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- This topic has 77 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 9 months ago by
Eventide Staff.
November 9, 2022 at 7:06 pm #166427
Very intrigued by the new H90 – congrats to the team! A couple of questions based on the currently-available info:
-Is the Looper algorithm in the H90 stereo or mono? The launch team on the livestream said “stereo,” but the online manual says “mono.”
-Will the Reverse and Octave switch options on the Looper, which are available on the TimeFactor and H9, be mappable on the H90 as well? Someone on another forum replied that you could just HotSwitch the Speed control, but that’s not the same as having independent switching of the Reverse and Octave functions, as per the DL4 and other loopers with that feature set.
-Is Hold available as performance parameter on the delay algorithms? Again, that’s a different function from just HotSwitching the Feedback to 100%.
November 10, 2022 at 4:10 am #166438
Hello to all (this is my first post on this forum)!
My question is whether the H90 does all the sounds included in the Pitchfactor? The Pitchfactor is great but I never could really get used to its interface (which I feel is not user friendly). The point of my question is that: if the H90 includes all the functions/sounds of the Pitchfactor , then I could have all the bells and whistles of the Pitchfactor in the user-friendly format offered by the H90.
November 10, 2022 at 9:55 am #166444
Yes, the H90 includes all the algorithms from the Pitchfactor with improved pitch tracking and added features to certain algorithms.
January 18, 2023 at 10:28 pm #168521
Does it also include the presets from the Pitchfactor and the other pedals in the Factor series of pedals?
January 19, 2023 at 9:11 am #168524
November 10, 2022 at 7:15 am #166441
Tim answered a couple of my questions over on TGP, so:
-Yes, the Looper is stereo.
-Reverse and Octave were “overlooked” but will be restored in an update. (Awesome!)
And reading the performance controls section of the manual suggests that the Hold Delay function is available – it’s simply not listed as a performance parameter in the Delay section of the manual, which is where I logically expected to find it. There seem to be a few places, at least, where the manual does not accord with the reported capabilities of the device; the team might want to look at that after they’ve slept for a few days.
Congrats, y’all! This looks like a major step forward. Can’t wait to play with one!
November 10, 2022 at 10:04 am #166445
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. The delay algorithms do have a momentary or latching hold/repeat function but they are not currently listed in the algorithm descriptions. I’ll add these to the documentation.
November 11, 2022 at 4:54 am #166555
Thank you. is there a particular power supply recommendation? My board is powered by a CIOKS 7 which provides:
7 DC isolated outlets
9V 660mA, 12V 500mA, 15V 400mA or 18V 330mA on each outlet.Thanks
November 11, 2022 at 9:36 am #166564
You’re welcome. The 12V 500mA outlet will be enough to power the H90.
May 28, 2023 at 7:31 am #171601
hi Team – similar question
h90 wants 600mA and I have an old CIOX powerfactor 2
With a parallel adapter I can make 2 x 400mA = 800mA
Is that OK, advisable etc.?Thanks
November 11, 2022 at 3:01 pm #166580
The Looper is what you always wanted in the TimeFactor / H9 versions, but wouldn’t fit. I’ll just say this: two Loopers in parallel, with another stereo looper inserted between them.
November 11, 2022 at 3:14 pm #166581
Ha! I was describing precisely that setup in another forum just this morning. And if the external looper generates MIDI clock, you can sync up the H90’s Loopers as well….
Glad to see you again, brock! Looking forward to inspirational patches from you for the H90!
November 11, 2022 at 3:47 pm #166583
I second that!
Brock has already blown our minds with an H9.
Eventide is now blowing our minds with the H90.
Just imagine what Brock will do with an H90!
I can’t wait!
November 12, 2022 at 8:06 am #166601
Agreed. Brock’s work on H9 presets is very inspiring. Looking forward to see what Brock can do with the H90.
November 11, 2022 at 6:10 pm #166596
I second that! Brock has already blown our minds with an H9. Eventide is now blowing our minds with the H90. Just imagine what Brock will do with an H90! I can’t wait!
First off, I have to say that the shipping Factory presets are very, very, VERY good. Best batch(es) I’ve seen, and there are a LOT of them to sort through. And speaking of sorting, the excellent keyword / algo / list / bank sorting is something I don’t see mentioned. Don’t think I’ve made it through all of those programs / presets yet.
My own H90 pre-grams (so far, it seems) are in a constant state of refinement. A couple Lists-full getting smoothed out. Byproduct of rethinking my approach and embracing that ‘power of three’ concept in the H90. Little P, A, B symbiotic triangles of sound design & interconnected control. But, damn, there’s some cool s*** to be had in this box. Crazy good, and I’m still learning better ways to knit things together.
What I dread (and wildly appreciate) is loading all of my previous H9 presets into the H90. 1000s, but as fodder for further tweaking, using the superior hardware & algo refinements. There has to be some incompatibilities between machines (extra H90 parameters ignored / unused), but that’s something I need to explore.
