H90 Routing Question

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    • #178241

      So sorry if this has been asked before, I did a quick search and couldn’t find anything.

      This might be more of a feature request – In Dual Routing Mode, is it possible to have one Preset set to Parallel on Path A (for example) and then the other Preset routed regular? Is my understanding that Parallel Routing is only possible with both Presets at the same time correct?

    • #178243
      Eventide Staff

      Here are the possible positions in Dual Routing mode:

      Both Presets on Path 1 in either serial or parallel configurations without any presets on Path 2.
      One preset on each path.
      Both Presets on Path 2 in either serial or parallel configurations without any presets on Path 1.

    • #178244
      Eventide Staff

      All of the routing possibilities (with images) are detailed in the manual here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.7.5/content/edit-modes/routing.html#dual-routing

    • #178248

      Is it possible to request this feature or would it be impossible? Thanks for the replies.

    • #178249
      Eventide Staff

      Can you be more specific?

      Which Preset would you like on which path? And what will the Preset be processing in parallel against?

    • #178250

      In Dual Routing Mode, and with the Route set to Pre/Post – I am wanting to route the Phaser algo in parallel on path A and then a Spring Reverb in series on Path B.

      I suppose I am wanting the ability to run routing Pre/Post and still have the option to Parallel process specific paths.


      • #178252
        Eventide Staff

        If only one Preset is on either path (pre/post mode), then there is nothing for either Preset to run parallel against. There needs to be two presets on one path for them to be able to run in parallel.

        If you turn the Program Mix to 50% you will preserve your dry signal if you’d like finer control between the dry signal and the Phaser.

      • #178254

        Does the Program Mix control both Presets tho? I only want to add my dry signal in to the Phaser.

        Sorry for the basic questions, I still feel like a noob sometimes.

    • #178255
      Eventide Staff

      No need to apologize, happy to answer questions. The Program Mix will be for both Path 1/2 (and both Presets).

      Sorry, I don’t think we’d be able to add this feature as it would required adding an additional mixing block. Mixing the dry signal with the modulated filters is essential for a phaser effect and that’s why there is no mix parameter. You may find that turning down the Intensity or Depth on Phaser or Instant Phaser will give you a less intense phaser effect. You can also try Even-Vibe or TriceraChorus with Swirl on for a different modulation flavor that may be better for what you’re trying to achieve.

      • #178257

        Thank you, I will keep experimenting! If there is one thing I’ve learned about the H90 is that there is (almost) always a unique solution for whatever you want to achieve. You guys really set a precedent with this pedal. The fact that I can even ask such a question about parallel routing in a pedal is wild!


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