Quantum7 wrote:
Can I use USB to get the 9000 FX goodness into my DAW while still using my current audio interface’s ASIO?
Presently, Windows 10 does not allow creating an aggregate device the way Mac can, so you won’t be able to combine the I/O of an H9000/R with your existing Interface. If you’re interface has and ADAT port, that’s a way around this for 8 channels of audio.
Quantum7 wrote:
If I get the 9000R, would getting various H9000 FX into my DAW be pretty much as easy as running FX plug-ins in Cubase?
You are still required to route audio to the H9000R inside of your DAW. Once that’s settled, using the Emote software gives users the “plug-in” experience eventhough technically there isn’t any audio going in and out of Emote, as it’s simply a controller. So let’s say you connect the H9000R via USB to your computer, you would be able to route audio to 8 stereo pairs inside of H9000, or 16 mono tracks. Up to you really. If you have a Dante or MADI capable interface, that’s another way around the Windows shortfall of not being able to create an aggregate device and those expansion cards for H9000R can give 32 channels of I/O (or 16 stereo pairs). Bottom line though, Emote makes recalling effect algorithms and routing audio within H9000 a breeeeeze.