H90 with Boss ES-8

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    • #168144

      I am looking for a little advice in order to maximise the potential of my new H90.

      I use my Boss ES-8 in 4cm and want to connect my H90 to the stereo loops (#7 &8) in dual mode, enabling me to place each effect anywhere in the signal chain according to preset.

      I’m not sure if this is the best way to do this. The ES-8 is the rig controller with midi and control change functions.

      Also if using an H9 as well, where would you put it?

      Finally, if only using a mono rig, would you connect the H90 and H9 in mono loops?

      Cheers in advance,


    • #168177
      Eventide Staff

      Using Dual Mode on the H90 would allow for any combination of presets on either loop 7 or 8, so that is definitely a good option.

      If you have another loop free on your ES-8, I would set it up in it’s own loop. If your rig is mono, then you should make all of your H90/H9 connections in mono.

    • #168608

      I have just received my H90. I am already thrilled with it and have enabled Dual Routing for use with my trusty Boss ES-8.

      I have ES-8 Loop 7 pre Volume loop using In/Out 1 of the H90

      I have ES-8 Loop 8 post Volume loop using In/Out 3 of the H90

      Initial problem is that none of the factory presets are set up this way so all effects are coming out through Loop 7 (before gain stages of the amp and the last thing I want as the default).

      The Quick Reference Guide states “H90 has a complete set of alternate Program Lists with Dual Routing”.

      Does anyone know how I access this alternate list so I can quickly familiarise myself with the sounds?


      • #168609
        Eventide Staff

        Enabling Dual Mode will automatically change the available lists you can use. By default, the User 1 list will have all of the Presets on Path 1. You can press the Routing button to change which path the presets are on.

        If you press the Programs button and select the Pre-Post or Bass list, these Programs will have one Preset on either path.

    • #168610

      Thanks tbskoglund. Maybe it needs to reboot. I’ll try again.

      The be clear I want to set up 3 types of program

      1 Both presets on Loop 7
      2 One Preset in Loop 7 and one Preset in Loop 8|
      3 Both Presets in Loop 8

      Can I do this? If so where do I go to drop the presets into the desired route? I looked in H90 control in Edit>Routing/Inserts and can only see how to set Series or Parallel.

      I’m hoping this exercise will help others in the future.

      • #168614
        Eventide Staff

        Yes, the presets can be placed anywhere on either path.

        If your pedal is in dual mode, when you click the “Routing” tab in H90 Control, there are 5 options which allow you to put the presets on different paths.

    • #168611

      Just use 2 loops for the H90. You can put them in any order with the ES-8. Put it in dual mode and you’re good to go.

      Also, put the H9 in another loop. You can put it and the H90 before or after the amp FX loop with the ES-8

    • #168612

      So the presets automatically split across the 2 loops? That isn’t happening with the factory programs.

    • #168613

      Also I have been in System and the Playlists available are User 1, 2, 3 and 4

    • #168615
      Eventide Staff

      The presets will not automatically be on separate paths. You’ll need to configure this from the routing menu.

      In H90 Control, click the Programs tab and then click the List tab in the upper left corner. There is a Factory Bass list and Factory Pre-Post list. These cannot be chosen as your playlist, but these offer Programs with one Preset on either path.

    • #168620

      Thanks for the explanation. I found the lists, enabled the programs, saw the pre/post setting. For some reason the pre and post part is all output as pre. I’ll figure it out eventually.

    • #168622

      OK all working fine now. Finally got all of the ducks in a row. Thanks for your help. This beast is going to be well worth the wait 🙂

      • #168623
        Eventide Staff

        Glad to hear you got it sorted!

    • #168636

      @rograt. What did you do to rectify the issue?

    • #168637

      I just got everything right. By the time I had all the settings right I had also turned off the amps effect loop on its footswitch – that’s what feeds loop 8 / path 2. So just before it worked I actually lost Path 2!

      I also realised that User List 1 can be modified and took very little time to set 100 x program routings. The good thing is that some I left, some I split and some moved completely to the other path. I’m now enjoying tweaking the programs to learn the sounds before creating my own list.

      There are some challenges further down the line. I like to change things on the fly and I realise that a footswitch for each path doesn’t help when both presets are in the same path. Switching on/off of presets will have to be done another way. Maybe using the 3 way switch I used with the Pitchfactor.

      I’m using a MIDI Maestro to do the program selection (the ES-8 has enough to do) so this will be an amazing set up.

      • #168640
        Eventide Staff

        Just to clarify, the A/B footswitches will always bypass/enable that preset, regardless of which path the preset is on.

