H90 Spring Algorithm Midi CC Issue

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    • #183530

      i have two presets with spring reverb:

      Preset 1: spring with trem intensity set to 0, (I don’t want tremolo in this preset)

      Preset 2 : sending a midi CC with Morningstar MC6 PRO for activate the tremolo intensity(from 0 to 50)

      the tremolo does not activate, it is activated only if I move the value manually from 50 to 49 for example or any other value.


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    • #183534

      Make sure your H90 and MC6 are on the same MIDI channel, and try a different CC#. some devices might not recognize CC#0.

      Also, make sure the MC6 is sending the CC message at 127.

    • #183535

      One more thing just to make sure, I don’t know if by the “2 presets” you mean two MC6 presets or two H90 presets….but if we’re talking about the H90, you don’t need a separate preset to change a specific control, you can do it within the same preset. Just send the CC you chose to the H90 and the programmed control will change.

    • #183536

      My H90 and MC6 are on the same midi channel and the value of Midi CC is 127.

      I also tried with another midi cc but with the same result..

      thank you so much for your reply

    • #183537

      2 Presets in the MC6 and the same preset for H90:

      MC6 preset 1 to H90 preset 1 with no tremolo

      MC6 preset 2 to H90 preset 1 but with midi cc for activate tremolo

    • #183538

      I just tried it here and it’s working fine. Maybe your MC6 is also sending a PC message on preset 2? make sure you’re only sending the CC message.

    • #183539

      Here’s one more thought, if you want to send a Program Change message with the CC message, you might need to add a short delay between them for the H90 to recognize both messages. I’m not completely familiar with the MC6, but if you can’t program a delay between the messages, try to send the PC on press and the CC on release.

    • #183544

      H90 recognizes the message because the value in the trem intensity change but there is no tremolo in the audio..

    • #183545

      Oh, I see. I thought the value isn’t even changing….
      I don’t have a MIDI controller that can send PC messages right now, but I’ve tried sending a CC message to the Intensity control in the Spring algo and it works as expected.
      What happens when you send just the CC message and your first preset is already loaded?

    • #183546

      if I only send a Midi CC it work..

    • #183547

      Maybe someone from Eventide will comment soon, but in the meantime I’d try my suggestion above – set the MC6 to send the PC message on button press and the CC on button release, see if that works.

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