love the unit) I did not try it with it yet. This unit has a bunch of 9v 300 mA and four 500mA in which you can choose 9,12,18 or 24 v. Would be safe for the H90 if using two of the 500mA at 9V to power it up? or better another combination. That way I could use the bricks and put the original power supply out of the board. Thxs in advance.

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    • #184000

      Are there benefits to running the H90 using a 12v supply over a 9v? Headroom, processing speeds, or any other useful or operational benefits?

      • #184001
        Eventide Staff

        There will be no difference in how the pedal operates.  They are just different options to power the pedal depending on what power supply you have etc.

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