H9000 expert router still broken?

Home Forums Products Rackmount H9000 expert router still broken?

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    • #187891

        It seems that the firmware update did not fix the broken expert router on H9000.

        I’m trying to do *very* basic signal routing (not using Emote! That’s why I bought the full UI version) and it keeps reassigning and inventing new connections I don’t want.

        Or is my unit messed up?

        Can anyone else confirm?

      • #187892
        Eventide Staff


          The latest update did not include any changes to the expert router. We are aware that there are some issues and are looking into it, but we cannot provide a timeline for any changes or fixes at the moment.

          My best recommendation is to use Emote for your routing. You can use Emote to save a few templates for the routing you need, and load those templates from the front panel if you wish to not use a computer while you are working with the H9000.

        • #187893

            That’s too bad. This is such an amazing sounding FX unit, and I really want to love using it, but unfortunately it’s an absolute chore negotiating these bugs.

            I wish Eventide would stop telling me to use Emote to control my device. If I wanted to be tethered to Emote every session, I would have bought the blank-face version.

            On a positive note, the new algos added in the recent firmware are quite cool.


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