H9000 and presonus studio 192 interface, what’s my best bet??

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    • #115727

        Ok routing and setup question. I’m using studio one as a DAW. Currently have my presonus interface working well, and using my apogee Rosetta for 2 extra ins doing all my DA conversion and monitoring via spdif. Enter the H9000. How can I best take advantage?
        Option 1: the only digital in on the presonus is spdif (currently used) or optical for 8 additional tracks. Connect the H9000 optical to the presonus and see 8 tracks of eventide.
        Option 2: attempt to use the H9000 as my interface, and go optical into it with the presonus, keeping all my current analog I/O as is.
        Option 3: you tell me. I’m not even sure the above options will work, just trying to think ahead before the H9000 arrives.
        Does the H9000 have dedicated mixer and routing software like most interfaces to make this possible or am I best keeping the presonus as my interface? Is there any way to see my 16 channels of USB eventide and have it NOT my interface?
        Any ideas here will be helpful. I’m on Windows 10 so I think aggregate device is out.

      • #153853

          I have this exact setup.  I use my Studio 192 as the main interface (probably swapping out for an Avid MTRX Studio as soon as it’s available). I use the ADAT I/O from and to both to chain them together, so that I can send audio from my DAW through the 192 out ADAT, into the H9000, and back from the H9000 ADAT out to the 192, into the DAW.  I’ve setup the H9000 as an external hardware using Pipeline XT, exposing each pair of stereo outs through ADAT.

          See the right side of this image…If you have other questions, I’m happy to help.



        • #153857
          • #155094

              Hey, I recognize you guys from the Fractal Audio forums! I have an H9000 coming on Monday, so I am just lurking around seeing what is posted. I also have a similar setup to you guys. Excited to compare notes in the future. Thanks for all the posts so far, I am realizing a bunch of things about setting up the H9000.

            • #155096

                Not gonna use it for live use. I have an H9 and a separate Axe FX-3 in a rig for that. This is just going to go into my desk and connect to an Apollo X6 into Studio One. All your guys posts have my head spinning on the I/O, but I think for now I am just going to do 8 analog in/out and 8 ADAT in/out.

              • #155103

                  Cool thanks for the links. In hindsight I should have gotten the Apollo x8, but I run everything into patchbays anyways and I think I will just plug the analog I/O of the H9000 into those. 

                • #155142

                    Got the unit today and did all the basic setup. From what I have read in the forum on Windows 10 using the USB channels is not an option if you are using another interface like the Apollo? I saw a YouTube video of someone making it work as an aggregate device on a Mac in Logic. Bummer if that doesn’t work on a windows machine. It would be a nice simple setup as far as cables are concerned.

                  • #155157

                      Thanks for sending the instructions for the aisoforall setup. I was going to try it, but when I booted up the H9KR I started getting that clock mismatch audio has been muted USB bug that I thought I had stamped out yesterday. I kept switching from 44 to 48 until it eventually went away, but seeing it pop up again just made me pull out the USB connection and I have just been using 8 ADAT and 8 analog with no problems. The Dante thing is really intriguing. I do a lot of ambient stuff with guitars and synthesizers and want to pretty much replace all FX Plugins with the H9000. I have no experience with Dante, but it seems like it could be the answer to some projects that have tons of fx on lots of different tracks.

                    • #155166

                        Yeah if UAD had an Apollo interface that supported Dante that would be very powerful. I searched around and it doesn’t look like anyone is integrating Dante into interfaces. I would upgrade if they did, besides I am kicking myself for only going with the 6 Channel Apollo in the first place.

                      • #153856
                          donrwatters wrote:

                          I have this exact setup.  I use my Studio 192 as the main interface (probably swapping out for an Avid MTRX Studio as soon as it’s available). I use the ADAT I/O from and to both to chain them together, so that I can send audio from my DAW through the 192 out ADAT, into the H9000, and back from the H9000 ADAT out to the 192, into the DAW.  I’ve setup the H9000 as an external hardware using Pipeline XT, exposing each pair of stereo outs through ADAT.