At times, I might sound ET fanboi-ish, but I’m truly a real fan of sound, and depth of power. Same reason a Poly Beebo sits next to 3 H9’s (dry, two H9s in parallel, one in series, mini-mixer, under MIDI control). And I still couldn’t pull off some of the stuff I’m doing with the H90, ITB.
All that chatter about it being “2 H9s strung together” is missing the whole concept. It’s one thing to grasp it from the specs and manual. Good background, but nothing like the hands-on. Once you wrap your head around them, the process(es) flow. I find it a logical layout, and not all that difficult to navigate. Sure, it takes a few run-throughs, like anything with any depth, and, yes, I still forget a procedure or two at times.
I could probably write a dissertation here on the new algorithms (and H9 algo improvements), but I’ll just mention this: The 1st studio I ever worked in had a ClockWorks Instant Phaser on the rack. I loved that thing, and have been chasing that particular sound ever since. To my ears (and memory recall), that exact sound lives inside the H90.
Pedal format, tabletop, Euro …I’m starting to feel like the H90 is a rack-in-a-box. A BIG rack.
November 11, 2022 at 9:54 pm #166598
So received my H90 today and have a couple of questions…
1. I have an expression pedal in EXP1 its working fine. I tried to get a switch setup in EXP2 and tried a few different switches, 1 button, 3 button, couple different brands, TRS cable etc. and couldn’t seem to get it to function . I switched from the default Exp pedal to Switch in the app. Is there a recommended switch to use with the H90.
2. How do you choose an Algorithm and have it start with an Init Preset. It seems I have to start with an existing preset with any algorithm and edit to my liking..
I am very impressed so far and works great, just takes a few minutes to understand things. Great job !!!
November 12, 2022 at 3:42 pm #166619
Glad you are enjoying your H90!
Can you try calibrating your aux switch using the pedal UI? This is different than just selecting the aux switch from H90 Control. To do this, go to System > I/O > Exp & Aux and turn Quick Knob 3 to calibrate the aux pedal. If you are still having issues, please be more specific about what aux switches you are using.
There is no “Init Preset” for a starting point, you’ll have to choose a Factory Preset and edit it as you have been doing.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
November 13, 2022 at 8:33 pm #166653
Looks like the Calibration did the trick on the external switch.
Thanks !!!
November 14, 2022 at 9:21 am #166673
Good to hear!
November 12, 2022 at 12:40 am #166599
I second that! Brock has already blown our minds with an H9. Eventide is now blowing our minds with the H90. Just imagine what Brock will do with an H90! I can’t wait!
First off, I have to say that the shipping Factory presets are very, very, VERY good. Best batch(es) I’ve seen, and there are a LOT of them to sort through. And speaking of sorting, the excellent keyword / algo / list / bank sorting is something I don’t see mentioned. Don’t think I’ve made it through all of those programs / presets yet. My own H90 pre-grams (so far, it seems) are in a constant state of refinement. A couple Lists-full getting smoothed out. Byproduct of rethinking my approach and embracing that ‘power of three’ concept in the H90. Little P, A, B symbiotic triangles of sound design & interconnected control. But, damn, there’s some cool s*** to be had in this box. Crazy good, and I’m still learning better ways to knit things together. What I dread (and wildly appreciate) is loading all of my previous H9 presets into the H90. 1000s, but as fodder for further tweaking, using the superior hardware & algo refinements. There has to be some incompatibilities between machines (extra H90 parameters ignored / unused), but that’s something I need to explore. At times, I might sound ET fanboi-ish, but I’m truly a real fan of sound, and depth of power. Same reason a Poly Beebo sits next to 3 H9’s (dry, two H9s in parallel, one in series, mini-mixer, under MIDI control). And I still couldn’t pull off some of the stuff I’m doing with the H90, ITB. All that chatter about it being “2 H9s strung together” is missing the whole concept. It’s one thing to grasp it from the specs and manual. Good background, but nothing like the hands-on. Once you wrap your head around them, the process(es) flow. I find it a logical layout, and not all that difficult to navigate. Sure, it takes a few run-throughs, like anything with any depth, and, yes, I still forget a procedure or two at times. I could probably write a dissertation here on the new algorithms (and H9 algo improvements), but I’ll just mention this: The 1st studio I ever worked in had a ClockWorks Instant Phaser on the rack. I loved that thing, and have been chasing that particular sound ever since. To my ears (and memory recall), that exact sound lives inside the H90. Pedal format, tabletop, Euro …I’m starting to feel like the H90 is a rack-in-a-box. A BIG rack.
im very interested to hear more from your view, especially on how H90 would be an improvement over multiple H9. I bought into your previous thread of running multiple H9 (3 xH9 max out) and is struggling if I should go with the H90
November 12, 2022 at 2:37 am #166600
Hello, just got my H90. Very cool despite my limited knowledge.
