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June 4, 2020 at 6:03 pm #116175
H9000 1.2.4 Public Beta
To all H9000 owners,
We are happy to announce that the H9000 1.2.4 beta is now officially available to the public. The 1.2.4 software update introduces many new features and a couple new algorithms to the H9000 and Emote.
New Algorithms for the H9000:
1.) TriceraChorus– TriceraChorus is inspired by classic bucket brigade delay tri-choruses and choruses used both live and in the studio. TriceraChorus has three chorus voices: Left (L), Center (C), and Right (R). Each voice uses a dedicated LFO to modulate a delay at the frequency set by the RATE knob. The modulated signals for the Left and Right voices are -120 and 120 degrees out of phase relative to the Center modulation signal. The combination of the three modulated delays creates lush chorus sounds.
2.) Harmadillo – Harmadillo is a flexible harmonic tremolo, offering everything from soulful lush tremolos to psychedelic mind-bending weirdness.
New Features for the H9000 and Emote for 1.2.4:
1.) Bypass Tails – You can specify a bypass mode on each individual algorithm and FX chain that determines whether the effect tails are audible after bypass is engaged.
2.) MIDI Controller Feedback- MIDI Controller feedback sends control change messages to the MIDI outputs so that controllers with LEDs or motorized faders can be kept in sync with the mapped parameters on the H9000. This is configured in SETUP mode, on the MIDI page. There are 3 switches that enable/disable MIDI feedback for DIN, USB Controllers (any controllers plugged into the front or rear panel USB A ports) and DAW (a computer plugged into the rear panel USB B port). When the H9000 receives a MIDI Reset message (status byte 0xFF), all mapped controller values will be sent to the appropriate MIDI outputs. These values are also sent when loading presets, scenes, and on system startup.
3.) Per-Page Randomization of Parameters – We have tamed the randomization feature to make it more useful. It will now only affect the parameters on the currently displayed page, and will not affect the General parameters (in/out gains, mute, bypass etc).
4.) Right Click to Expose Info – We realize that hovering over some algorithms would open up a giant window (for the algorithm description) which got in the way. In this build, you can right click on an algorithm in the browser while on the ‘Algorithms’ page and open up a separate window for the algorithm information that is much less intrusive.
5.). Pro Tools HD Expansion card support – This release includes support for the forthcoming ProTools HD Expansion card.
The 1.2.4 public beta release also introduces numerous bug fixes and optimizations for the H9000.
H9000 Bug Fixes 1.2.4
1.) Occasional click in some digital audio modes- We have found and fixed a low level issue that was causing occasional clicks in the audio output from the DSPs.
2.) The front panel UI can become slow to respond – We have fixed a couple of cases where the front panel UI can slow down when processing a large number of events.
3.) c_graph module offset control wasn't working – We fixed a problem with the c_graph module.
4.) front panel brightness control optimized – We improved the resolution and the taper of the screen brightness controls especially at darker settings
Since this update is still in Beta, all participants might run into a few bugs which you can report here on this thread or directly to us.
Known issues in 1.2.4[7]
1.) Harmadillo gain staging needs some adjustments.
- We suggest adjusting the gain on this algorithm like so:
- (-12dB) on the Input
- (+12dB) on the Ouput
2.) Keyboard shortcuts do not work in plugin version of Emote.
You should see this software release in your software updates window in Setup or in the devices page in Emote. You will also need to install the correct version of Emote available here:
Emote 1.2.4[7] installers:
Emote 1.2.4[7] macOS: https://share.eventide.com/wl/?id=y8nWcan49pTtsDE3WUDntPiL1PTtEUWP
Emote 1.2.4[7]windows: https://share.eventide.com/wl/?id=eWsmpOO6uKmzfQ5mHKQUip4OzAjF7i68
please contact me directly at pflores@eventide.com if you are running into any issues with getting this software up and running.
Thank you so much for being a part of the Eventide family and happy beta!
Patrick Flores
Eventide Audio
- We suggest adjusting the gain on this algorithm like so:
June 5, 2020 at 10:15 pm #155015
ParticipantThanks for this. I noticed one issue, but it could be pre-existing. I cannot save Direct I/O as an FX Chain – either in Emote or from the front panel of the H9000. That would be useful, especially since it is so tedious to setup multiple routes one I/O at a time. In my case, I’d like to use the Dante and MADI cards as a digital router, and have those routes always available – no matter what session I have open. I still have plenty of I/O (analog and AES) for algorithm I/O.
Now, if you make it so I can grab 24 Dante channels and route to 24 MADI channels in one action, I don’t need to be able to save it as its own loadable entity. I’m going to keep asking for better multichannel I/O routing in all areas until it happens.
June 15, 2020 at 8:26 pm #155152
ParticipantAh nice to see a triple chorus ALG, I was really wanting one of those, so thanks for that!
Although if you want to hear the best digital triple bbd solina type ensemble effect, check out the donation ware Buckets for the Korg minilogue XD, its incredible
June 15, 2020 at 11:40 pm #155154
ParticipantIve had it crash and restart itself quite a few times in the first 30 mins, last one was just when i was in the scenes menu.
June 16, 2020 at 12:46 am #155155
ParticipantChanging scenes with program changes is crashing the H9k, sometimes it works but take forever to switch, then it crashes, then wait a long time to reboot and then another crash ..really incredble potential to this machine but its just so slow, sluggish and extremely buggy, nevermind the price..I’m beginning to think its not worth the hassle, I meanm I got it for live but I can’t even get it working even close reliably in the studio, imgagine taking that to a gig, oh sorry can you wait 10 minutes for my h9k to bootup…hmm
June 16, 2020 at 1:14 am #155156
ParticipantH9k keeps crashing when I’m changing scenes with PGM changes /capturing scenes also.
Even if I only have 3 or 4 scenes in a map the H9k takes like 30 seconds to scroll up one thing in the list then won’t stop scrolling, then have to wait like half a minute to move one more position in the list, then it will crash…then repeat..losing the will to live here..
June 16, 2020 at 2:30 pm #155160
ParticipantThis ended the random (but few) digital pops I was getting.
June 17, 2020 at 3:24 pm #155165
ParticipantSorry if this is a dumb question, but is this update also for the H9000k? The version that came with my box is much older than this and doesn’t give me an option to update to this firmware.
June 18, 2020 at 1:00 am #155178
ParticipantSorry, I have looked in the forum but I don’t see a fix for what is happening when I try and update my H9000R. Anyone have this happen to them or know the workaround? I am on Windows 10, run Emote as an administrator. Emote just crashes and dissapears when I hit the update button. Thanks in advance.
June 18, 2020 at 5:54 pm #155185
Hey pombero,
I'm looking into this right now. Could you reach out to me so we can work this out? A video of you crashing Emote would be very useful, if possible. I may have an idea of what the issue is.