                          See the right side of this image…If you have other questions, I’m happy to help.



                          Man, thank you!!! So you basically get 8 channels of Eventide this way at 48k, yes? 2 optical cables and I’m golden? 

                        • #153859
                            joeydego wrote:

                            Man, thank you!!! So you basically get 8 channels of Eventide this way at 48k, yes? 2 optical cables and I’m golden? 

                            Yes, that’s it.

                          • #153860
                              joeydego wrote:

                              That’s an astounding similarity! 🙂

                            • #155095
                                Pombero wrote:

                                Hey, I recognize you guys from the Fractal Audio forums! I have an H9000 coming on Monday, so I am just lurking around seeing what is posted. I also have a similar setup to you guys. Excited to compare notes in the future. Thanks for all the posts so far, I am realizing a bunch of things about setting up the H9000.

                                Stick around. If you’re anything like me you’ll need some help. Do you plan on using this in a live rig or for recording? 

                              • #155097
                                  Pombero wrote:

                                  Not gonna use it for live use. I have an H9 and a separate Axe FX-3 in a rig for that. This is just going to go into my desk and connect to an Apollo X6 into Studio One. All your guys posts have my head spinning on the I/O, but I think for now I am just going to do 8 analog in/out and 8 ADAT in/out.

                                  Thats exactly how I use it and I’m using an apollo x8 these days. The X6 is a little weird of a setup but it’ll work. You’ll either need a custom snake or separate cables given you have 2 XLR and 6TRS inputs. I was able to go DB25 to TRS for all my analog. There’s brobably a TRS female to XLR adapter in existence so you’d just need 2 of those. The ADAT is straightforward. You’ll have 16 channels of Eventide in your sessions. What DAW are you in? 

                                • #155098
                                    Pombero wrote:

                                    Not gonna use it for live use. I have an H9 and a separate Axe FX-3 in a rig for that. This is just going to go into my desk and connect to an Apollo X6 into Studio One. All your guys posts have my head spinning on the I/O, but I think for now I am just going to do 8 analog in/out and 8 ADAT in/out.

                                    I think 2 of these will do the trick https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/387850-REG/Rode_VXLR_VXLR_Mono_Mini_Jack.html/?ap=y&ap=y&smp=y&smp=y&lsft=BI%3A514&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYL3BRDVARIsAF9E4Gd5wbzMIqDNoKDxmoZ_ZZ3TWGa6cMKDlMi96nXvNUpxoE2OSe1qyhUaAkseEALw_wcB

                                  • #155105
                                      Pombero wrote:

                                      Cool thanks for the links. In hindsight I should have gotten the Apollo x8, but I run everything into patchbays anyways and I think I will just plug the analog I/O of the H9000 into those. 

                                      There ya go. I’m considering doing the same. I have a Townsend mic in my preamp XLR 1 and 2 which I have to share with the eventide so any time I need to switch between them I have to go to console and go from mic to line. It’s annoying.

                                    • #155144
                                        Pombero wrote:

                                        Got the unit today and did all the basic setup. From what I have read in the forum on Windows 10 using the USB channels is not an option if you are using another interface like the Apollo? I saw a YouTube video of someone making it work as an aggregate device on a Mac in Logic. Bummer if that doesn’t work on a windows machine. It would be a nice simple setup as far as cables are concerned.

                                        Asioforall is the only way to make it work and everyone has told me to STAY AWAY from it.

                                      • #155149
                                        John Baylies

                                          Aggregate devices are unfortunately only possible on macOS.

                                          edit: I take that back. Looks like AISO4All can create aggregate devices, but I haven't tried it yet…

                                        • #155150
                                            John Baylies wrote:

                                            Aggregate devices are unfortunately only possible on macOS.

                                            edit: I take that back. Looks like AISO4All can create aggregate devices, but I haven't tried it yet…

                                            If anyone has made this actually work I’d love to hear about it.

                                          • #155151
                                              joeydego wrote:
                                              If anyone has made this actually work I’d love to hear about it.