1. Can a program have the same effect on both A and B?
2. Can a CTL be configured for channel switching an amp?
November 12, 2022 at 1:08 pm #166608
Congratulations on what looks to be an amazing update/evolution of the H9.
As a current owner of a Max and 2 Cores on a couple pedalboards, and considering how to upgrade, I wanted to clarify/confirm whether the H90 offers the same “access to all algorithms for other registered pedals” for H9 core/standard pedals like the H9 Max does.
November 12, 2022 at 2:55 pm #166615
The H90 comes with all 62 algorithms currently being offered. There is no sharing algorithms between multiple H90’s since that is not necessary.
Owning an H90 does not give you access to additional algorithms on an H9 core or standard unit, they are different products.
November 14, 2022 at 2:01 pm #166687
Thanks for the clarification that the H90 is a new product rather than an extension of the H9 line.
November 12, 2022 at 1:48 pm #166609
Ha! I was describing precisely that setup in another forum just this morning. And if the external looper generates MIDI clock, you can sync up the H90’s Loopers as well…. Glad to see you again, brock! Looking forward to inspirational patches from you for the H90!
I’m just getting caught up on that explosive thread … serendipity. I really like your choices for that ‘insert looper’. So far, I’ve tried Beebo’s Loopler, the Tensor, the original Infinity. and some micro-loop tactics. It’s very easy to get lost in the possibilities.
I immediately jumped into some Riley-esque / Steve Reich phase music experiments: Looper – insert dual delay, with time-phasing via external control. And there’s still the B slot to process the results, any way you like.
I saw your mention of the EHX 8 Step. Myself, I always run an EV-5 passthough to Depth, and assign that as EXP 1. So, regular expression available to everything, and sequencing is a footswitch click away. The Step 1 slider is all the way up, so a Reset / Loop Stop gives full range to the EV-5 (with Toe down). Better yet, you can ‘trim’ the range of any control sequences with the expression pedal.
Interesting thing about the compatible 8 Step Depth base setting. With the H9s, a value of 5 was recommended. Sometimes that would ‘drift’ – I don’t know why – and a value of 6 or 7 was needed for a full control range. The H90’s pedal calibration must be much improved. You can set the 8 Step Depth anywhere from 1 to 9, and it will calibrate accurately to that. I’m thinking that can be used to customize & fine-tune your pedal sweep.
As for what parameters to target, the sky is the limit. I like to modulate parameters that can’t be modulated any other way, especially time. But there’s also tactics like creating your own unique waveform with the 8 Step, and targeting a Manual control with it. The Even-Vide algorithm has spared me from creating that lopsided LFO for a ‘vibe. True glissando pitch shifts make for a nice accent, but I’m seeing where I can do that within the H90 itself.
I don’t feel like I’m going to ‘master’ everything in this box anytime soon. Every time I get in front of the H90, I find some new way to get where I originally intended to go with it.
November 12, 2022 at 6:09 pm #166625
Thanks! My rig feels much more manageable with the H90 then it did when I was running the Space and another looper. Everything fits on the board, for one thing. 🤣
As far as the 8 Step goes, the current dilemma is whether I’m dedicating it to the H90, or running it into the MC8 and using it to generate MIDI CC that can be sent to a number of different devices. As the number of devices I’m using shrinks, the former becomes a more attractive option. Running a pedal through it is definitely on the agenda – I’ve got a Moog set aside for exactly that purpose. Does the H90 play nicely with TRS expression pedals, in your experience? Previous Eventide products have wanted TS pedals, IIRC.
November 12, 2022 at 2:05 pm #166610
Hello, just got my H90. Very cool despite my limited knowledge. 1. Can a program have the same effect on both A and B? 2. Can a CTL be configured for channel switching an amp? Thanks!
1). Yes. Series & parallel can give you wildly different results. Stacked, or isolated instances.
2). I haven’t tried it, personally. I could be wrong, but I don’t think it will do ‘relay’ switching. But if your amp accepts MIDI, I can see where you could ‘bind’ a switch to the amp with program or CC messages.
November 14, 2022 at 1:28 pm #166684
I have started a new thread with your question.
November 12, 2022 at 2:53 pm #166614
im very interested to hear more from your view, especially on how H90 would be an improvement over multiple H9. I bought into your previous thread of running multiple H9 (3 xH9 max out) and is struggling if I should go with the H90
I’m going to try to be objective here; I’m not a salesperson. You can do many of the same processes with 3 h9s that you can do with an H90. For me, that involved a lot of cabling, mixing, MIDI planning. That’s an integrated process in the H90; kind of a gestalt whole over configuration. Program hierarchy over “H9” A & B, but that doesn’t do it justice.
