H90 with Line 6 Helix floor

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    • #177537

        Hi guys, I am waiting to get.my H90 today or tomorow, can’t wait !

        How would I hook it up to my Line 6 Helix and set the in/out levels ?

        Do I need 4 cable or 2 cable is enough?

        Tanks !

      • #177543
        Eventide Staff

          Congratulations on the new H90! There are many ways you can set things up, depending on what you want to accomplish.

          I would start simple, put the H90 either before or after the Helix (stereo or mono depending on your setup) so you can get an idea of what effects you like on the H90 and how it works.

          You could also use Dual Mode on the H90, using the send/return paths from the Helix to have two different effects paths: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.7.1/content/edit-modes/routing.html#dual-routing

          Or you could do a pre/post 4CM setup: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.7.1/content/setup/pre-post.html

          There are many variations on how these devices can work together. If you have something specific that you’d like to accomplish, I can recommend more specific instructions. Start simple and try not to overthink things.

          I would highly suggest watching our tutorials in the meantime: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhT2MsSeKiDy8WEtcIYqmvOVaKCe-bEdf

        • #177563

            Lets say I will replace my Boss RV-500 that is connected in my helix loop in stereo mode (2 in/2 outs) can I connect the H90 the exact same way ? And will I have to change default settings in the H90 ?

          • #177567
            Eventide Staff

              Yes. Connect the 2 sends from the Helix to H90 inputs 1-2. Connect H90 outputs 1-2 to the 2 returns on the Helix.

              Set the H90 input/output level for 1-2 to line level. https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.7.1/content/system-menu/io.html

              You should be all set.

            • #177568

                Tanks for the info, I will receive the H90 this afternoon,  this is goin to be a long day 😂

              • #178461

                  stupid question here, you say to set the H90 i/o to Line level, does that mean that in my Helix settings I sould also be in Line level ?   and what would be the difference if I set everything H90 and Helix to Instrument instead of Line ?

                  • #178465
                    Eventide Staff

                      Yes, both devices should be set to line level. Alternatively, you could set both devices to operate at instrument level. It shouldn’t make much of a difference, just make sure both devices match.

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