H90 Software wont accept login

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 Software wont accept login

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    • #184080

      Hi there. Sorry to repeat whats already been asked a few times, but I couldn’t seem to find any answers to why I wouldn’t be able to login to the h90 control app. I am using the correct user name (not email) and password, and I can log into the site with that info no problem. Also I have used the h90 app plenty of times before but I have just fresh installed it to a rebooted laptop running 11.17.10 Big Sur. Any tips on trouble shooting this? it just says login failed. Thanks in advance

    • #184087
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry to hear you are having issues.

      This is only an issue on a new laptop? Can you login using a different computer?

      Is the laptop you are using connected to the internet when you try to login?

    • #184111

      HI! yes I was

      Well now that i left it alone a few days seems to have started working by itself. just a blip I guess.



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