H90 – why am I getting mono out?

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    • #172699

        I’m running my H90 in dual routing mode and I am going to try using a stereo set up with two amps. I have guitar going in to input 1, then out 1 going to a pedal switcher and back into input 3, and then out 3 and 4 going to two amps – but I am getting mono signal in both of them. I’ve been scratching my head for a while now and I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. Please help?

      • #172703
        Eventide Staff

          I have guitar going in to input 1, then out 1 going to a pedal switcher and back into input 3, and then out 3 and 4 going to two amps

          Can you provide more information as to what algorithms you have in Path 1 and Path2? If you are coming out of Path 1 via Out 1 only, whatever algorithm is placed there will be mono. You’d have to connect a cable to Outs 1&2 for the algorithm to function in stereo. The algorithms in Path 2 should be rendering a stereo output if both Outs 3&4 are connected. Is that not the case?

        • #172715

            Yes I’m running a mono signal via out 1 into a pedal switcher (for my drive pedals) and back into in 3, but the algos in path 2 are for some reason also in mono if I connect two amps via out 3 and 4.

            I guess I’ll have to do some serious troubble shooting starting with disconecting everything.from the H90 and just run guitar into input 1 and the amps from output 3 and 4.

          • #172716

              This is super confusing. I have the H90 set up for dual routing as suggested in the manual (guitar into input 1, output 1 into pedal switcher, back into input 3 and out to amps via output 3 and 4). Then I get mono out from outputs 3 and 4.

              if I change to insert mode and remove the pedal switcher I get stereo out from output 1 and 2. Maybe I should use insert mode and have the pedal switcher running as a mono insert via output 3/input 3 as suggested in the manual, but all my presets are created in dual mode. And why can’t I get stereo out using dual mode?

            • #172718

                <p style=”text-align: left;”>Does the H90 output 3 and 4 sum to mono if I use only input 3 and not input 4 in dual mode?</p>

                • #172729
                  Eventide Staff

                    For correct mono on Path 2, connect to input 3 and output 3 only.

                  • #172733
                    Eventide Staff

                      Run this test. In Dual mode, connect your guitar to Input 3 and connect Out 3 to one amp and Out 4 to the other amp. My favorite algorithm to test stereo is the UltraTap using the “Stutter” preset which auto pans the taps back and forth. Do you hear stereo in this simple setup?

                  • #172728
                    Eventide Staff

                      What version of the H90 software are you on? System Menu > About

                    • #172734

                        For correct mono on Path 2, connect to input 3 and output 3 only.

                        Yes, and thats what I´ve been doing since I bought the H90 like 6 months ago, set up like the pre/post amp setup in 3.7 in the user manual.

                        What I´ve been trying to do now is using both output 3 and 4 running path 2 with stereo outs via output 3 and 4, but I only get two identical mono signals from output 3 and 4 when I connect them to two amps or two channels on my DAW.



                      • #172736

                          This is my current set up:

                          Input from guitar/pedals into H90 input 1

                          H90 output 1 send to my pedalswitcher

                          From pedalswitcher into H90 input 3

                          H90 output 3 to Amp/DAW (Mono)


                          This is what I´m trying to do:

                          Input from guitar/pedals into H90 input 1

                          H90 output 1 send to my pedalswitcher

                          From pedalswitcher into H90 input 3

                          H90 output 3 to Amp/DAW Left

                          H90 output 4 to Amp/DAW Right



                          • #172737
                            Eventide Staff

                              That should work just fine. Just remember that if you’re going into a DAW, the left and right channels have to be panned hard left and hard right, respectively. But again, do the simple stereo test I outlined with your amps to double check you’re getting stereo audio out of Outs 3&4.

                          • #172739

                              Run this test. In Dual mode, connect your guitar to Input 3 and connect Out 3 to one amp and Out 4 to the other amp. My favorite algorithm to test stereo is the UltraTap using the “Stutter” preset which auto pans the taps back and forth. Do you hear stereo in this simple setup?

                              OK when running the guitar into input 3 with the stutter preset (and other presets) I get stereo out from out 3 and 4 – and when I go back to my previous setup with guitar/pedals into input 1 and return from the switcher into input 3 – I got stereo out from out 3 and 4. For some reason my set up now works just fine!

                              Thanks for all the help!

                            • #172740
                              Eventide Staff

                                Thrilled you figure it out. Thanks for reporting back. Who knows. Sometimes it could have been a cable not plugged in all the way or whatever, but I’m happy it’s working great now.

                              • #186993

                                  Hello, there I would like to run my h90 in stereo mode.

                                  Here’s my setup ;

                                  Guitar – Od – H90 out 1 and 2 to Strymon L/R BlueSky and then Strymon Iridium L/R
                                  H90 Out 3 to Timefactor and ModFactor that goes to H90 IN3.
                                  Is it correct to have the Iridium in stereo mode?

                                  Thank you very much

                                  • #187015
                                    Eventide Staff

                                      If I understand your signal flow, you want the TimeFactor and the Modfactor in the insert of the H90, correct? If you want the TimeFactor and ModFactor to produce stereo audio, you need to make sure you’re using a stereo insert, not a mono insert. Go out of Outs 3&4 into ModFactor in stereo, then out of TimeFactor to H90 IN 3&4. The signal sent to the Strymons will be stereo all the way.

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