Quick examples: You can swap the algorithm stacking order in two H9s; changing presets, sometimes re-cabling. Press a Quick Knob in the H90 to swap presets or routing. You have 3 separate HotKnobs in the H9s. They’re all adjacent in the H90 (plus more). Lots of quality-of-life enhancements over separate boxes.
Nothing wrong with how the H9s sound (primary requirement). So much more headroom & processing power in the H90. I’ve read the specs, played the units side-by-side, … the H90 does sound subjectively ‘better, cleaner, clearer’. That’s the primary concern for me. Also on the H90 plus side, the original H9 algorithms sound ‘better’. There are parameter adds on many, more control over them, and the algorithm tweaks & advanced processing are very audible.
I have to mention that the new H90-exclusive algorithms are very good; among my favorites. Now, is that because they’re new (to me), or are they that groundbreaking? Again, trying to be objective, somewhere in between. They’re currently my favorite part of the H90 release, and yet much of the time I’m combining enhanced H9 algos in newer ways. Embarrassment of riches.
It’s a chunk purchase. I always research the death out of any major outlay before committing. “Can I do this with what I already have?” But if it tells you anything, I’m contemplating a 2nd H90 purchase, while rotating out a couple H9s. Too soon to tell if that would be the best route for me to take.
November 12, 2022 at 2:58 pm #166617
For anybody with further H90 questions, please create a new forum thread with a title that reflects your question instead of posting in the comments here. This will make it easier for us and other H90 users to find the information.
November 12, 2022 at 6:10 pm #166626
Sorry! My bad.
November 12, 2022 at 3:08 pm #166618
Congratulations on what looks to be an amazing update/evolution of the H9. As a current owner of a Max and 2 Cores on a couple pedalboards, and considering how to upgrade, I wanted to clarify/confirm whether the H90 offers the same “access to all algorithms for other registered pedals” for H9 core/standard pedals like the H9 Max does.
Yes, you have all of the ‘Factor / H9 algorithms already in-the-box, plus the 10 new algorithms. As for the presets within those original 52 algorithms, there’s sorting for a list of H9-specific presets. I don’t know that there’s all of the H9 Factory presets in there, or if it’s a curated subset. But any preset (Factory or custom User) that you’re lacking can be imported into the H90.
It’d be a good idea to dump all of your H9 presets into a few Preset Lists, for import later on into the H90. A chore I haven’t begun yet.
November 13, 2022 at 12:05 am #166632
Thanks Brock. I agree, the sound quality is my top priority as well. I have 3 H9 with a boss switcher. Thus routing is not my primary concern. Besides the new algo, Im really interested with the instant flanger and phaser in a pedal format.
PS, I deliberately not watch any video of H90 launch/review to stop the urge to GAS. Wanted to hear from people like you and apalazzolo for your thoughts if it’s going to be an improvement over multiple H9 before I place my order 😜
November 14, 2022 at 4:09 pm #166699
IMHO the H90 is a ridiculously good value for anyone deep enough into the H9 to have two of them. If you plan to sell two H9’s and you live in the US, an H90 might cost you $300, net.
It adds 10 algos right away and this is the beginning of a product lifecycle that might last 10 years. Additional algos (free or otherwise) will come and they make the value proposition even more compelling.
Since the H90 can operate on two separate signal paths, I bet you can swap out 2 of your H9’s will little modification.
I have imported about 200 H9 presets (three lists). That went smoothly except that I had to manually assign an expression pedal to the ribbon controller ranges of my H9 presets. Meh. Not that bad. In practice, I’m only using about 12 preset pairs on a regular basis anyway.
There’s a lot more, but IMHO that much is already a no-brainer.
November 13, 2022 at 12:34 am #166634
One of my buds loves a feature on some Source Audio pedals where the expression pedal can be configured to trail (say a delay) when the foot is completely down. I told them that with so many parameters in the H90 that it might have something like that. This would be a game changer for him. Anyone knows how to do this? Thanks!
November 13, 2022 at 11:47 am #166643
I’m not exactly sure what feature you are referring to, can you provide an example of this, maybe a video that shows it?
The H90 does feature bypass tails which all a delay or reverb to continue after you bypass the Preset, and the spillover feature allows you to load a new Program while the previous Program’s tails ring out.
November 13, 2022 at 5:15 pm #166652
Let me try again. This time I found a link for a video (with an Echelon delay pedal) that shows off that feature at 2:30.
The delay trails are allowed to ring when the expression pedal is brought down to its lowest travel position.
Is this possible in the H90, how so?
November 14, 2022 at 9:23 am #166674
Yes, this is possible by mapping any of the Delay’s Mix parameter to an expression pedal. https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.1.2/content/edit-modes/parameters.html#mapping
November 15, 2022 at 7:36 pm #166742
Not having any luck getting this to work. To rewind, just looking to hear the trails when the expression is at heel down. That way the expression doesn’t chop the beautiful trails. Can you please provide an example along with the steps? That would so appreciated. Thanks!