June 19, 2020 at 11:54 pm #155188
ParticipantWorkaround for the update crash. When you click the update button DO NOT move your mouse until the available updates appear.
June 20, 2020 at 7:24 am #155189
ParticipantI, i had the exact same problem with Emote and the update to 1.2.4
I tried both on OSX and PC, tried wireless or cabled options and even a virtual Win10 through parallels.
All option lead to the same crash of Emote after downloading the update (Progresss bar finishes, then it diapperears)
I sent all bug reports to Apple, but i can also send one in here if you like.
But in the end i updated the H9000 from the hardware unit itself and it worked right away.
So, until this is fixed, i suggest you just use the front panel interface ( H9000R not 🙁 ) and innitiate the update there.
Also, why a new Emote can not update and older H9000 is beyond me.
That should be changed…for real
June 24, 2020 at 12:55 pm #155208
ParticipantPops have stopped, thanks!
I get H9k crashing or going unsuably slow when Im sedning PGM changes to change scenes via MIDI, while H9k is connected to Mac osx Emote via ethernet.
So now not only does Emote work really slowly in the parameter pages but the H9k goes even slower moving around the scenes page..time is slowing down!
July 2, 2020 at 5:32 am #155285
ParticipantEmote 1.2.4 do not load the FX chains name…get stuck with the same name always
July 3, 2020 at 5:10 am #155299
MemberNot only the name of FX Chains, even of the sessions. Almost each time after loading a cubase project the names of the session get lost and the names of any other sessions stored in the H9000 will dislayed. But this not owing to the new update, it was before too. Beyond that the connection get lost if the GUI is open.
July 23, 2020 at 6:44 pm #155395
Participanti emailed yesterday morning as my h9000r/emote are currently not working because tehre doesn’t seem to be any “update” buttons or anything to click…..
just seeing if you received the email as i have been having some email problems lately.
thank you!
July 23, 2020 at 10:19 pm #155397
Hey Taylor,
I'm assuming you were using H9000 and Emote versions 1.1, and just updated Emote to a 1.2 version. To resolve this you'll have to downgrade Emote back to the version you were using before, and upgrade the H9000 first. After that, you can install the latest Emote and it should be compatible. Pat's out for a few days, which is probably why you haven't heard back.
July 24, 2020 at 2:40 pm #155403
If you didn't already find them, Emote 1.1.5 installers can be found here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/support/product/9106/installers
July 24, 2020 at 2:44 pm #155404
ParticipantMay i suggest instead of downgrading your Emote you try to upgrade your H9000 from its frontpanel.
I was in the same catch 22 sitiation .
Mine was crashign like 9 times before i gave up and look into the menu…
Go into the system on the H9000, make sure you have it connected to internet of course.
There you will find an update button and you can navigate to the latest beta which works fine with the latest Emote
I think it shoud be rectified by Emote allowing for updates of the H9000 regardless of either version.
July 28, 2020 at 4:16 am #155420
ParticipantHey guys,happy to be in the H9000 club!!Here is what I got at the moment.The emote is crashing Cubase. I am not sure which version emote should be installed. I originally installed Version: 1.1.5[2] but I was having issues (I think connectivity issues) so I went and installedVersion: 1.2.2[4]h9000 for mac and it seemed to be working fine until tonight when Cubase started crashing when opening the session that had an instance of emote happening in it.So I proceeded to see if there was an update for emote and found 1.2.4(7)(0021ed6e1) and I installed it. Now the emote will not communicate with the h9000r and I can’t seem to uninstall that revision to go back to 1.1.5(2). Everytime I uninstall all the emote components then reinstall 1.1.5(2) emote still shows up as 1.2.4(7). I did hook up an ethernet cable and word clock today.Anyway at the moment I dont have the unit operating.Any suggestions?Thanks vm,Stephen DeAcutis -
July 28, 2020 at 1:07 pm #155421
ParticipantRun the updater from the front panel if you have a normal H9000.
That will reconnect it to the latest Emote.
They need to be in sync to work as they should.
Rolling back one or the other can cause problems.
July 28, 2020 at 2:05 pm #155422
ParticipantI have an H9000R so I cant update from the from panel as far as I know!!
Thanks for the reply
July 28, 2020 at 4:14 pm #155426
For future readers: Stephen and I were able to work this out over email. Mainly, the key is to ensure that your emote version matches your H9000 version. If you have an H9000R, you must update your H9000R through Emote before updating Emote itself.
Another thing to note is that your Emote version number can be found by hovering your mouse cursor over the Eventide logo in the bottom right hand corner of Emote. The version number next to "Software Version" in the H9000 info panel is not your Emote version, but your H9000 version.
Thanks Stephen for helping to work through this!
July 30, 2020 at 11:41 pm #155438
ParticipantI just updated both the H9000 and Emote to version 1.2.4[7], but now Emote just says “Connecting” with the spinning E symbol, and nothing happens. I tried to turn off Auto Connect so I could manually enter the IP but it won’t turn off, and if I quit and restart it comes up again with Auto Connect turned on so I’m stuck in this endless loop of “Connecting.” What do I do about this?
July 31, 2020 at 8:20 pm #155446
Hey dforman,
Sorry to hear about that – I can shoot an email to your registered email address so we can work this out.
August 6, 2020 at 6:43 pm #155490
Participantfloresp640 wrote:Emote 1.2.4[7] installers:
Emote 1.2.4[7] macOS: https://share.eventide.com/wl/?id=y8nWcan49pTtsDE3WUDntPiL1PTtEUWP
Emote 1.2.4[7]windows: https://share.eventide.com/wl/?id=eWsmpOO6uKmzfQ5mHKQUip4OzAjF7i68
HELP, the link to Emote 1.2.4(7) doesnt work anymore!
I had hoped for a smooth update this time, but unfortunately not again…
Can anyone point me in the right direction where i may get the correct Emote installers asap?
August 6, 2020 at 7:28 pm #155491
ParticipantI can’t seem to download the emote beta macOS installer. Does anyone here have it that could share it with me? I mistakenly updated the h9000 w/o doing the software as well.
August 6, 2020 at 9:08 pm #155493
Sorry all – these download issues are due to power outages from the recent storms. The links should be back up as of this writing.
August 26, 2020 at 5:51 am #155623
ParticipantIs the Tricerachorus super buzzy and digitally distorted for anyone else?
Harmadillo and any other algos are fine but I get harsh digital distortion when I go to use Tricerachorus. Is it not 96k? I dont get a sample rate mismatch when I load it.
