H9000 as an “vst-effect” ?

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    • #175556

      Why is there no sound:


      I was trying to save some electrical consumption by using the usb on h9000 to edit vsigfiles on my laptop win 11, and not my PC win 11


      So i want to use h9000 as an “vst effect” and NOT as a agreate device ´which there is plenty of explations of on the net on how to…

      Im using reaper 6.83 and have installed the h9000 usb driver 😉 I have choosed the asio driver usb h9000 in reaper and choosed analog 1-16 I/O

      and tried reinsert in reaper

      and in emote tried to use usb io of the effects, and tried analog – usb, usb – analog, and usb – usb

      why cant i hear h9000 in reaper, i can see theres is sound in the meters on h9000

      theres is no sound to see in controlpanel/sound ???

      i tried even emote as a vst, but thats just the software not i/o i guess


    • #175557
      Eventide Staff


      It sounds like you have set the H9000 as the soundcard in Reaper. This will send audio to/from the H9000, however, this audio will not be sent to any monitoring source by default.

      The typical way of doing this would be connecting H9000 USB inputs 1-2 to H9000 Analog outputs 1-2 using Direct I/O connections. Then, set Reaper’s master output to use channels 1-2, and connect the physical analog outputs on the H9000 to your your studio monitors.

      This quickstart example should be helpful: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/2.0/content/quickstart/USBaudiosetup.html#audio-interface

      Emote is just the control software and will not automatically route any audio. You must route the audio using an FX Chain or Direct I/O.

      Let me know if you’re able to get this working.

    • #175560

      oh nooo…. 🙂 not possible because i then have to pull out things in my pc to do that – i thought i could do it all in the 16 channels usb, with just selecting usb 1-2 and then usb 1-2 or 3-4

      no need for the usb then 🙁 i maybe connect the adat i dont know

    • #175563

      another thing – what a pity that Random doesnt work in multitap delay

    • #175565
      Eventide Staff

      When using the front panel’s randomize option, you need to scroll the cursor down until you have selected the “EFFECT” slot. Then you can randomize the parameters.

      This works for the 9108 MultiTap algorithm.

      If you are referring to something else, please be more specific.

    • #175566

      Yes i know, i use Random often 🙂

      sorry, Its 521

      When choosing ex. Tap, or Delay, or Pan, and then the Random for each of them, nothing happens, too bad cause its an awesome effect, it reminds me of my TC D-Two

    • #175568
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks for clarifying. We can look into this.

      In the meantime you can use the other MultiTap algorithm, or UltraTap can give you similar sounds and the parameters for that can be randomized.

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