H90 Simple Midi Program Change Help

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    • #168330

        I can’t seem to figure out how to just activate my user presets on and off on my H90 with my midi controller. I also have an H9 that I control through the Airstep and Airstep lite midi controllers. That was easy enough to assign a program change number on the Eventide app and Airstep app and have it come on, and assign another program change to turn it off.  I have the global setting the unit to number 1 and I’ve tried both transmit and thru.

        Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

      • #168331

          Are you trying to change programs, or turn the current program on and off? As far as I can tell, those are two different functions.

        • #168334

            To start, just turn the program on and off. So, if I have my preset list, and Octaver is my 1st program, I want to be able to click it on with whichever Airstep footswitch I choose. In my H9 I simply assign a preset to a program change.

            • #168336

                Go to System -> MIDI -> Global Control and assign a CC to P Act/Byp. PCs on the H90 are reserved for changing programs.

            • #168337

                Thanks, I’ll try that. Now of course the Airstep is giving me problems with its Bluetooth connection. I like the controller, but man, the app

                has been a huge headache. Lot’s of bugs.

              • #168358

                  Alright, so I got the CC command to turn the program on and off with the midi footswitch, but only in performance mode.

                  Does the H90 have to be in performance mode for all commands? I can’t seem to figure out how to commands outside of performance mode.


                • #168359

                    Now I see this only works in transmit, but I need it set for thru so the other pedals work. And Omni should be set to off, right?


                  • #168365

                      Getting there. When I have a program loaded, I can successfully do active/bypass by assigning my midi pedal to the CC #, then 64 to engage, and 1 to disengage. If I’m on another program, and hit that same midi switch, it doesn’t load the program I want to go to.  I’m obviously missing something. Thanks for any advice.

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