Also, I dont know if it’s always been this way as ive only recently tried it but i cant seem to use all four of my fxchains at the same time. I can set it up and pull algos in and out but no matter how i set it up audio wont pass. Regardless of I/O selected, the first three will pass and effect audio but when i try to send audio to the fourth chain it is silent in and out no matter when i send to it if i have three other chains going at the same time. I tried even with one algo on each of the other chains and it still wont pass audio or even show audio on the 4th. Is this normal?
August 27, 2020 at 6:28 am #155632
ParticipantWell Im pleased and slightly bewildered to say that i could not recreate the problem with the fx chains tonight. I started with the same stereo source through to four sets of different dante channels then put different sources through each channel then finally reloaded my cubase project with the send/returns setup and everything just worked. Effected audio in out and back with bouncing levels on all four fx chains simultaneously.
I also got excited when even tricerachorus worked, for maybe a minute, until it descended into the digital buzz of last night. So maybe it just doesnt like running at 96k for now. All other effects remain fine.
Should i ever be able to recreate that fx chains issue i will make sure to forward the session along but yes tricerachorus still doesnt seem to be happy at 96k for me.
September 4, 2020 at 11:11 pm #155710
ParticipantJust got my H9000R – and updated to 1.2.4[7].
How to access the randomization feature in Emote ?
September 16, 2020 at 3:37 pm #155833
Hi 2mmi,
Apologies for the late reply. Unfortunately parameter randomization is not currently available in Emote. However, I've added a ticket in our system and we hope to implement this in a future release.
September 17, 2020 at 9:46 pm #155849
ParticipantVarious “default preset” bugs:
LFO bug (running at 300hz)6516546556561052Very loud sinus tone. Not nice :5815 Jettison
Next beta ?.. when when when when, can’ t wait
September 25, 2020 at 5:58 am #155896
ParticipantJust bought an H9000 and it came with the latest non-beta firmware installed. Do you folks recommend sticking with that version or installing the beta? Already experiencing some bugs, so curious which will give me a smoother onboarding experience while I learn my way around the unit.
September 28, 2020 at 2:44 am #155917
Relatively new owner of an H9000, replacing my H8000FW and Eclipse (which in turn replaced a DSP7000). I’m having some trouble with Emote 1.2.4[7] and the H9000 1.2.4 beta release and thought I should report what I’m encountering. I’m on Windows 10 x64 and Cubase 10.5. My PC is connected to the H9000 with an Ethernet cable; audio connection is ADAT to my RME Fireface UFX II.
The standalone version of Emote frequently crashes shortly after launch. I see the “Status: Connecting…” text and then the entire application window closes. Sometimes trying again helps, sometimes I have to reboot everything. During times that I can’t get Emote to connect, I can get Vsig to connect, so I believe the issue is not with the network connection but with Emote.New problem that happened as I was writing these notes: after successfully connecting and making some edits with the standalone version, I closed that app and added the VST back to my Cubase session. (I had previously deleted it from the Cubase track to test whether another problem described below exists in the standalone version.) Emote crashed while attempting to connect and took all of Cubase down with it. Now I can’t reopen that session without crashing Cubase; I worked around the problem by using Cubase’s option to temporarily deactivate all 3rd-party plugins and then deleting Emote from the session.The VST version has a problem with mouse tracking while making connections. When I make a connection between physical channels and algorithm connection points, the mouse-up event after making the connection to the destination point is lost, and the connection “wire” and connection point remain illuminated. In other words, Emote gets stuck in the connection-making mode. I have to click on a window other than any of Cubase’s windows to escape this mode; when I then change back to Cubase Emote and everything else respond normally to mouse gestures. This problem does not happen in the standalone version of Cubase.Changing Sessions within Emote frequently crashes the app. If I change the Session with the H9000 front panel, Emote correctly updates and does not crash.I’m happy to help by providing additional info, doing tests, etc. Thanks for your attention.–Adam -
September 28, 2020 at 3:01 am #155918
ParticipantCorrection to my previous post; hopefully the moderators will see this first: When I said “This problem does not happen in the standalone version of Cubase”, what I actually meant was “This problem does not happen in the standalone version of Emote.” Sorry for any confusion.
September 29, 2020 at 4:31 am #155926
ParticipantAny word from Eventide about when we might expect a new update? The laggy Emote on MacOSX is driving me a little crazy!
October 15, 2020 at 5:25 pm #156025
H9000 1.2.4 Public Beta
To all H9000 owners,
We are happy to announce that the H9000 1.3.0 beta is now officially available to the public. The 1.3.0 builds on the improvements from 1.2.4 public beta on both the H9000 and Emote.
Here are some changes to the H9000 (since 1.2.4)
– Fixed a problem with MIDINOTE module
– Fixed a networking issue
– Fixed an issue with one of the Dynaverb parameters
– Fix a rare audio sync problem
– Make presets for distortion algs remember the Nominal Gain value– Update all factory session presets, fixing fx chain names, routing problems, and session names
– Restrict tricerachorus at high sample ratesPTHD Expansion Card Beta Fixes– Fix ProTools HD at 88.2/96k– Fix some problems with ProTools HD card syncing to session clockYou should see this software release in your software updates window in Setup or in the devices page in Emote.Here are some changes to Emote (Since 1.2.4)– Improve the look and feel of Emote, removing much visual clutter
– UI performance improvements across the board
– Improve the layout and navigation of the sessions page
– Added a visual representation of fxchain containers, and the ability to rename those containers and their fxchains independently
– Changed resizing behavior to behave more naturally, and added independent zoom control
– Make plugin versions resizable
– Many various bug fixes and quality-of-life improvementsEmote 1.3.0[11]
OSX: https://etide.io/ZSw3w
Windows: https://etide.io/fDbuTplease contact me directly at pflores@eventide.com if you are running into any issues with getting this software up and running.
Thank you so much for being a part of the Eventide family and happy beta!
Patrick Flores
Eventide Audio
October 15, 2020 at 5:41 pm #156026
ParticipantSo, just to confirm, with 1.3.0 Tricerachorus will be limited at 48k and now restrict anything above?
Good to know ultimately but hopefully that algo and other algos that only run at 48k will be able to run at 96k in time.
A lot of the other improvements look fantastic. Can’t wait to try them out and thanks for working to keep making the product better.
October 16, 2020 at 5:19 am #156035
ParticipantThe VST is freezing the Studio One GUI when selecting the FX Chain tab. The standalone is fine.
October 17, 2020 at 11:21 am #156051
ParticipantGreat work on the improvements. Especially naming FX chain slots in Emote.
October 18, 2020 at 7:11 pm #156057
ParticipantI installed the 1.3 beta and now I cannot connect to the unit.
Not totally surprised but alas, could use some help?
October 18, 2020 at 7:23 pm #156060
ParticipantAnd also wanted to say that the new beta and new emote works for me. Some great improvements! Thanks!
