H90 Tuner-How to set where it mutes

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    • #167585

      I am activating the tuner on a H90 and it is not muting the sound and allowing my guitar signal to pass through to my amp. How do I program the unit where when I activate the H90 tuner, the sound is muted?


      I am using a simple mono set up, 1/4″ instrument cables going IN 1 and OUT 1.

      What am I missing? Thanks!

    • #167587
        <li style=”text-align: left;”>When the Tuner is up & active, Quick Knob 3.  Thru to Mute.  Click out with the Perform knob/switch, and it’ll remember your preference.
    • #167588

      Thanks for the help, Brock. I had it set to “Mute” and it is still passing signal. I switched it to “Thru” using the QK 3 and pressed the Perform knob/switch like you advised and it did save the Tuner in that state so I then switched it back to “Mute” using the QK 3 and pressed the Perform knob/switch again it saved it in that state (Mute) but the Tuner is still passing signal.

    • #167591

      Strange, rck.  Mine is staying MUTEd here.  That said, I don’t need to use it that often.  Let me keep an eye on it to see if I can reproduce.

    • #167593
      Eventide Staff

      Hello rck,

      Are you on the latest firmware OS? Or, have you recently updated the pedal? Try conducting a factory reset by powering up while pressing the first Quick Knob. Be aware this erases your system settings, but I should restore normal functionality to the H90.

    • #167595

      Hi Joe,

      My H90 was running firmware, so it is up to date, correct?

      The factory reset did correct the Tuner “mute” and is operating correctly now and there is no sound when I have the Tuner engaged. Thank you much.

      • #167598
        Eventide Staff

        Do you happen to remember if you were using relay bypass when the Tuner would not mute the audio?

      • #167601

        Yes, I did have the H90 set to Relay Bypass. The same as I did with the H9 and the H9 would mute the signal.

      • #167654
        Eventide Staff

        Thanks for clarifying this.

        When using relay bypass, if the Program is first bypassed and you access the tuner, the audio will always pass thru even if you have selected mute. This will be fixed in a future update, but for now you can just keep the Program active when accessing the tuner if you’d like the audio to be muted while tuning.

        I’m assuming this is the issue you had because there is nothing else I can think of that would cause the tuner not to mute the audio. If you run into a different scenario where the tuner mute option does not work correctly, please let us know.

      • #167674

        It appears you are correct and I can consistently get the Tuner to mute when I have a Program in the active state but when a Program is bypassed the Tuner is allowing signal to pass. I can make this work for now at gigs. I appreciate the help and quick support.

      • #167679
        Eventide Staff

        Ok, glad to hear this works for you. I can’t provide a timeline for when this will be fixed but I will let you know on this thread when it is.

    • #168775

      Was this issue fixed in the newest H90 1.3.0 Software update? I don’t see it in the list of issues addressed. Is something you all plan on fixing if not?

      Ok, glad to hear this works for you. I can’t provide a timeline for when this will be fixed but I will let you know on this thread when it is.

      • #168776
        Eventide Staff

        Hi rck,

        This was not addressed in this update. We will respond here when this has been fixed.

    • #169765

      Hi rck, This was not addressed in this update. We will respond here when this has been fixed.

      Hi rck, This was not addressed in this update. We will respond here when this has been fixed.


      Thank you for that update.

      Heads up, I did recently also notice when activating the Tuner that the signal will be allowed to pass through and make sound even if a PROGRAM is activated but the Program Mix is less than 100%. You all may have thought of that, but wanted to make sure you knew of the behavior.

      • #169767
        Eventide Staff

        Thanks for providing this info. We’ll be sure to test this when we add the tuner/relay bypass fix.

    • #171258

      Thanks for providing this info. We’ll be sure to test this when we add the tuner/relay bypass fix.


      Was this fixed with the latest H90 update? I don’t recall seeing it in the notes as so but I just noticed today that the Tuner does mute even when a PROGRAM is in the bypass state….or maybe I’m losing it (my mind). You don’t have to address the latter point I made.

      • #171315
        Eventide Staff

        Can you be more specific about what you are expecting to happen? I’ve just tested a few scenarios with DSP and Relay Bypass and it seems that the tuner is correctly muting or not muting depending on the setting in the tuner menu. The tuner menu’s mute/thru setting will be applied regardless of the Program bypass/active setting.

    • #171333

      Can you be more specific about what you are expecting to happen? I’ve just tested a few scenarios with DSP and Relay Bypass and it seems that the tuner is correctly muting or not muting depending on the setting in the tuner menu. The tuner menu’s mute/thru setting will be applied regardless of the Program bypass/active setting.

      Thanks for clarifying this. When using relay bypass, if the Program is first bypassed and you access the tuner, the audio will always pass thru even if you have selected mute. This will be fixed in a future update, but for now you can just keep the Program active when accessing the tuner if you’d like the audio to be muted while tuning. I’m assuming this is the issue you had because there is nothing else I can think of that would cause the tuner not to mute the audio. If you run into a different scenario where the tuner mute option does not work correctly, please let us know.

      I am referring to my original post and specifically the behavior mentioned in the latter of the above quotes. I am expecting when the H90 is in Relay Mode that the Tuner passes signal through when a PROGRAM is not activated and in Bypass mode as it has done since I’ve had the unit 11/22 and why I initiated this thread. It no longer does this and does actually MUTE the signal when a PROGRAM is not activated and in Bypass mode and also in Relay mode. I have the most current H90 and H90 Control software updates.

      Was this fixed in the most recent update?



      • #171335
        Eventide Staff

        Yes, this issue has been fixed in the latest update. From my testing, I am no longer experiencing the issue, and from what you describe it seems like you aren’t experiencing the issue either.

        Sorry for the confusion. There were many fixes and new features for this update and it looks like we missed this in the release notes.

    • #171337

      Dude, all good, all good. Thanks for the clarification and to you all for ‘fixing’ this in addition to the Envelope feature of TriceraChorus.

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