H9000 and Pro tools HDX Card. Question and setup

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    • #185430



        We got a lynx aurora and an Avid HDI/O with an H9000 (without the HDX card)


        We were using the H9000 via AES from the lynx so we got 4 Stereo pairs of AES  I/O as inserts to use the H9000 as inserts  into a track or  insert in Buses (Aux)

        All was working great and the Clock was via AES.

        Now we are using the HDX Card and is confusing

        Pro Tools recognizes the HDX Card in the H9000


        but now the H9000 AES is not working.

        is not working or passing audio,  what can be the issue?


        So we have many questions, and please let me know if I am right on this:

        We have 8 analogs IN and 8 Outs

        also 8 AES IN and Outs

        and 16 In and outs via USB

        all that simultaneously right?


        So what makes it different to use 16 Ch or 32 Ch in Pro Tools? Is there any benefit in using each?


        How should be the best order and configuration having 1 Pro Tools  HDX Card to connect a Lynx Aurora 16, an Avid HD I/O, and the H9000 (Primary , Secundary and how).

        and what should be the Word Clock Chain?. I was clocking it all in a daisy chain with a Dangerous Music Convert 2 that is interface for Playback and Master Clock

        So can you give me some examples of using the Pro Tools I/O ?  as Patchbay mainly?




      • #185431
        Eventide Staff


          You are correct that you can use analog, digital (ADAT/AES), USB, and expansion cards simultaneously. There is not a particular benefit to using one or the other, these options allow the user to integrate the H9000 into their system however it suits them. I personally use analog, ADAT, and Dante, with many different configurations depending on the work I am doing.

          The PTHD card will give you an additional 32 channels of I/O using the PTHD format. These channels can be used via the 4 FX chains in various routing methods. Again, this all depends on how you would like to use it. You can use many effects in parallel within an FX Chain, or 1 stereo bus, etc.

          Some more information about your use case and how many channels of audio you would like to process using the H9000 would help me in suggesting some setup options for you.

          Your AES configuration may not be working anymore if you changed your clocking configuration. 

          You should be able to connect 1 port of the HDX to the Aurora, and another port to the H9000 Primary port. You can continue to use Word clock for the clocking config, just set the H9000 clock source to Word Clock.

          Additional information about the PTHD card setup can be found here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/2.2.11/content/expansions/protools.html

          Let me know if that helps.


        • #185444

            Ok, thanks


            Will check and try…


            So just to be clear,  if you use the HDX Card in the H9000 it is imperative to use the Loop Sync to have the H9000 working propertly.

            So Word Clock via  AES is not valid when using the  Pro Tools HDX Card?…only the Loop Sync?



          • #185451


              I was able to make it work by Clocking the H9000 via Word Clock, AES and  Exp A Pro Tools, but Routing the H9000 EFX within Pro Tools and not AES, which is fine and better as I can use the AES  iI0 for something else.

              Now I imagine that the  Clock source would better EXP A Pro Tools?

              I can only have 8 Ins and Outs of AES or ADAT right? not both simultaneously

              Screen Shot 2024-10-16 at 11.56.14 PM

              Screen Shot 2024-10-17 at 12.00.11 AM

              Screen Shot 2024-10-16 at 11.56.28 PM


            • #185457
              Eventide Staff

                Yes, you can only use AES or ADAT, not both simultaneously.

                You will need to use LoopSync to clock the H9000 to the PTHD card. In your first image, you can see the clock is unlocked, and this setting will not work correctly.

                I would suggest using Word Clock for the clock source. The PTHD card will sync to the H9000 clock.

                You may want to change “interface mode” to 32 channel if you’d like to access all 32 channels of the PTHD card.

              • #185460




                  I did that the first time(Source: Word Clock)  and soon the Clock Source became greyed out like in this Screenshot and shows A (Pro Tools)

                  Is that OK?


                  Will the USB Audio  I/O work perfectly in sync with Pro Tools when used as any other audio I/O?


                  Screen Shot 2024-10-17 at 10.24.53 AM

                • #185462
                  Eventide Staff

                    If Clock Control is ON in the PTHD card settings, you will not be able to adjust the H9000 clock source because it is being forced to use the PTHD card as the clock source.