October 18, 2020 at 7:44 pm #156061
ParticipantI connect via Ethernet. Can’t make it work. Went back to official v 1.22 and it’s fine. I guess I’ll skip this beta…
This is exhausting
October 18, 2020 at 11:08 pm #156063
ParticipantI have a suggestion for the system….and it might alleviate some confusion.
Maybe make the clear delineation between H9000 FIRMWARE….and EMOTE SOFTWARE. It seems a little fuzzy…especially since the H9000 FIRMWARE can be updated from the EMOTE SOFTWARE…..BUT>….the EMOTE SOFTWARE must be updated independently////and AFTER the H9000 FIRMWARE has been updated.
See what I mean? Either make it so both the controller software AND the Firmware are updated SIMULTANEOUSLY from INSIDE Emote….or make it clear that EMOTE is the software….and the FIRMWARE for the H9000 is different. It might also be helpful to put a popup that checks for Firmware / EMOTE mismatch…and says, “I see you have Firmware 1.3 installed in your H9000….but this EMOTE software is not compatible. Would you like to update your EMOTE software to be compatible with Firmware 1.3?”
THAT…would turn this whole thing into a no-brainer in my humble opinion.
That’s all I have to say about that. 🙂
October 19, 2020 at 12:47 pm #156066
ParticipantI’m with Kamurah and Joey … thankfully I read this thread first …
1) Downloaded Emote Updater,
2) Ran Emote (existing), updated hardware there,
3) Ran Emote updater whilst hardware re-booting,
4) Opened up new Emote to confirm new hardware.
All works fine … but clear instructions like this, and cautions within, would be really sensible …
October 19, 2020 at 1:04 pm #156067
ParticipantMaybe the Sticky title needs updating for the latest?
New Sessions view is definitely improved!
Reading this thread, clearer updating instructions (Hardware via old Emote, then update Emote? Worked for me …) could be good …
October 19, 2020 at 4:17 pm #156069
ParticipantI don’t know if this is a software bug…or user error…so forgive me if this is something I am doing wrong.
If I open up the Meter Bridge option (under Window at top of Emote), there are always two channels (6 +7) that are showing full-scale signal. It does not matter if I move the selection to a different set of Inputs or Outputs…those two channels are full-scale.
Also…in the other thread on H9000 heat, it was mentioned that Beta 1.3 would have a way to monitor DSP thermals. I do not see an option for this anywhere. Was this included?
October 19, 2020 at 4:22 pm #156070
ParticipantNevermind….it must have been a glitch. I re-opened Emote and the channels were ‘unstuck’. Don’t know what happened. I will watch and see if I can reproduce.
Still interested in the thermal readouts though.
October 19, 2020 at 6:38 pm #156077
ParticipantAh…I see them now. I thought those were DSP revisions or serials or something. Thanks!
October 19, 2020 at 7:34 pm #156079
Participant@studionebula: I use a H9000R so no front panel. So i don’t think I could update the firmware as you describe. I must do it from Emote.
I downgraded my Emote to the last working version, so once I’m home tonight, I’ll try updating the firmware from there, then upgade Emote to 1.3 as explained above.
October 19, 2020 at 11:51 pm #156081
ParticipantI am running software version 1.2.2[3] (30dd4771e0 and it correctly connects to my H9000R via Ethernet.
I was told that i need to upgrade the H9000R firmware from Emote. In Emote, I clicked on the “UPDATES” button from the Devices tab, at which point snothing happens.
The square box under “Software Update” is empty.
So I have no idea how to first update the firmware of the H9000R from Emote.
I hate to say this, but this should just work, period. it is exhausting to fight just to get the unit to be able to get upgrades.
You guys REALLY need to improve this, it is almost a show stopper for outsiders to the Eventide family.
Meanwhile, I have no idea what to do next…
October 20, 2020 at 12:54 am #156082
John Baylies
ParticipantJ20056, if your H9000R is connected directly to your computer via ethernet then Emote will be able to connect to the H9000 but it will not be able to connect to the internet to receive updates. The H9000R has to be connected to your Local Area Network via ethernet or wifi in order for it to be able to receive updates from the internet.
October 20, 2020 at 1:56 am #156083
ParticipantI re-read the wireless install addendum for the H9000R but I literally cannot get my unit to work wirelessly any more. It simply will not connect.
It simply is exhausting to try an upgrade an H9000R.
I simply no longer know what to do.
October 20, 2020 at 3:18 am #156085
ParticipantUpdated my H9000 today to bring it current with Emote. Ok just so I’m clear, both Emote AND H9000 releases will be independent from one another and not necessarily in tandem?
October 20, 2020 at 4:16 pm #156089
ParticipantI updated my H9000R to the latest Firmware and Emote (1.3) last night….everything worked well and seemed stable.
This morning, I booted up the computer and the H9000 and cannot get them to connect via Wifi….at all.
I restarted the H9000R as an access point, connected to it, switched over to my main Wifi per the instructions. But after switching the H9000 to my local Wifi….Emote will not connect. I flushed DNS cache. I rebooted. I re-installed Emote. I reset my Wifi access points and rebooted my router. Nothing but the spinning ‘e’ if I launch Emote.
Not sure what else to try. I may have to go back to an earlier version if I cannot get them to connect. Suggestions?
October 20, 2020 at 6:43 pm #156092
ParticipantI tried to roll back to the last firmware / emote (1.2.4(7)). Same situation. I am able to connect directly with the unit holding the “network” button on startup. It creates it’s WIFI access. I connect to it directly and then open Emote. Emote is able to see the unit. I am able to initiate the handshake between the H900R and my network. It connects to my network. I quit Emote, and re-connect to my network. I re-open Emote…..and nothing…..spinning ‘e’ forever. It just will not connect. I have flushed DNS cache several times. Restarted both machines. Zapped PRAM on my Mac. Re-installed Emote software. Help!
October 20, 2020 at 7:29 pm #156094
ParticipantInteresting. I suspect this is the same issue with me as I did try to do as above via Wi-Fi. I prefer the Ethernet solution we discussed by email but I’m pretty sure this is why.
October 20, 2020 at 9:10 pm #156097
ParticipantI figured out that the Library was hidden. Deleted the file you suggested. Still no connection. I am at a loss. Any other suggestions? I will try anything!
October 20, 2020 at 10:22 pm #156098
ParticipantI’m good now thanks to help from David Baylies. I connected the H9000R to my macPro via Ethernet, then Shared the internet connection in MacOS and was able to first upgrade the hardware. Then I upgraded the software and all is good.
October 21, 2020 at 7:08 pm #156107
Good to hear, on both accounts! Nevertheless, we'll continue working to streamline the connectivity and update process.
October 22, 2020 at 4:19 pm #156123
John Baylies
Participantthe thermal readouts in the image you posted are 48.7c, 47.0c, 46.8c, and 46.6c.