November 15, 2022 at 8:19 pm #166744
There are prolly different ways to do this. Here are my thoughts …
I think there are a few variants of this effect. In both cases the dry signal is always there and the exp pedal selectively applies the delay or reverb. In one variant, the effect is totally removed with the treadle at the heel position. In the other, there is still some effect in the heel position (it’s just that more is added when the treadle is toe down). I have attached H9 screen shots for both variants where the effect is delay. The lower end of the range in the PitchFuzz example is about 1.1 or 1.2. You can convert this to the other variant, by using 0.8 instead (or you can even go lower … even to 0.0) if you want.
This should work in the H90 using one of the two preset slots. The second preset slot is still available for use and these two slots can be either in series or in parallel. Obviously, this is delay. I haven’t done this in the H9 with reverb (or even tried).
The H90 obviously can run the two different paths in parallel. I’m guessing that that fact allows you to create this effect with virtually any reverb or delay. One parallel path is dry (or maybe modulated or distorted if you want). The second parallel path is mix =100 reverb or delay and the preset input parameter (in the General parameters section) is controlled by the exp pedal. It needs to range from something really low to about zero dB. That should allow you to selectively apply reverb and or delay like on the video.
Good luck.
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November 15, 2022 at 9:06 pm #166746
And here is a way to do that with reverb on the H9 or the H90 using the DualVerb algorithm (see attached screenshot). In this example, I basically turn reverb B off but you could obviously add a little reverb in there if you want. This only uses one of two preset slots of the H90 so you still have power to do something else there if you want.
Good luck!
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November 15, 2022 at 11:26 pm #166754
These are really good ideas, will try them out soon. Thank you very much.
If we had a SEND/RETURN to algos then we could assign the expression pedal to the SEND and then allow the RETURN to keep ringing. Right? Hey Eventide Dudes, this would be a killer feature. Oh well, perhaps is already there and I don’t know it 🙂
Cheers apalazzolo!
November 14, 2022 at 11:40 am #166677
Aha! Thank you, very much appreciated!
February 17, 2023 at 5:55 pm #169236
would the routing and dual engine aspects of the H90 allow me to take a mono signal, process it and have two separate fx chains go to two separate stereo outs?
i am using the pitchfactor right now to create my initial stereo spreads before going to other stereo pedals, but if i could tap outputs three and four on H90 to start another stereo signal with different processing i could expand to a quad rig. that would be amazing.
thanks! (im prob buying this regardless)
February 20, 2023 at 11:39 am #169285
Yes, using a stereo insert you can insert a tap point in the signal path to use for outputs 3-4, you just wouldn’t connect anything to the insert’s return channels on input 3-4.
If you route the H90’s Presets in parallel and place the tap point after Preset B, then Preset A will be output on 1-2 and Preset B will be on outputs 3-4.
February 17, 2023 at 9:44 pm #169238
Hoping someone has an answer here re my new wonderful H90.
Switching between User 1 (Factory Programs) and User 2, 3 or 4 Is easy in the Control editor (via Computer)
Despite reading the instructions and searching online, I cant figure out how to switch between user 1, 2, 3, 4 via the H90 knobs or switches on just the H90 pedal only.
Probably super obvious!
If someone can let me know, and thanks in advance.
February 21, 2023 at 10:04 am #169300
<p style=”text-align: right;”>Siiiick. Ive got an h90 on order already but this is great to know! Im using this for my solo electric cello project, which is already sonically immersive, but this will make it even better! thanks for making such amazing gear, its never let me down.</p>
February 18, 2023 at 8:44 am #169250
It is in the System setting on the H90 pedal itself. One Playlist at a time.
February 20, 2023 at 5:41 am #169276
Thank you Brock! And much appreciated for your help.
March 29, 2023 at 8:09 pm #169981
I have a few questions about the H90–first off let me say I am a big big fan of the pitchfactor and I am looking to replace my two pitchfactors on my current board with one H90. With that in mind:
Let’s assume I am running either diatonic pitch shift or quadravox pitch shift on both sides of the H90. Can I set a single hot switch to tell both algos “this note I’m playing is the root” simultaneously? I’m doing this right now with my pair of pitchfactors; I’m using one external switch, multed to both PFs, to serve as an external switch performing the same function of the middle footswitch.
Secondly can I make the display of the H90 show me what key each of those two algos is currently set to? (The pitchfactor is amazing in this regard)
Thirdly can I send MIDI program changes to each “side” of the H90 simultaneously, but on different channels?
Don’t get me wrong the H90 looks amazing…I just hope it can “keep up” with the PF in these areas.
March 30, 2023 at 5:51 am #169989
The PF was my 1st ET device. I still use it on a backup ‘board. Great pedal.
1). Yes, and no. LEARN is a Performance Parameter, locked to one or the other algorithm / Preset. So, you can assign two separate HotSwitches to LEARN, one for each algo.
