H90 preset help

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    • #168574

        Is there a way to delete presets? Here’s my issue: I have a preset named “echo” and have 5-6 programs that contain the preset “echo”. Whenever I edit the parameters of “echo” in a program I’m asked to confirm that “echo” will be overwritten with these new parameters. I select “yes” because I want it to be overwritten. I assume since this preset has been overwritten with new parameters that all of the “echo” presets across all of my programs will be changed to these parameters because I’ve now edited and overwritten the preset. Isn’t this how it should work? My issue is that I now have 5 presets with the same title “echo”. So instead of actually overwriting the existing preset it appears to be creating new presets with the same name. Having multiple presets with the exact same name is beyond confusing. Please help me figure this out. Thank you.

      • #168578
        Eventide Staff

          Yes, you can delete a preset by going to the Preset Library, right-clicking a Preset, and selecting “Delete From Library”.

          There is no way to edit a preset and have all instances of that preset be updated across all of your Programs. If you add your “echo” preset to another Program and then overwrite the preset, this will create a new Preset with the same name and add it to the library.

          If you start with your “echo” preset, edit the Parameters, and save the Program instead of the Preset, you will now have a Program with different “echo” Preset parameters without saving another copy of the “echo” preset. Note that changing these “echo” Preset parameters will not affect other Programs with the same Preset.

          Alternatively, you can give unique names to your presets such as “1/4 note echo” or “echo 200ms” to avoid confusion.

          • #168583

              Thank you. This is very helpful. Is there any way to delete the presets from the pedal itself? I don’t use H90 control.

          • #168582

              Thank you. This is very helpful. Is there any way to delete the presets from the pedal itself? I don’t use H90 control.

              • #168584
                Eventide Staff

                  You’re welcome.

                  No you cannot delete Presets from the Library using the pedal, you’ll have to use H90 Control for that.

                  I would suggest using H90 Control so you can delete the unwanted duplicate presets and then use unique preset names in the future so you don’t run into this issue again.

                • #168587

                    I understand what your saying. Just to clarify, I have been using unique preset names. I use my H90 in bank mode. There’s a specific delay preset, “echo”, that I use in many songs. Thus, there are many programs that are a combination of “echo” and another preset. The issue now is that if I want to change the parameters of “echo”, it means I want ‘echo” to have the same parameters across all the programs that use the “echo” preset. If this wasn’t my intent, I would absolutely use a different name for that preset because it wouldn’t be the same combination of algorithm and parameters. Instead, I end up with more than one “echo” preset and have to cycle through them all while going back and editing every program that contains “echo”. I would never intentionally want two different sets of parameters to have the same name. That wouldn’t make sense. Now if I want to create a new program using my current “echo” preset, I have to cycle through it and the other 4 old “echo” presets to find the right one. There has to be a better way. I’m honestly surprised the H90 will allow you to have multiple presets with the same name. Much like a PC won’t allow you to save two files of the same format with the exact same name. Otherwise you can’t tell them apart without going through one by one and opening them.

                • #171602

                    This seems like a bug to me.  It prompts me that I will be overwriting an existing preset when I modify then save, but instead it creates a new preset with the same name.  This is very frustrating because I end up with a bunch of presets with the same name and can’t tell what is what.

                    • #176102

                        Yeah I find this strange as well. If it has to create a new preset due to the way the system works, then fine… but why say you’re going to overwrite it if that’s not actually what’s going to happen? It’s needlessly confusing. I also think that, if this is how it’s going to work, then they should block you from using the same preset name multiple times, at least within the same algorithm.

                        There’s also a strange issue where it seems like you can’t delete some user presets. I think it’s because they are being used in a program. So even if I want to clean up my library by deleting all the extra presets, I also have to re-do a bunch of my programs to ensure they aren’t using one of the duplicates… it’s definitely a first-world problem, but for those of us who like to be organized it’s just one of those things that gets under your skin a bit.

                    • #176103

                        In Fractal Audio’s Axe FX you can define a created effect (called a block – for example a user created Flanger) as a ‘global block’ to be used in all newly created programs (called presets in Axe FX). Whenever you change this global block’s parameters it’s changed in all presets that use this block. It would be great to have this type of functionality.

                        • #176104

                            Boss GT-1000 also has this, they call it Stompbox. Any Stompboxes loaded into a block will be synchronized across patches. I can see why the H9 wouldn’t have needed a feature like this, but with H90 it’d be kinda nice.

                            Sometimes I create Banks where all 3 Programs will have the same reverb or delay in Block B, while Block A is used to cycle between different effects. It would be cool if I could use presets to edit the reverb/delay for all 3 programs together. Or, at the very least, if when I used presets to copy settings between them I didn’t end up with a bunch of duplicate presets with the same name that I then have to go through and delete.

                        • #176111

                            I’ve also been burned and confused by this “overwriting” preset functionality that doesn’t seem to actually work. So I just don’t use it at all.

                          • #176113

                              Yep.  “This” is a problem all right.  And, by “this” I do not mean the fact that changing one user preset in the library does not also ripple the changes out to all other instances of user presets with the same name.

                              “This” problem probably boils down to a failure to properly overwrite user presets in the library as expected.  That failure leads to multiple user presets in the library with the same name and some of which (1) are all zero values (blank), (2) have old values, and/or (3) can’t even be deleted from the library after multiple attempts. Even if I can seemingly delete all of the multiple user presets with the same name to try to start fresh, I am still prompted that a user preset of the same name already exists and am I sure that I want to overwrite it.

                              At this point, most user presets in my library are all zero values and I often cannot delete those and save a new one with the intended values.  That is to say, most of the time I can save a user preset to the library with a fresh/unique name ONCE.  After that, I have no idea what will happen so I save my user lists often and don’t relay on the library.  I never build programs starting with library user presets.  I copy them from programs in my user lists.

                              On the plus side, I have ALMOST never has a user preset in a user program list go blank on me.  A few strange things have happened to some user presets but I chalked them up to a firmware update.



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