November 2, 2020 at 4:33 am #156202
ParticipantTrying to install new updates on this H9000R lemon. No firmware updates available. I’ve tried to install Emote 1.3, but it says I’m only on version 1.2.2 after installing the update. Neither my Dante nor Pro Tools HD cards work the way they are supposed to. After pumping $7000 into this machine, I am beyond disappointed. I hate to say it, but I think I am just going to give up and return all of this to Sweetwater. This shouldn’t be on the streets if it doesn’t even work. No proper documentation anywhere doesn’t help one bit. 0/5 stars
November 2, 2020 at 2:26 pm #156204
I have gone through the same exact pains that you are going through. My advice is to email/PM Eventide privately as they are very responsive. Bottom line is that it is tricky to line up firmware and software for a H9000R, as it depends how you connect (WiFi versus Ethernet). It does work but you have to follow the steps EXACTLY. I know Eventide is working to simplify this (they did botch it indeed) and they will, so as a still tentative H9000R user myself, I’d advise to give it one more try as I suggest before returning the unit. But it will not be 100% easy for a few more weeks it seems like. I for one am still waiting for the ability to send PC MIDI signals to a R unit with no success so far, but I’m committed to the brand.
November 3, 2020 at 7:49 pm #156215
ParticipantWhere can I find the USB installer for the H9000? I found here the Emote 1.3 installer but I need to update the unit as well. Thanks!
June 15, 2020 at 8:55 pm #155153
Participantmoschops wrote:Ah nice to see a triple chorus ALG, I was really wanting one of those, so thanks for that!
Although if you want to hear the best digital triple bbd solina type ensemble effect, check out the donation ware Buckets for the Korg minilogue XD, its incredible
actually after playing more with yours is also Excellent!
June 17, 2020 at 3:48 pm #155167moschops wrote:
H9k keeps crashing when I'm changing scenes with PGM changes /capturing scenes also.
Even if I only have 3 or 4 scenes in a map the H9k takes like 30 seconds to scroll up one thing in the list then won't stop scrolling, then have to wait like half a minute to move one more position in the list, then it will crash…then repeat..losing the will to live here..
Sorry you've been having this issue — we've been attempting to reproduce this on the latest version but haven't seen any odd behavior with Scenes. If it happens repeatably, could you send the Session file that is affected to support@eventide.com with a reference to this post?
June 17, 2020 at 3:52 pm #155168Pombero wrote:Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is this update also for the H9000k? The version that came with my box is much older than this and doesn’t give me an option to update to this firmware.
Yes, the H9000 and H9000-R use identical software.
If you're updating from a 1.1 version (the version that shipped with most H9000-Rs until recently), you should still see the 1.2.4[7] version in the list of updates, but it may not display as "Public Beta" (we added this terminology in a later version). You can update your H9000-R first using the 1.1 version of Emote, and then update Emote once that completes successfully.
June 17, 2020 at 4:01 pm #155169
ParticipantPombero wrote:Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is this update also for the H9000k? The version that came with my box is much older than this and doesn’t give me an option to update to this firmware.How old is your firmware? I have an H9k and updated. Is yours online? It should just find it when you look for the update.
June 17, 2020 at 4:01 pm #155170
Participantjfirlik wrote:Pombero wrote:Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is this update also for the H9000k? The version that came with my box is much older than this and doesn’t give me an option to update to this firmware.Yes, the H9000 and H9000-R use identical software.
If you’re updating from a 1.1 version (the version that shipped with most H9000-Rs until recently), you should still see the 1.2.4[7] version in the list of updates, but it may not display as “Public Beta” (we added this terminology in a later version). You can update your H9000-R first using the 1.1 version of Emote, and then update Emote once that completes successfully.
Great, that is good to know. Unfortunately I can’t seem to update the unit. In Emote when I select “Updates” from the Devices tab emote just crashes and turns off. If I relaunch it and it does that same thing 100% of the time. Says that I am on software 1.1.5. and emote version
June 17, 2020 at 8:42 pm #155175
Participantjfirlik wrote:moschops wrote:H9k keeps crashing when I’m changing scenes with PGM changes /capturing scenes also.
Even if I only have 3 or 4 scenes in a map the H9k takes like 30 seconds to scroll up one thing in the list then won’t stop scrolling, then have to wait like half a minute to move one more position in the list, then it will crash…then repeat..losing the will to live here..
Sorry you’ve been having this issue — we’ve been attempting to reproduce this on the latest version but haven’t seen any odd behavior with Scenes. If it happens repeatably, could you send the Session file that is affected to support@eventide.com with a reference to this post?
Have you tried doing program changes while emote is connected via ethernet?
I think this is when its at its worst.
June 18, 2020 at 1:31 am #155179
ParticipantPombero wrote:Sorry, I have looked in the forum but I don’t see a fix for what is happening when I try and update my H9000R. Anyone have this happen to them or know the workaround? I am on Windows 10, run Emote as an administrator. Emote just crashes and dissapears when I hit the update button. Thanks in advance.
Check the website for the most recent Emote. Download and install from there.
June 18, 2020 at 1:35 am #155180
Participantjoeydego wrote:Pombero wrote:Sorry, I have looked in the forum but I don’t see a fix for what is happening when I try and update my H9000R. Anyone have this happen to them or know the workaround? I am on Windows 10, run Emote as an administrator. Emote just crashes and dissapears when I hit the update button. Thanks in advance.
Check the website for the most recent Emote. Download and install from there.
I had tried that already. Since it was newer than the firmware it couldn’t see the H9000R anymore. So I had to revert to the Emote version that supported the software that came with the unit. But hey, maybe it was user error. I will try it again.
July 23, 2020 at 10:13 pm #155396
Participant“not working” as in i updated emote, but now it’s not compatible nor can find the h9000 unit.. and no “update” button or anything in the emote window….
taylor12k wrote:i emailed yesterday morning as my h9000r/emote are currently not working because tehre doesn’t seem to be any “update” buttons or anything to click…..
just seeing if you received the email as i have been having some email problems lately.
thank you!
July 23, 2020 at 10:23 pm #155398
Participantexcellent.. thanks! how do i downgrade emote to 1.1? (i’ll poke around the site and see if i can find a download link..)
dbaylies wrote:Hey Taylor,
I’m assuming you were using H9000 and Emote versions 1.1, and just updated Emote to a 1.2 version. To resolve this you’ll have to downgrade Emote back to the version you were using before, and upgrade the H9000 first. After that, you can install the latest Emote and it should be compatible. Pat’s out for a few days, which is probably why you haven’t heard back.
July 24, 2020 at 2:47 pm #155405
Participantthanks, but ihave an “r” so there is no screen to access these settings.. however, i got everything to work last night after a hiccup or two.. but it seems to have worked…
ArguZ wrote:May i suggest instead of downgrading your Emote you try to upgrade your H9000 from its frontpanel.
