H9000 MADI setup

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    • #176721

      Hi everyone.

      I’ve run into some confusion with a Madi card installation….


      My previous setup was H9k hooked up via spdif optical to a Motu 112D and then having the H9k setup with 4 parallel fx chains coming up as inserts in Logic and ProTools. This worked just fine but as my work is more and more drifting to 96k and the 112D does not support more than 2 channels of 96k at the spdif optical output I`ve installed a Madi card in my H9k to be able to get the 4 fx chains in 96k. All is good routing wise apart from the fact that if I send to input 1 and 2 which are routed to fx chain 1 it also gets routed to fx chain 2. I have triple checked my routing and as far as I can tell there is no cross patching. Madi 1 and 2 goes to chain 1 and out Madi 1 and 2. Madi 3 and f4 goes to chain 2 and out Madi 3 and 4 etc.

      Please see attached screenshot. Is there anything I should know regarding Madi which I don’t know yet?





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    • #176724
      Eventide Staff

      I cannot confirm that there are no routing errors with FX Chain 2 because I cannot see what is routed in the screenshot you shared.

      Can you send another screenshot that displays the routing of FX Chain 2?

      Also, how are you routing the audio to the H9000 from the DAW? The routing issue may be related to the DAWs routing.

    • #176737

      Hi there,

      One thing to note about Madi is that at 96kHz there are, a Bit like Adat, 2 ways that the signal can be transmitted.

      smux and hi speed. Smux is sometimes called legacy.

      This has to do with the way the stream is configured.  Smux uses a slower frame rate, But uses more channels to transmit the same amount of data….A bit like ADAT dual wire mode.

      So if you’re seeing things on Madi channels you’re not expecting, I’d definitely check that both the Eventide unit’s Madi setting and the sound card you’re using are set to the same type of 96kHz Madi.

      It’s caught me out a few times with multitrack recording setups.





    • #176746

      Whoops, sorry! Replied to the wrong thread.

    • #176809

      I believe this issue has been solved by changing the Madi inputs from 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 to 1-2, 5-6, 9-10, 13-14. Outputs are still 1-8 in stereo pairs. Don’t really know why it works but it does. I’m pretty sure it does not have to do with the routing from my DAW (logic 10.8.1) or the audio interface routing (motu 112d).

      Now lets just wait for the H9K to go full blown 96k….:-)



    • #176819
      Eventide Staff

      I asked my colleague who designed the MADI card about this, and he said:

      It sounds like a frame-mode issue, like gavvyt suggested on the forum. When operating at 96khz, we only support the newer 96Khz framing, not the legacy 48khz framing, which interleaves the samples. The 112D allows the user to select either 48khz framing or 96khz framing. So my guess is that he has the 112D set to [sample-rate=96khz, framing=48khz]. It needs to be set to [sample-rate=96khz, framing=96khz].

      • #176833

        Unfortunately this does not seem to be the case as the frame rate is at 96k. See attached screenshot. However, as mentioned before all works fine but still it would be interesting to know where the issue is…


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    • #176837


      very interesting.


      I agree, you have what looks to be the correct settings.   I’d be very interested to see what it is that is giving this result.

      What happens at 48kHz?

      Please do keep us updated.

    • #176853

      Tried this in 48k and then I had to revert back to inputs 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8 meaning the 96k routing did not work. Don’t really know what that tells us, if its the H9k or the 112D that’s the culprit…

    • #176856

      OK good to know.

      If I get a chance, I’ll try and get something like this happening in the next month and let you know how I go.
      I have a few different Madi devices I can connect up to.

      If I use the device live with a board at 96kHz, this will be a good thing to know how it works with other devices.

      Stay tuned.



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