H9000 Looking for a Distortion Tone

Home Forums Products Rackmount H9000 Looking for a Distortion Tone

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    • #171694

      Apologies if this is not the right forum for this, but I am currently trying to replicate a lead guitar tone on the H9000 and was wondering if anyone here would be interested in helping me.

      The tricky bit is that I’m trying to replicate it on a pedal steel guitar so it’s hard for me to know what’s my instrument and what’s the effect. Knowing what it would be on a regular guitar would be helpful though since I could probably fine tune it from there pretty easily.

      I put together a rough approximation using the Fuzack algo, but I’m sure there’s a better option.

    • #171709
      Eventide Staff

      No apologies necessary, thanks for the reminder of how great Masayoshi Takanaka is!

      The Fuzack algorithm may be a good option for this. I would also suggest the SRV algorithm, the default preset that loads sounds pretty close to that tone with my setup.

      The Distortion Preamp and Sculpt algorithms are also good starting points.

      You will most likely want to send the output of your FX Chain to a guitar amp or amp simulator to get a good overdrive/distortion sound.


    • #171711

      Thanks! Will keep tweaking…


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