I was in the same catch 22 sitiation .
Mine was crashign like 9 times before i gave up and look into the menu…
Go into the system on the H9000, make sure you have it connected to internet of course.
There you will find an update button and you can navigate to the latest beta which works fine with the latest Emote
I think it shoud be rectified by Emote allowing for updates of the H9000 regardless of either version.
August 26, 2020 at 4:00 pm #155624plikestechno wrote:Is the Tricerachorus super buzzy and digitally distorted for anyone else? Harmadillo and any other algos are fine but I get harsh digital distortion when I go to use Tricerachorus. Is it not 96k? I dont get a sample rate mismatch when I load it.
Does it sound OK at 48k/44.1k? It's possible that the algorithm needs changes to work at higher rates, since it originates in the H9, which has a fixed sample rate. We will look into this.
plikestechno wrote:Also, I dont know if it’s always been this way as ive only recently tried it but i cant seem to use all four of my fxchains at the same time. I can set it up and pull algos in and out but no matter how i set it up audio wont pass. Regardless of I/O selected, the first three will pass and effect audio but when i try to send audio to the fourth chain it is silent in and out no matter when i send to it if i have three other chains going at the same time. I tried even with one algo on each of the other chains and it still wont pass audio or even show audio on the 4th. Is this normal?This is not normal. The four FX chains should be completely independent, so what's running on the first three should not affect the fourth. What is the routing to/from the fourth FX chain? What happens if you bypass the fourth FX chain, or use Direct IO to bypass the DSP completely?
August 26, 2020 at 5:08 pm #155626
Participantjbamberg wrote:Does it sound OK at 48k/44.1k? It’s possible that the algorithm needs changes to work at higher rates, since it originates in the H9, which has a fixed sample rate. We will look into this.
This is not normal. The four FX chains should be completely independent, so what’s running on the first three should not affect the fourth. What is the routing to/from the fourth FX chain? What happens if you bypass the fourth FX chain, or use Direct IO to bypass the DSP completely?
I was hoping another 96k user could check Tricerachorus for me as switching back down to 48/44.1k would involve changing settings on a bunch of things so I could monitor it through Dante as well. I run things at 96k and hopefully in time it can run at 96k and some of the 50 or so effects that are not 96k will able to be so at some point.
As far as the fourth FX Chain goes, I typically use Dante I/O with Cubase. I can load it up and swap blocks but no audio passes through.And my routing is fine as when I’m using fewer blocks it just works. I tried aes/ebu through to Dante as well and still got no sound in or our. I will try direct i/o and try bypassing an effects chain although Im pretty sure bypassing didnt work either.
August 26, 2020 at 5:40 pm #155627plikestechno wrote:
I was hoping another 96k user could check Tricerachorus for me as switching back down to 48/44.1k would involve changing settings on a bunch of things so I could monitor it through Dante as well. I run things at 96k and hopefully in time it can run at 96k and some of the 50 or so effects that are not 96k will able to be so at some point.
No worries, of course we will test this, I just wondered if you had happened to try it. We have a plan to get all the effects to run when the H9000 is set to 96kHz, but this will be in the next release after the one that is currently in beta.
plikestechno wrote:As far as the fourth FX Chain goes, I typically use Dante I/O with Cubase. I can load it up and swap blocks but no audio passes through.And my routing is fine as when I'm using fewer blocks it just works. I tried aes/ebu through to Dante as well and still got no sound in or our. I will try direct i/o and try bypassing an effects chain although Im pretty sure bypassing didnt work either.
Hmm. Would it be possible for you to send us your H9000 session? You can email it to support@eventide.com.
September 25, 2020 at 5:36 pm #155906KazRemark wrote:
Just bought an H9000 and it came with the latest non-beta firmware installed. Do you folks recommend sticking with that version or installing the beta? Already experiencing some bugs, so curious which will give me a smoother onboarding experience while I learn my way around the unit.
I would stick that version for now while you are getting to know your H9000. We are working to make sure that this release will be ready for production soon.
September 28, 2020 at 2:02 pm #155919
Participantstudionebula wrote:Emote crashed while attempting to connect and took all of Cubase down with it. Now I can’t reopen that session without crashing Cubase; I worked around the problem by using Cubase’s option to temporarily deactivate all 3rd-party plugins and then deleting Emote from the session.I’ve had a similar type of issue with Emote on my Macbook Pro running Mac OS Catalina (10.15.7). Ableton Live (10.1.18) would crash whenever loading a project saved with Emote plugin loaded (I’ve been using the AU-version of the plugin). I finally realized this was due to a sample rate mismatch. I’m using RME Fireface UFX+ as a master clock, and H9000 slaved via MADI.
If my Fireface (and therefore H9000) sample rate doesn’t match the project settings, emote will panic and cause ableton to crash altogether. The solution was to change the sample rate from Fireface settings to match the project sample rate, and then load the project / start ableton. I just have to remember my project sample rate settings in order to be able to load them. Of course this should not happen, and hopefully this will be fixed in next Emote update.
I Should also mention that I don’t use the H9000 as an audio interface. It’s not even connected via USB. I only use Emote to control the H9000 via ethernet. That’s why it feels weird that Emote panics due to sample rate mismatches when all changes are done on Ableton and RME driver side.
September 28, 2020 at 7:06 pm #155924
Participantstudionebula wrote:The standalone version of Emote frequently crashes shortly after launch. I see the “Status: Connecting…” text and then the entire application window closes. Sometimes trying again helps, sometimes I have to reboot everything. During times that I can’t get Emote to connect, I can get Vsig to connect, so I believe the issue is not with the network connection but with Emote.Same here, I´ve got allot of random crashes (Both in the Emote plugin version and standalone) – And often it will take Studio one 5 down to. (and sometimes also the H9000R needs a reboot)
I´ve got the H9000R and today i made a sad decision. I will return it to Thomann (within their 30days return period).
But I´ll be back when the firmware/Emote has evolved a little bit more, and maybe go for the full H9000. Cant wait, as i love everything Eventide.
September 28, 2020 at 5:47 pm #155922studionebula wrote:
Correction to my previous post; hopefully the moderators will see this first: When I said "This problem does not happen in the standalone version of Cubase", what I actually meant was "This problem does not happen in the standalone version of Emote." Sorry for any confusion.
Hi Adam!
We have found this bug specifically with Cubase that Emote will crash your DAW in some occasions when there is a dialog box open like "Sample Rate Mismatch". We have made a fix for this bug and its included in the next software release for Emote which we are currently testing and hope to have public soon.
September 29, 2020 at 1:04 pm #155929drxcm wrote:
Any word from Eventide about when we might expect a new update? The laggy Emote on MacOSX is driving me a little crazy!
