H90 Wah Pedal without artifacts?

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    • #175471

      Hi.  I was wondering if anyone has any settings recommendations making a virtual wah-wah pedal with the H90.

      I’ve been using the Q-Wah algorithm but always get clicking artifacts using an expression pedal.




    • #175475

      The clicking artifacts may be from the resolution of the expression pedal you’re using.  Or you can try re-calibrating it again in System settings.  I’m not getting that from Q-Wah here.

      In any case, you can compare that to squeezing a wah out of the Sculpt algorithm.  Set most of the parameters to taste, with the Env Filter – Sens to 0.

      Map Filter Pre and Filter Post to the expression pedal, with a range of 0 to about 75, as a starting point.

      I’ve gotten some good results out of CrushStation, as well.  Boost up the Mids to 100, then sweep a selective range of Mid Freq with an expression pedal.

    • #175477

      Thanks @brock for the reply.  I have an EV-5 into a Morningstar MC-6 Pro so it’s going through via MIDI.  I have an HX Stomp on the board too and the wah response is smooth even when you go fast compared to the H90.  Oh well…..

    • #175479

      That’s puzzling. Now I’m thinking a clogged MIDI pipeline, somehow.  That Morningstar is capable of sending massive amounts of data downstream, and well … it’s all through a serial transmission.

      A couple quick questions:

      • Do you have OMNI ON in the H90, or receiving on a single MIDI Channel?
      • How are you rigged up MIDI-wise?  Lots of daisy-chaining IN->THRU, any THRU boxes, maybe vintage MIDI boxes anywhere?
      • It’s difficult to diagnose MIDI issues remotely, but some idea of your entire rig might help.

      I also have an MC-6 Pro, but I’m using an S/A Reflex through it. I find it has a smoother sweep with the finer resolution. My EV-5s hook up directly to the H90s.

      One of the EV-5s is a little flaky for consistently getting a full range.  Let me try the more reliable one in your MIDI configuration, and see what I come up with.

      For comparison’s sake, try your EV-5 straight into the H90, and we’ll swap some notes later on.

    • #175496

      I did plug the EV-5 direct into the H90 to start with way back when and it did also have the digital artifacts on Wah pedal settings, not so much when depressing the pedal slowly but for fast actions.

      The chain is simple.  MC6 Pro > H90 (channel 1) > HX Stomp (channel 2).  And the predefined HX Wah patches all work flawlessly over MIDI.

      So I do have a Wah workaround with the HX….but I was wondering mostly what specific patch and range settings on Q-Wah folks are using to get a good Wah simulation going.


      • #175503
        Eventide Staff

        Can you confirm you are using the latest software version? A little while back we released an update that improved artifacts with external controllers and I’m wondering if this is what you are experiencing.

        If you are using the latest software, can you share a video of the issue?

    • #175511

      Software version is  Here’s a short video demo.  The only parameter range change on Q-Wah in this case is Bottom (34-80).


      • #175521
        Eventide Staff

        Thanks for the info. It looks like your video did not upload properly. If possible, please share a link to the video using a file transfer system like Dropbox, or you can make an unlisted Youtube video.

    • #175532
      • #175537
        Eventide Staff

        Thanks, can you also please share this Program? You can export the Program using H90 Control by right clicking it in the Program List. Or you can export the entire List and send it to me using the button in the bottom left corner of H90 Control.

    • #175541

      Oops I just submitted without any text in the post.  I’ll try again.


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      • #175549
        Eventide Staff

        Thanks for sharing this. It looks like you have MIDI CC #8 mapped to the “Bottom” parameter to create the Wah sweep, is that correct?

        Instead, you should your controller to Manual Mod, that is the intended parameter to be mapped for an expression pedal Wah control.

        Let me know if that improves things.

    • #175554

      That was it thanks!  Exactly what I was looking for.  🙂


      • #175558
        Eventide Staff

        Great! Glad to hear that solved it. Thanks for your patience troubleshooting this.

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