But your mult scheme might still work, plugged into the EXP/CTL jacks 1 & 2. Haven’t tried that, but in theory, you would reassign the LEARNs to SW 1 & SW4, from one Aux switch. I’ll try that out later on.
Presets in parallel, of course. In Series, you’ll get a real mess trying to LEARN the LEARN.
2). You can reassign two of the Quick Knobs to display Key (momentarily upon LEARN). But if the H90 is on the floor, you’ll have to be fast with your binoculars.
You can bring that back up again (momentarily) with a press on the assigned Quick Knob(s).
3). While the H90 can receive on multiple channels in Omni, Program Changes will affect the entire Program. You can’t target reloading one or the other Preset half.
In this respect, think of your two PFs as 2 separate Global devices, and the H90 as a single Global device, made up of two distinct parts.
March 30, 2023 at 9:25 am #169992
You wouldn’t need to mult a footswitch to both of the control inputs. You can simply connect the switch to jack 1 and assign both of the learn parameter to footswitch 1 to accomplish this.
Also, the Learn performance parameter cannot be mapped to a HotSwitch since it is a performance parameter. It must be triggered using a footswitch in Perform Mode, or using an external controller.
May 21, 2023 at 5:17 pm #171390
how do you change between effects in a live performance?
Even in bank mode you only get a choice of 3 effects . To access more it seems you have to change bank and then select your effect. This doesn’t seem to me to be very practical in a live show .
By the comparison the old H9 app allowed you to chose from 12 different effects at a time using your phone. So my question is, why have we gone from the ability to access 12. effects (or programs) with one touch on your phone to the H90 where you can only access 3 at a time ? Seems that in terms of live performance the H90 has 1/4 of the flexibility / accessibility of the H9.
Am I missing something?
I understand an app is forthcoming , but that at the moment there is no timeline…
Are we talking months or years ?
Thank you
May 23, 2023 at 10:35 am #171438
There are a few ways to load a new Program and change what effects are loaded. You can use Select or Bank mode using the H90’s footswitches, or you can use an external controller and send MIDI Program Changes to the pedal.
It’s also worth pointing out that a Program is the combination of 2 Presets, so each time a new Program is loaded you have the option of loading two new Algorithm Presets. Therefore, using Bank Mode gives you up to 6 algorithms to choose from using the footswitches.
The best option for a live show where you need to have a variety of effects to choose from is to create a predetermined list of Programs that use the effects you need, and use either Select or Bank mode to load these. A MIDI controller can also be useful for this.
The H9 could can only run 1 algorithm at a time, and the H9 does not offer the Program spillover feature that the H90 has. This allows for gapless audio when loading new effects and is very effective for live use when changing effects between or during songs.
I can’t provide a timeline for the mobile app at this point. You’d be better off learning how to use the pedal in its current state for your live performance needs, and I’d be happy to help you with that if you have any further questions.
May 23, 2023 at 2:34 pm #171447
Thank you vey much for the detailed reply.
The great thing about the H9 app is that I can switch quickly between any of 9 algorithms on my phone. I just have to tap the relevant icon on my phone. If I swipe left on I can instantly access 9 more.
On the H90 it seems it’s either Select Mode which means scrolling through a list (not very practical for live performance) or Bank Mode which gives you access to 3 programs ( a total of 6 algorithms).
But in the latter case you have to select the bank and then select the program.
So to have the same accessibility as the H9 ( 9 algorithms) I would need 3 banks and need to tap a footswitch twice. Tap and hold to scroll through the 3 banks and then tap again to select the algorithm . So 2-3 interactions with the pedal compared to the touch of 1 icon on the H9 app. Also the screen is small and difficult to read from a standing position on stage.
I take your point about using a midi controller, but that only complicates things.
So it seems the H90 is more designed for home studio use, not really for live performances, which seems like a step back.
Can you say whether or not Eventide is actually planning to release an app at some stage for the H90?
Thank you
May 23, 2023 at 5:18 pm #171465
Yes, an app is in the works.
The MIDI implementation on H90 is very simple. If you don’t want to use MIDI, you can use a 3-button aux switch to scroll through and select Programs.
Many users find that the UI of the H90 is an improvement compared to the H9, and there are many UI choices that were made with live performance in mind.
I understand that H9 Control has a simple interface to select new presets, but the H90’s UI is also very simple and hands on once you get the hang of things.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
May 23, 2023 at 3:47 pm #171455
Gotta say (and I’m completely biased here, but I’d have the exact same opinion if I were 100% objective too): you should try using MIDI Designer for iPhone. You could create a “radio button” layout, wherein you could have as many labeled buttons as you wanted, in a grid, organized so that no more than one could be selected at a time. Use those labeled buttons as a single-touch “menu” of program changes to be sent to the H90. Hell, give the two sides of the H90 different MIDI channels, make a grid of buttons for each MIDI channel, and you’ll be be TWO TOUCHES away from choosing any preset you like for each side, aka ‘Mixing & matching FX heaven.’