We are very close to releasing a new public beta which includes speed improvements to emote – likely to be this week or next. Thanks for being patient.
October 8, 2020 at 9:53 am #155986
Participantbsfreq wrote:studionebula wrote:Emote crashed while attempting to connect and took all of Cubase down with it. Now I can’t reopen that session without crashing Cubase; I worked around the problem by using Cubase’s option to temporarily deactivate all 3rd-party plugins and then deleting Emote from the session.I’ve had a similar type of issue with Emote on my Macbook Pro running Mac OS Catalina (10.15.7). Ableton Live (10.1.18) would crash whenever loading a project saved with Emote plugin loaded (I’ve been using the AU-version of the plugin). I finally realized this was due to a sample rate mismatch. I’m using RME Fireface UFX+ as a master clock, and H9000 slaved via MADI.
If my Fireface (and therefore H9000) sample rate doesn’t match the project settings, emote will panic and cause ableton to crash altogether. The solution was to change the sample rate from Fireface settings to match the project sample rate, and then load the project / start ableton. I just have to remember my project sample rate settings in order to be able to load them. Of course this should not happen, and hopefully this will be fixed in next Emote update.
I Should also mention that I don’t use the H9000 as an audio interface. It’s not even connected via USB. I only use Emote to control the H9000 via ethernet. That’s why it feels weird that Emote panics due to sample rate mismatches when all changes are done on Ableton and RME driver side.
I was having all kinds of sample rate mismatches when I first got my H9000R back in January. I had originally installed the USB driver just to test that out; I mainly use a RME setup. My sample rate mismatches went away as soon as I uninstalled the USB driver. Some kind of conflict obviously.
October 8, 2020 at 4:57 pm #155987
Participantplikestechno wrote:Well Im pleased and slightly bewildered to say that i could not recreate the problem with the fx chains tonight. I started with the same stereo source through to four sets of different dante channels then put different sources through each channel then finally reloaded my cubase project with the send/returns setup and everything just worked. Effected audio in out and back with bouncing levels on all four fx chains simultaneously. I also got excited when even tricerachorus worked, for maybe a minute, until it descended into the digital buzz of last night. So maybe it just doesnt like running at 96k for now. All other effects remain fine. Should i ever be able to recreate that fx chains issue i will make sure to forward the session along but yes tricerachorus still doesnt seem to be happy at 96k for me.Has anybody else been able to confirm whether or not they can run Tricerachorus consistently at 96k? It would be nice to know if this is a common bug or if there is something specifically wrong with my unit. Thanks P
October 16, 2020 at 3:00 pm #156042plikestechno wrote:
So, just to confirm, with 1.3.0 Tricerachorus will be limited at 48k and now restrict anything above?
Good to know ultimately but hopefully that algo and other algos that only run at 48k will be able to run at 96k in time.
That's right – we can't currently run TC at higher sample rates. We are planning to get to full 96k compatibility in a future release.
October 16, 2020 at 6:52 pm #156047joeydego wrote:
The VST is freezing the Studio One GUI when selecting the FX Chain tab. The standalone is fine.
Thanks for letting us know – we'll look into this.
October 18, 2020 at 7:22 pm #156059
ParticipantJ20056 wrote:I installed the 1.3 beta and now I cannot connect to the unit.
Not totally surprised but alas, could use some help?
Did you update your emote software as well?
Typically when updating I update the unit itself first, then emote then connect the two and it works.
I imagine on a H9000R youd update emote first then the unit.
If theyre not talking sometimes, I just unconnect and reconnect the main unit to the network and then it works for me.
In my wireless setup it finds the unit instantly and then takes about 10 seconds for emote and the unit to connect. I never leave it on auto connect.
October 19, 2020 at 1:36 am #156064
ParticipantKamurah wrote:I have a suggestion for the system….and it might alleviate some confusion.
Maybe make the clear delineation between H9000 FIRMWARE….and EMOTE SOFTWARE. It seems a little fuzzy…especially since the H9000 FIRMWARE can be updated from the EMOTE SOFTWARE…..BUT>….the EMOTE SOFTWARE must be updated independently////and AFTER the H9000 FIRMWARE has been updated.
See what I mean? Either make it so both the controller software AND the Firmware are updated SIMULTANEOUSLY from INSIDE Emote….or make it clear that EMOTE is the software….and the FIRMWARE for the H9000 is different. It might also be helpful to put a popup that checks for Firmware / EMOTE mismatch…and says, “I see you have Firmware 1.3 installed in your H9000….but this EMOTE software is not compatible. Would you like to update your EMOTE software to be compatible with Firmware 1.3?”
THAT…would turn this whole thing into a no-brainer in my humble opinion.
That’s all I have to say about that. 🙂
Strongly agree with this and am still unclear what was just updated. I saw a link to the new emote and updated that. I updated the H9000 itself a few months ago. Was that updated recently too?
October 19, 2020 at 2:54 pm #156068TobyB wrote:
Maybe the Sticky title needs updating for the latest?
New Sessions view is definitely improved!
Reading this thread, clearer updating instructions (Hardware via old Emote, then update Emote? Worked for me …) could be good …
We've updated the thread title.
We could also improve the instructions on updating. This came up in a team meeting last week in fact. Ultimately, we need to get emote on the same management backend system that the H9000 firmware uses, then we will be able to make a unified updating system and get closer to what Kamurah suggested up-thread.
Thanks for the feedback.
October 19, 2020 at 5:46 pm #156074
ParticipantJ20056 wrote:I connect via Ethernet. Can’t make it work. Went back to official v 1.22 and it’s fine. I guess I’ll skip this beta…
This is exhausting
I connect via Ethernet also, and while I haven’t yet spent much time with the update, everything appears to be working on my H9000. emote did not offer to update my firmware, so I plugged my USB wi-fi adapter into the H9000 and used that to download and install the update. (I usually use only Ethernet because the wi-fi signal in my studio is somewhat weak and not entirely reliable.) Once I had updated both the firmware and emote, and reconfigured the H9000’s network connection back to Ethernet, everything worked.
October 19, 2020 at 6:32 pm #156076
John Baylies
ParticipantKamurah wrote:Still interested in the thermal readouts though.Check the DSP Modules on the Devices page.
October 20, 2020 at 3:57 pm #156087joeydego wrote:
Updated my H9000 today to bring it current with Emote. Ok just so I’m clear, both Emote AND H9000 releases will be independent from one another and not necessarily in tandem?
Yes, that is correct. The release processes are currently independent from one another – updating one will not automatically update the other.
October 20, 2020 at 4:08 pm #156088J20056 wrote:
I re-read the wireless install addendum for the H9000R but I literally cannot get my unit to work wirelessly any more. It simply will not connect.
It simply is exhausting to try an upgrade an H9000R.
