H90 wah…not auto wah

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 wah…not auto wah

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    • #181426

        Trying to get a classic wah using expression pedal…I’m somewhat close using the Q-wah but still not great…any suggestions?  Thanks

      • #181436
        Bert Sleeckx

          No, wahs on H90 sound bad to me. Kemper comes closer tot a real Wah, and better controleable via Midi expr. Pedal.

        • #181441

            Good day! I recently bought an H90. After some time, the device began to freeze when connecting the jack cable to any of the inputs and outputs. I tried reinstalling the old and new firmware. Now it costs I did everything as written in this instruction https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.8.5/content/appendix/startup.html#factory-reset the problem was not solved.
            How to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.


          • #181442

              Didn’t respond to email

            • #181452
              Bert Sleeckx

                Hi Bottler,


                Try support, (attachment)

                If they don’t Respond, do it again.
                <p style=”text-align: center;”></p>

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              • #181472

                  You can try Sculpt or CrushStation with little / no Drive.

                  Sculpt:  Filter Pre & Fiter Post to a select range of expression.  Minimize the Envelope Follower influence.

                  CrushStation:  Mids 100.  Sweep a select range of Mid Freq with the expression pedal.

                  Not sure if you’ve fully explored the Bass Wah or Vocal types in Q-Wah.  You can mold them into some more familiar tones. There are many ways in the H90 to achieve a wah sound – some “classic”; some well beyond that into uncharted territories.

                • #181491

                    Thanks Brock—I’ll try those as well as the reg Q-wah…ps, I’ve been loving your stuff over at Patch Storage, keep up the great work!

                  • #181493

                      Appreciated, badmoki.  I find it hard to believe myself that I have at least as many Programs waiting to be uploaded to P/S as I have there already.  I find the H90 endlessly inspiring; time being the only limiting factor.

                      Back on topic: If you know of vintage Systech devices, this one below is intentionally harsh.  But it should give you a head start on CrushStation wahs:

                      Systech O-Drive

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