                    This setting should be used with a Loop Sync configuration. If not use Loop Sync, you should turn Clock Control OFF, and set the H9000 clock source to Word Clock.

                    Using USB audio will give you an additional 16 channels of audio. You will need to setup an aggregate device and configure the clocking correctly as described in the manual here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/2.2.11/content/setup/usbsetup.html

                    You can use USB audio and the PTHD card simultaneously if you need that many channels.

                    Do you have a specific goal in mind with your setup? Are you looking for a certain amount of channels etc?

                    The PTHD card will give you 32 channels of I/O, which would be more than enough for many users. If you need more I/O than that, then it can be done, but it seems to me that you are going down many different paths of H9000 configuration options and I’m not sure if this is necessary for you.

                    Some basic ideas of how you use the H9000 and how you’d like it to work with your setup will help me suggest the best options for you.

                  • #185464

                      Thanks again.


                      So I have these 2 settings:

                      -Clocking the H9000 to the PT Card (A Pro Tools)

                      –Clocking the H9000 to  Word Clock


                      Both with Clock Control Off


                      So do you think clock Source: Word Clock (word clock cable into the WC In of the H9000, not the  Pro toos Exp Card) is a better option?


                      the result is this:

                      Screen Shot 2024-10-17 at 1.33.28 PMScreen Shot 2024-10-17 at 1.30.40 PM


                      I am trying to see what I can do with my different Converters and the different simultaneous I/O options of the H9000


                      Having the Aurora 16, Avid HD i/o, and another DAC with 16 CH


                      I basically would Like:

                      16 CH of analog Out

                      16 Hardware inserts

                      Connect the H9000 internally with Pro Tools and see some cool routing setups


                      Now I want to see if I may need to use the Avid I/O  or not and how to make it work ,  definitely, I think from the 2 ports of the  Pro Tools HDX card one will go to the H9000

                      and the other possibly to the Lynx and from the lynx to the Avid or (vice-versa)


                      any cool ideas, videos, or examples you can share on how to integrate the H9000  in a studio Setup?


                      Thanks so much for your great help


                    • #185466
                      Eventide Staff

                        You’re welcome. Connecting Word Clock to the H9000 and setting the clock source to Word Clock would be the better option.

                        One option I can recommend:

                        • Connect HDX primary port to Lynx
                        • Connect Lynx secondary port to HD I/O primary port
                        • This is daisy chaining the first 2 devices, giving you 16 channels from the Lynx an 16 channels from the HD I/O
                        • Connect HDX secondary port to H9000 PTHD card primary port. This will allow you to use all 32 channels of I/O on the H9000 for 16 stereo hardware inserts.

                        With the above setup, the HD I/O and Lynx will handle all of your analog I/O, and the H9000 will be used for Pro Tools hardware inserts or aux tracks.

                        Here is a routing setup you could use to get 4 stereo pairs within an FX Chain. If you do these for each FX Chain, you can have a total of 16 stereo busses using the PTHD card (I’m using Dante in the example, but the routing is the same using any expansion card): Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 2.43.26 PM


                      • #185467

                          Awesome, thank you so much will check and try and see what Ideas I can have

                          Thanks again!

                          • #185494
                            Eventide Staff

                              You’re welcome, happy to help! Let me know how it goes.

                          • #185550


                              Can you sue simultaneously the  Stereo Analog and AESl i/o (the XLR ones)?

                              what are the limitations?


                              Also I posted in a different Thread that the Metering in the FX Chains 2,3,4 do not show up after a more complex routing.


                              is a bug or a limitation?



                            • #185552
                              Eventide Staff

                                Yes, you can use analog and AES simultaneously.

                                You can use any combination of analog, USB, digital, and expansion cards simultaneously. The only limitation is that you must choose one type of digital audio protocol (AES XLR, AES DSUB, ADAT, SP/DIF etc.) This should be clear when you set your “Digital Audio Mode” in the system settings; you can only make one choice.

                                I’ve asked you to please email support@eventideaudio.com with a screen recording that demonstrate the metering issue you mentioned. Thanks.