I simply no longer know what to do.
Sorry to hear about your continued troubles. As jbaylies said, the H9000R needs to be connected to the internet to see updates. I spoke to the team about your issues and we have some ideas for you – I will reach out via email.
Generally speaking, we understand that the H9000 and H9000R update processes are rockier than they could be, and we've been brainstorming ideas on streamlining them for future releases. In the mean time, we'll do the best we can to improve the update guidelines and help out anyone running into issues.
October 20, 2020 at 7:13 pm #156093Kamurah wrote:
I tried to roll back to the last firmware / emote (1.2.4(7)). Same situation. I am able to connect directly with the unit holding the "network" button on startup. It creates it's WIFI access. I connect to it directly and then open Emote. Emote is able to see the unit. I am able to initiate the handshake between the H900R and my network. It connects to my network. I quit Emote, and re-connect to my network. I re-open Emote…..and nothing…..spinning 'e' forever. It just will not connect. I have flushed DNS cache several times. Restarted both machines. Zapped PRAM on my Mac. Re-installed Emote software. Help!
Hi Kamurah,
Sorry to hear you ran into this! Especially after downgrading. I have an idea of what the issue might be – Do you have Emote set up to autoconnect to your H9000 when Emote first starts up? That could be part of it.
Either way, Emote has a settings file located (on Macs) at:
/Users/<your username>/Library/Emote/emote_settings.properties
If you delete this file entirely (it'll regenerate), your problems might resolve. That file persists through Emote installations, which could explain why the issue continued after you downgraded.
Let me know how you fare,
October 20, 2020 at 8:49 pm #156096
Participantdbaylies wrote:Kamurah wrote:I tried to roll back to the last firmware / emote (1.2.4(7)). Same situation. I am able to connect directly with the unit holding the “network” button on startup. It creates it’s WIFI access. I connect to it directly and then open Emote. Emote is able to see the unit. I am able to initiate the handshake between the H900R and my network. It connects to my network. I quit Emote, and re-connect to my network. I re-open Emote…..and nothing…..spinning ‘e’ forever. It just will not connect. I have flushed DNS cache several times. Restarted both machines. Zapped PRAM on my Mac. Re-installed Emote software. Help!
Hi Kamurah,
Sorry to hear you ran into this! Especially after downgrading. I have an idea of what the issue might be – Do you have Emote set up to autoconnect to your H9000 when Emote first starts up? That could be part of it.
Either way, Emote has a settings file located (on Macs) at:
/Users/<your username>/Library/Emote/emote_settings.properties
If you delete this file entirely (it’ll regenerate), your problems might resolve. That file persists through Emote installations, which could explain why the issue continued after you downgraded.
Let me know how you fare,
First off, thank you so much for trying to help me get this sorted. Unfortunately, I am still at an impasse. I turned off “connect automatically”. I searched for the file you mentioned…but I cannot find it on my Mac…additionally, I don’t have a pathway you describe above. There is no “Library” folder under my username…I am enclosing my file structure as a JPG so you can see. I can connect to the H9000 directly either through wireless or through ethernet…but I cannot connect on the wireless network. Thanks!
October 20, 2020 at 10:37 pm #156100
ParticipantKamurah wrote:I figured out that the Library was hidden. Deleted the file you suggested. Still no connection. I am at a loss. Any other suggestions? I will try anything!
Not sure if this will help or even applies but have you tried manually adding the IP in emote? My emote actually shows both the manually added IP as well as my H9000 which I guess is the serial number. Not sure if this is proper but it works.
October 21, 2020 at 4:50 pm #156105
Participantjoeydego wrote:Kamurah wrote:I figured out that the Library was hidden. Deleted the file you suggested. Still no connection. I am at a loss. Any other suggestions? I will try anything!
Not sure if this will help or even applies but have you tried manually adding the IP in emote? My emote actually shows both the manually added IP as well as my H9000 which I guess is the serial number. Not sure if this is proper but it works.
I am back up and running…but had to switch to Ethernet instead of Wireless….which is overall not a big deal just puzzling since several of us had what appear to be similar issues…I have also re-installed the 1.3 update and corresponding Emote software and it appears to be working. I have a feeling my situation has to do with my Mac (which is old and exhibiting across-the-board odd behavior)…and not with the H9000. Suffice to say, yesterday was a very frustrating day. Over the next week I will be migrating everything over to a new PC build. Thank you to everyone who chimed in to help, and also to the Eventide staff…who were incredibly responsive.
October 22, 2020 at 1:50 pm #156121
ParticipantJohn Baylies wrote:Kamurah wrote:Still interested in the thermal readouts though.Check the DSP Modules on the Devices page.
How do I read the thermal readouts? Or is it missing in the graphic here? H9K also updated today.
October 22, 2020 at 2:54 pm #156122
Participantresynthesis wrote:John Baylies wrote:Kamurah wrote:Still interested in the thermal readouts though.Check the DSP Modules on the Devices page.
The temperature of each DSP is presented in celcius after the DSP name.
How do I read the thermal readouts? Or is it missing in the graphic here? H9K also updated today.
October 23, 2020 at 4:19 am #156125
ParticipantJohn Baylies wrote:the thermal readouts in the image you posted are 48.7c, 47.0c, 46.8c, and 46.6c.
Im running in the same range as the picture. Is that what other peoples units are running at?? The is 120 degrees F is that too warm or is that in the normal range. Those temps are at idle. Really liking the update. Emote looks and is running better
October 23, 2020 at 4:31 pm #156127
ParticipantJohn Baylies wrote:the thermal readouts in the image you posted are 48.7c, 47.0c, 46.8c, and 46.6c.
Thanks, my bad…
October 23, 2020 at 1:33 pm #156126ndoe22 wrote:
Im running in the same range as the picture. Is that what other peoples units are running at?? The is 120 degrees F is that too warm or is that in the normal range. Those temps are at idle. Really liking the update. Emote looks and is running better
This is normal. The DSPs have to do real-time processing, so they cannot slow down the clocks to conserve power and reduce heat like a normal CPU (otherwise there would be pops and clicks as they speed up or slow down). They are running full-speed all the time.
November 3, 2020 at 8:11 pm #156216panmorpheo wrote:
Where can I find the USB installer for the H9000? I found here the Emote 1.3 installer but I need to update the unit as well. Thanks!
We have just uploaded it here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/downloader/11954
Here are the installation instructions: https://www.eventideaudio.com/downloader/14449
November 3, 2020 at 10:08 pm #156219
Participantjbamberg wrote:panmorpheo wrote:Where can I find the USB installer for the H9000? I found here the Emote 1.3 installer but I need to update the unit as well. Thanks!
We have just uploaded it here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/downloader/11954
Here are the installation instructions: https://www.eventideaudio.com/downloader/14449
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