Yes, you have to figure out “MIDI from iPhone.” I have successfully used an external MIDI interface as well as plugged the iPhone/iPad straight into the computer (or used Bluetooth) and connected it that way. If you don’t use a computer in your rig, you’ll need a MIDI interface for your iPhone. Get that working and you will be able to create ANY MIDI CONTROL LAYOUT you can imagine on your iOS device for use with your H90. Pretty cool.
May 23, 2023 at 3:49 pm #171456
(full disclosure: my brother Dan is the author of MIDI Designer; also, I’ve been using MD to select programs on my pair of PitchFactors for literally years)
May 23, 2023 at 11:24 pm #171470
Thank you again for the input .
Midi sounds fun, but I would need an interface of some sort which means an extra piece of gear or a three button switch as you suggest. I would rather have just 1 tap on an app to access any of the 99+ programs.
I shall look forward to the release of the app : )
What I
May 31, 2023 at 5:24 pm #171660
Hi, I recently purchased an H90 and I’m really loving it. It sounds truly amazing. I’m also pretty thrilled about clockworks instant phaser and instant flanger in the pedal. It’s so cool to have those historic boxes in this pedal 🙂
I have a couple questions about some of the effects.
1. in head space, why is it that the delay time is set with note values +/- %? I’m guessing that this is to make it more like trying to get rhythmic multi head delay patterns with actual tape machines. I love the sound of headspace, but man it would be way easier to use with all the standard note values (dotted 8, triplet, 5/16, etc.) <span style=”font-size: inherit;”>as it is currently I find it can take me like 1/2 hr to get the timing right, almost like working with a real tape machine. Would you consider adding a tempo mode with standard note divisions in a future update?</span>
Also I certainly wouldn’t mind having independent wow and flutter, like we do in tape echo.
2. The chorus algo sounds so good! One point of confusion for me though is that in the manual it says “intensity: dry/wet mix”. My assumption with a dry wet mix would be that 100 percent is only the wet signal, aka vibrato, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Does that mean that 100 percent is actually 50% dry and 50% wet aka chorus?
3. The flange algo also sounds amazing! Here the manual says “intensity: effect level” which again in my mind means something to the extent of wet / dry mix, but when I turn the intensity knob in the flange algo it is clearly a feedback parameter. And even when the intensity is all the way down it still sounds like flanger without feedback (which is generally my preference with flanger).
I’m just bringing up these points because I find the manual a little unclear, and I really like to know exactly what I’m effecting when I’m designing a sound.
I really love the pedal.
thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.-
June 1, 2023 at 11:45 am #171678
You’re going to get buried responding to this original H90 thread.
I believe you answered yourself in 1. It’s “almost like working with a real tape machine”, which I see as the intentional design with HeadSpace.
It’s not easy to search / hunt down links prior to the format change here. But I did find some informative ones from Eventide that should help with 2. & 3.
June 1, 2023 at 2:59 pm #171683
Thanks for your reply Brock! I see that the question regarding intensity has been around for a while. I guess it’s just a catch all that means different things on different applications. Is there a forum for specific feature requests?
June 1, 2023 at 3:09 pm #171684
This is the place, for questions, feature requests, bitching, etc.
I was suggesting that you start a new topic, with a specific subject line. It’s not a requirement, but I think you’ll get more targeted attention and responses.
Sometimes questions end up getting lost in a general topic, within a sea of 60+ comments & replies.
June 2, 2023 at 3:33 pm #171697
Quick question: On the H9 when mixing Dry and Wet, the Dry signal was not true bypass, it went through the ADC/DAC, and it was explained this was because it would screw up the phase relationship with some algorithms, due the processing latency. But I would really like the Dry signal to be the true analogue signal sometimes, not going through the ADC/DAC conversion.
I just wanted to know if the H90 allows this option. It’s kind of a deal breaker for me if it doesn’t. I at least want the choice to have the Dry signal pure analogue.
June 2, 2023 at 3:36 pm #171698
You can use Relay Bypass for a pure analogue signal while the H90 is bypassed, but the dry signal will always go through the ADC/DAC convertors.
June 2, 2023 at 3:39 pm #171699
You can use Relay Bypass for a pure analogue signal while the H90 is bypassed, but the dry signal will always go through the ADC/DAC convertors.
Thanks, exactly the same as the H9 then. 🙁 Any reason why there couldn’t be an option in future to allow true analogue for the Dry signal? I guess the only way to do it would be with some extra routing box for the pedal board.
June 2, 2023 at 3:41 pm #171700
Yes, it’s the same as the H9 for the same reason.