                              • #185554


                                  I will

                                • #185578


                                    So I did 8 stereo inserts with EFFX Chains (Pro Tools 1-16)

                                    I have left  Pro Tools  17-24

                                    I was trying to do Hardware inserts via H9000 Analog I/Os    but all the ways I tried did not succed

                                    Can you show me  the ways I can do best Hardware Insert in Pro Tools?


                                    I was able to do AES Inserts, but  analog Hardware inserts I did not succeed.

                                    I will attempt to also use the AES (the output) going to a DAC to have 80 Ch of playback, but I am waiting for my Tascam DB25

                                    can you also share the best ways to do that?


                                    Also can you explain to me the most popular ways to use Direct I/Os?


                                    and to have clear, any routing or any I/O configutarion and simultaneous I/Os  should fit with the maxium i/Os of Pro Tools I/O(with Pro Tools DAW)?


                                    Thanks so much for your awesome help!




                                  • #185579

                                      another question.

                                      Regarding to this: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/2.0/content/expansions/protools.html

                                      “Since the H9000 is plugged into the Secondary port (HD I/O #3 and #4), its corresponding hardware inserts will be C 1-16 and D 1-16. Note that the I/O of the HD expansion card will show up in the Pro Tools Hardware Setup page as “Analog 1-16” when these are, in fact, digitally routed to the H9000.”

                                      So whatever appears in Pro Tools I/O does not matter? as I used  “Pro Tools” inserts 1-16  (for  h9000 Effx Chains)and and said the Tracks were analog and is working  the same way as described in that page.


                                      So then if all are Digital,  can I use  analog Hardware inserts in my Pro Tools session thru the H9000??


                                      So that only matters in Emote??

                                    • #185588
                                      Eventide Staff


                                        The PTHD card will give you 32 channels of I/O. You must then assign those I/O to be used for whichever FX Chain you like.

                                        A simple example would be:

                                        • FX Chain 1 > I/O 1-2
                                        • FX Chain 2 > I/O 3-4
                                        • FX Chain 3 > I/O 5-6
                                        • FX Chain 4 > I/O 7-8.

                                        You will then have 4 stereo FX busses. From Pro Tools, you will use a hardware insert to send the audio to FX Chain 1 using I/O 1-2. Using I/O 3-4 will go to FX Chain 2, etc.

                                        More complex routing configurations can be set up, but I would highly suggest starting with a simple setup so you can understand how all of the routing is configured. From there, you can add more complex routings if needed.

                                        I will need to see screenshots of your Pro Tools I/O settings to help you determine how to route any audio from Pro Tools.

                                        Please share screenshots of the following:

                                        • Hardware Setup > Peripherals
                                        • All of the pages of the “I/O Setup” page (input, output, bus, insert)


                                      • #185591

                                          Hi, here is my Pro Tools I/O Setup, which is in Default according to the H9000 Manual

                                          Screen Shot 2024-10-22 at 11.12.23 AM

                                          Screen Shot 2024-10-22 at 11.12.47 AM

                                          Screen Shot 2024-10-22 at 11.35.02 AM

                                          So Analog Hardware Inserts have to be thru EFFX Chains Config?

                                          I tried before that but maybe I did something wrong.


                                        • #185592


                                            Screen Shot 2024-10-22 at 11.44.47 AM


                                            Screen Shot 2024-10-22 at 11.45.16 AM

                                            INSERTS, the ones that are highlighted are the analog hardware I want to use as inserts,   inserts EVPT 1-8 (1-16) are for the EFFX of the h9000, 8 stereo  Inserts via Pro Tools thru EFFX Chains

                                            Screen Shot 2024-10-22 at 11.47.11 AM

                                          • #185593
                                            Eventide Staff

                                              Ok, so the PTHD card is on the secondary port. The 32 channels will be divided between HD I/O 3 and HD I/O 4.

                                              Yes, the FX Chain I/O needs to be configured to received the audio from the PTHD card.

                                              In my image below, I have Dante 1-2 as the FX chain input/output. You will need to configure your FX Chain to use PTHD inputs/outputs 1-2. Then you will use a Pro Tools hardware insert on C 1/2 to send/receive audio to and from the FX chain. It looks like you have named this hardware insert “EVPT 1”

                                              Please try this and confirm that you can send audio to/from the H9000 on this stereo pair. Once you have that working, you can add the additional channels.