    • #168644

      Thanks for the clarification. I’m learning the distinction between these and the push LED buttons. I’ve had the user manual for months but nothing beats actually doing it!

    • #179936

      I am just getting started with midi.  I have the Boss ES8 and the H90.  What I want to do for now is very simple.  I want to:

      Create patches on the H90 (Check)

      Be able to send a midi message from the ES8 to turn on multiple effects (Check)

      One of those effects will be a certain preset that I created on the H90 – NOPE!  I can’t seem to figure out how to do this.  I am sure it is very simple.  I’ve watched about two hours of videos and they all seem to ‘skip’ over this in favour of more complex things (like those in the start of this thread).

      Is there some setting I need to use on the ES8 to ‘talk’ to the h90?

      I’m willing to learn if someone can direct me to a document to read or a video to watch.

      I think I am doing everything right on the ES8 but it does not seem to call up anything on the h90…



      • #179939
        Eventide Staff


        Sorry it is not quite clear what you are asking. It sounds like you have figured out how to connect the ES8 to the H90 via MIDI.

        If you send a Program Change (PC) message to the H90, that will load one of the Programs from your current list of 99 Programs. A Program contains 2 Presets.

        You cannot send a MIDI message that will change one of the 2 presets within a Program, you must send a PC message to load a specific Program from your list.

        For example, create a Program that includes 2 Presets you like on list slot number 5 of the H90. When your send PC 5 from your MIDI controller, it will load that Program.

        Does that answer your question?

    • #179945

      I don’t think they are talking….  I went into the h90 and selected midi channel 1.  Then I told the boss to send on Channel 1…. is that it?  Because that doesn’t seem to do it.

      I was using CC though, so I will try PC tonight.

      So… If I select it to send on channel 1 and select PC5 it should turn on preset 5 and if the next patch I set up sends on channel 1 and selects PC8 the H90 should switch to preset 8?

      That’s what I am hoping for.

      Also, as long as I have the h90 on User2 when I start (that’s where my presets are saved), it should automatically select from there instead of user 1, etc?

      Thanks in advance


      • #179946
        Eventide Staff

        Yes, all that is correct. On the H90, go to System > MIDI > PC Offset, and set this to 1. This will make your PC numbers line up. If the channels on both devices are set to 1, you should be all set. The H90 will load the Programs from the currently selected list.

        Let me know if this works.

    • #179981

      Worked like a charm!  Thank you!  The Offset was the key.  I can’t wait to dig deeper into this unit.  I will have harder questions next time lol

    • #185929

      Glad to hear it worked out.

      I have though a question for you guys.

      I’m trying to change via ES8 a sound, actually a user list in the H90 if that is possible at all.

      What I mean is for example: Having a sound 96 from User 1 in my H90. I get this sound always when I press for example Bank 01-Patch 02.

      So is there a way to get the ES8 to change via Midi the user list in the H90, so that I would hit Bank 01-Patch 03 and get lets say, Sound 14 of User 2 from the H90.

      When I tried this, it always change the sound within the User list I’m usig. If I’m in user 1 it would give me the sound 14 I have in the User 1, not the one I saved in position 14 User 2.

      Hope anybody can understand what I’m trying to say, it sounds confusing to me hahaha.



    • #185930
      Eventide Staff

      I understand what you are requesting. Sorry, but there is no way to change a user list with a MIDI command. You must use the global settings or H90 Control to change the user list, then you can select from the 99 Programs using PC messages.

      • #185938

        Ok, that is what I was fearing 🙁

        Thank you for the prompt respond.

        I’ll create a new user list with all I need on it. Work harder, have better results 😉


    • #188593


      another question.

      i want to be able to put my eventide H90 either in front of the amp or in the fx loop of the amp.
      Can i do this in the simple way?
      I put one input/output of the eventide H90 in one Loop of the Boss ES-8. The other input/output of the eventide H90 in another loop that goes into the fx Loop of the amp.

      Is it that simple?

      thank you.

    • #188601

      Yes…. as long as you have the amp and ES-8 in 4CM, where effectively the amps preamp is also in an ES-8 loop. You can then rearrange the location of the 2 H90 loops at will per preset.

    • #188602

      Thank you.

      I would have done it like that:

      Input 1 from Eventide into SEND 1 from Boss ES-8
      Output 1 from Eventide into RETURN 1 from Boss ES-8

      Input 2 from Eventide into SEND 2 from Boss ES-8
      Output 2 from Eventide into FX SEND from the Amp. FX RETURN from the amp into RETURN 2 from the Boss ES-8

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