                                              I had it working with ASIO4ALL, but there’s additional latency introduced to deal with it related to the sample size chosen. I don’t think the input latency is horrible, but if you’re tracking drums live, against a click track or whatever, you’re going to feel it.  Setup instructions are here.

                                              This additional information won’t be useful if you don’t have Dante, but this is for others that may show up to the thread and have Dante.  I ended up using Dante to get around this.  You can either use DVS or Dante Via to manage it, or skip those all together if you have hardware based Dante devices.  I can effectively aggregate up to 64 channels through Dante in real-time using Dante Controller to manage what goes where.  My H9000R has a Dante card.  From there I can send data from and to anywhere based on analog or digital internal routing of the H9000R, like a highly capable electronic patchbay.  Now, that I have the MTRX Studio connected up though, I can really route audio anywhere, with super low latency.  Right now I’m seeing about 375usec of delay from any source to any destination through Dante.  I have 8 receiver and transmitter devices (Mic Pre’s, Headphone Amps, ADAT In and Out, ~138 I/O’s) that use Dante and the entire setup is managed via Emote, Dante Controller and DaDMan software.  It’s incredibly flexible and since the H9000 series has Dante, it’s pretty tough to beat.


                                            • #155159
                                                Pombero wrote:
                                                Thanks for sending the instructions for the aisoforall setup. I was going to try it, but when I booted up the H9KR I started getting that clock mismatch audio has been muted USB bug that I thought I had stamped out yesterday. I kept switching from 44 to 48 until it eventually went away, but seeing it pop up again just made me pull out the USB connection and I have just been using 8 ADAT and 8 analog with no problems. The Dante thing is really intriguing. I do a lot of ambient stuff with guitars and synthesizers and want to pretty much replace all FX Plugins with the H9000. I have no experience with Dante, but it seems like it could be the answer to some projects that have tons of fx on lots of different tracks.

                                                Im of the same mindset on this. 16 channels of effects is a lot as is already. Would love an interface that supports Dante in the future. 

                                              • #155174
                                                Eventide Staff

                                                  I tried out ASIO4ALL with the H9000 in a couple of different setups and had some mixed results. For example, I tried out the H9000 by itself and as part of an aggregate device with my USB DAC, and I had some good results with both setups even at very low buffer sizes. However, I tried aggregating my H9000 with a different USB audio interface and I kept getting some pretty bad dropouts and crackles no matter how I configured the buffer settings.

                                                  I attached the ASIO4ALL settings that were giving me good results with my DAC. If you get crackles or dropouts, try increasing the ASIO Buffer Size and/or Buffer Offset. Otherwise, you can try to get lower latency by decreasing either of those settings. Also, keep in mind that each device you add to the ASIO4ALL aggregate has its own buffer settings. I suggest enabling and configuring each device separately before trying to put them together.

                                                  Pombero wrote:
                                                  I was going to try it, but when I booted up the H9KR I started getting that clock mismatch audio has been muted USB bug that I thought I had stamped out yesterday. I kept switching from 44 to 48 until it eventually went away, but seeing it pop up again just made me pull out the USB connection and I have just been using 8 ADAT and 8 analog with no problems.

                                                  This isn't really a bug, just a consequence of how the H9000's asynchronous USB audio works. When you want to change sample rates, make sure to change the sample rate on the H9000 first before changing the sample rate on your computer. Or, if both your H9000 and your computer are set to the same sample rate and you're getting this message, you should be able to fix it by switching to a different sample rate on your computer and then switching it back to the H9000's sample rate.

                                                • #155171
                                                    Pombero wrote:

                                                    Yeah if UAD had an Apollo interface that supported Dante that would be very powerful. I searched around and it doesn’t look like anyone is integrating Dante into interfaces. I would upgrade if they did, besides I am kicking myself for only going with the 6 Channel Apollo in the first place.

                                                    I have a x8 and am using ALL available I/O. The blessing is their interfaces are modular. The curse is no Dante or Madi (yet). There are several interfaces on the market that offer network digital, but nothing in UA as of yet unfortunately. Antelope makes a monster interface that would hit every need.

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