                                              Dante I:O 1-2


                                            • #185594

                                                I have the audio passing thru, is basically the same as with the Effx but  the HW is not getting audio, just the FFX

                                                so I imagine you need to add instead of an Effx an algo that passes audio.

                                                The problem is that the analog I/O of the H9000  is not sending and receiving audio so my analog H is not in the chain

                                              • #185595

                                                  as you see all my H9000 are already C1-6

                                                  I want my analog Hardware and the AES out to my DAC to be in C

                                                  I have a Db25 that in channels 5-6 equals 21-22 or 29-30 in the I/Os and is not getting any audio. this would not be Analog instead of Pro Tools?

                                                • #185596
                                                  Eventide Staff

                                                    Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean by EEFX.

                                                    The H9000 uses FX Chains, and each FX Chain has up to 4 algorithm (effect) blocks.

                                                    Once you have audio passing through an FX Chain, you need to load an algorithm (example Blackhole) and now your audio will be processed by Blackhole.


                                                    Setting up analog I/O on the H9000 is a very different process from setting up the PTHD expansion card.

                                                    You need to connect your signal to the H9000’s analog inputs/outputs (XLR or DSUB) and then you need to configure the FX Chain to use analog I/O.

                                                    I would recommend that you work on getting your 32 channels of audio using the PTHD card figured out first before you attempt any other I/O setup.



                                                  • #185597

                                                      Sorry, you understood me wrong.

                                                      I already pass audio from Pro tools within FX Chains, I am using all Pro Tools I/0s on C (channels 1-16) ..is working fine.


                                                      Then I have  D free in Pro Tools I/O,  D is where I want to use the Analog I/O of the H9000 to use them as analog Hardware Inserts for my gear and I want the other 8 channels in D to use the H9000 AES Dsub  to go to a DAC from 8 channels of Playback

                                                      then I want to see how I can use the stereo XLR Analog  in  to listen to how the h9000 converters sound and route that signal to the XLR AES/EBU Out,  to print mixes


                                                      Here you can see the FX Chain 4  that goes up to ch16, meaning that D  in Pro Tools I/O is empty, not used yet

                                                      Screen Shot 2024-10-22 at 12.52.08 PM

                                                      Screen Shot 2024-10-22 at 12.54.03 PM

                                                      Please, can you help me with how to make analog Inserts in the H9000?


                                                    • #185598

                                                        Forget the last Connection in FX Chain 4 that says analog…I was trying things up..and that did not work

                                                      • #185600

                                                          Made it work

                                                          Please t me know if its Ok


                                                          Screen Shot 2024-10-22 at 1.23.56 PM

                                                        • #185603




                                                          • #185604
                                                            Eventide Staff


                                                              Ok I see what you are trying to accomplish now. Thanks for the information.

                                                              Yes, this is a good use of the Direct I/O.

                                                              Your Pro Tools insert that use channels 21-22 of the PTHD expansion card will be directly patched to the H9000 analog I/O 5-6. You can connect the analog I/O to other external hardware etc.

                                                              Let me know if you have any further setup questions.

                                                            • #185608


                                                                I have this question

                                                                If I want to use the H9000  as a  Stereo DAC and send an analog signal to the XLR IN  1-2 and want that signal to go out of XLR AES/EBU out,   how I do it?


                                                                I do not see any way of routing those analog and digital XLRs I/O…unless those are the same as 1-2 analog and AES DB25??

                                                                • #185610
                                                                  Eventide Staff

                                                                    The AES XLR outputs are not available because you have chosen AES DSUB as your digital audio mode. You cannot use both at once, you must choose either AES XLR or AES DSUB.

                                                                • #185611

                                                                    Ok, Thanks.

                                                                    and what about the  XLR  i/O  1-2,  is the same path as the Analog 1-2 in the DSub?  or are different i/Os?

                                                                  • #185612
                                                                    Eventide Staff

                                                                      XLR 1-2 is the same path as inputs 1-2 on the DSUB connecter.

                                                                    • #185617

                                                                        Thank you for your help!

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