After extensive testing with an analog dry path vs. converting the signal and doing the wet/dry mix after the converter, we chose the latter due to the fact that it ultimately sounds better. By changing the wet/dry mix after the conversion we avoid comb filtering resulting from phase cancellation which occurs when mixing together a dry analog signal with a signal which has gone through A/D and D/A. This comb filtering effect can seriously degrade your tone depending on the frequency. We use very high quality A/D converters which are very transparent and do not affect your tone (we have been making effects processors used by guitar players for over 50 years and have a proven track record in this area). However, if you so desire, you can use a switcher or an analog pan pedal and run a completely dry analog signal path outside the Stompbox and run H90 at 100% wet. In fact, we have added a “Kill Dry” setting in the system menu if you are running your set up that way.
June 2, 2023 at 3:45 pm #171701
Yes, it’s the same as the H9 for the same reason. After extensive testing with an analog dry path vs. converting the signal and doing the wet/dry mix after the converter, we chose the latter due to the fact that it ultimately sounds better. By changing the wet/dry mix after the conversion we avoid comb filtering resulting from phase cancellation which occurs when mixing together a dry analog signal with a signal which has gone through A/D and D/A. This comb filtering effect can seriously degrade your tone depending on the frequency. We use very high quality A/D converters which are very transparent and do not affect your tone (we have been making effects processors used by guitar players for over 50 years and have a proven track record in this area). However, if you so desire, you can use a switcher or an analog pan pedal and run a completely dry analog signal path outside the Stompbox and run H90 at 100% wet. In fact, we have added a “Kill Dry” setting in the system menu if you are running your set up that way.
Thanks, yes, I understand the reasons why, it’s just I’d like the option to do it. I will investigate external routing options for the pedal board.
June 15, 2023 at 3:20 pm #171972
Hello, I have a couple questions about my H90:
1. Adjusting the program’s bpm in the H90 Control – is it ever possible? Where can I find it?
2. Can I just type in the desired numbers in all the program parameters in the H90 Control? In the H9 Control I was able to just do the double tap at the parameter and type in the needed number. In the H90 Control it does not react on double tap like this so I have to scroll through the numbers until the one I need.
3. Is it possible to assign effect bypass to expression pedal position? To turn it on in toe position and turn off in heel position? If not, let it be a feature request 🙂
June 15, 2023 at 3:34 pm #171973
1. Yes, click the System tab to find the Tempo Menu.
2. Yes, using the latest version of H90 Control you can type in parameter values. Only a single click on the field is necessary.
3. Yes, but only using H90 Control. Click the Preset’s General tab and then click the mapping arrow on the active/bypass parameter.
June 16, 2023 at 10:05 am #171981
Thank you for your help!
1. Yes, click the System tab to find the Tempo Menu.
Is the tempo in the System tab specific for the program? Looks like it’s for the whole preset (both programs in the preset) if not the global at all?
And why can’t I tap at the number to type in the needed tempo?2. Yes, using the latest version of H90 Control you can type in parameter values. Only a single click on the field is necessary.
Works great indeed, thanks for that 🙂 Now would be great if I all the numbers could dialed like this in the H90 Control. Tempo Menu in System tab for example 🙂
3. Yes, but only using H90 Control. Click the Preset’s General tab and then click the mapping arrow on the active/bypass parameter.
Cool, works like a charm, thank you! 🙂
June 16, 2023 at 2:50 pm #171985
The Tempo can be global, or it can be saved within a Program, explained here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.5.2/content/tempo-menu.html
Tap tempo is not currently implemented in H90 Control. We may be able to add that in a future update.
June 16, 2023 at 3:41 pm #171986
The Tempo can be global, or it can be saved within a Program, explained here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.5.2/content/tempo-menu.html Tap tempo is not currently implemented in H90 Control. We may be able to add that in a future update.
How does it work in the H90 Control? I prefer editing presets from PC.
June 16, 2023 at 4:11 pm #171987
H90 Control has the same settings as the pedal.
Global: All Programs will subscribe to the Global Tempo setting.
Program: Programs will save with the current tempo BPM. Programs will load with the saved BPM value.
June 17, 2023 at 7:35 am #171990
H90 Control has the same settings as the pedal.
But the interface and functionality are a little different.
What I want to know is can I set different tempo in two different presets inside the program? If not, is it ever possible to be done with future updates?
Also it would be great to just type in the BPM in the System tab instead of moving that fader which can be hard to deal with sometimes.
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June 20, 2023 at 10:07 am #172022
Yes, using the latest software you can tap in different tempos for each Preset in Perform Mode. This is not possible using H90 Control. It’s explained in the manual here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.5.2/content/play-modes/perform.html#tap-tempo
I can add a request for typing in the BPM value using H90 Control.
I’m going to close this thread now since there are too many comments and it’s not productive for forums users to try find specific information this way.
If you have any other questions, please create a new thread with a title that reflects your question so users will be able to find the information easier. Thanks.
- The topic ‘H90 questions’ is closed to new replies.