H90 – Turn On/Off A way MIDI Es-5 Boss

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    • #167610

        I have problems when I want to control “H90 – Turn On/Off A way MIDI Es-5 Boss, please view the video, it will be very easy to understand the problem. Thank you very much for your attention.

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      • #167613

          Photo patch H90 Control

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        • #167641
          Eventide Staff

            Você está enviando uma simple mensagem para alterar o número de preset para o H90 a partir do seu controlador MIDI? Parece que você está enviando uma mensagem de “Preset Change” e também uma mensagem de “controller change” de bypass para o primeiro preset. Você pode ver quando a troco de programa acontece que ambas as presets são ativadas e, um momento depois, a primeira preset é desativada. Acho que o problema é a programação no controlador MIDI.

          • #167643

              So “joecozzi”, I only send the MIDI command to change the H90 Preset, because in this preset it already has Algorithm A disabled, I don’t understand why it turns on and off.

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              • #167650
                Eventide Staff

                  Hello baco, in your video, I do not see you changing to another program. I don’t see the Program number on the top left change. Are you sure you’re sending a Program Change message to another Program? It looks like you have two buttons on your MIDI controller assigned to the same Program.

                • #167656
                  Eventide Staff

                    If you saved the Program with Preset A bypassed, whenever you recall that Program with a preset change, it will recall it in the state it was saved.

                • #167675

                    It’s just that these 2 programs of my Boss use the same program as H90, but I’m going to make a video using another H90 program for you to check that the same thing happens.


                    When the H90 program has both algorithms activated, there is no problem, only when 1 of them is disabled.


                    Thank you very much for your help

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                  • #167676

                      Não aceitou o video, vou converter

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                    • #167681
                      Eventide Staff

                        It’s just that these 2 programs of my Boss use the same program as H90, but I’m going to make a video using another H90 program for you to check that the same thing happens. When the H90 program has both algorithms activated, there is no problem, only when 1 of them is disabled. Thank you very much for your help

                        Because you saved the Program on the H90 with Preset A bypassed, it will always recall in bypass. This is why when you change sounds on the MIDI controller it recalls the Program on the H90 with preset A bypassed. The MIDI controller does not know that you have adjusted the H90 separately. So, you have a couple of choices.

                        1-Make another version of the same program, one with A bypassed, the other, with both activated.


                        2-Add a CC message to the second PC change to activate the preset that would normally be bypassed when you recall the same Program. This requires you to assign a CC# in system settings of the H90 to A act/byp.

                      • #167700

                          Good morning, thank you very much my friend, I just got it, now I will be able to play a lot. Thank you for the excellent service, but there’s a phrase here in Brazil, “I’m Brazilian, I never give up” a big hug and see you next time.

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