H9000 System timer

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    • #162353


      Sorry if I am being dense, but I am trying to get to grips with the mindblowing looping capabilities of the H9000, particularly the Reich loop algorithms etc.

      I can’t for the life of me work out how to access the ‘system timer’ that the preset list describes. I’ve loaded the TimerDly Jig preset before Reich loops, but the timer never seems to start. I also can’t quite understand the relationship between tap tempo and system timer.

      Have searched the manual and other resources online, but I’m none the wiser. Any experienced H9000 users care to fill me in?


    • #162370
      Eventide Staff

      Hi Steve,

      This isn’t an error on your part. The H8000 has a global “timer” parameter that the long delay looper algorithms used, and this is not currently implemented in the H9000, so that’s why some features of these algorithms are not functioning correctly. The Reich loop algorithms in particular have many parameters that are based off the timer, so unfortunately these do not currently work well on the H9000. Also, because these looper algorithms want to follow the “timer”, which is different than the global tempo control, these algorithms don’t work with Tempo Mode on the H9000. We’re looking into a fix for these issues.

      Most of the other looper algorithms still function well on the H9000, they just need to be configured correctly. Note that you won’t be able to use the “#BARS” parameters to determine the loop lengths and you will have to manually configure each loop length instead. For example, if you use the 719 Mobius Loops algorithm, ignore the timer and #BARS, and manually set the time for Loop1 and Loop2. Toggling between Loop1 and Loop2 in the “LOOP PARAMS” page will determine which loop you are recording on. Also note that many of the looper algorithms have quad outputs, so make sure you are monitoring all 4 outputs of the algorithm for the full effect.

      Some other other looper algorithms I would suggest checking out are the Skew Loops and Rotation Loop. September Canons is also a good one that will follow the tempo of the H9000 if Tempo Mode is engaged, but this has a shorter delay time compared to the long delay loopers.

      Sorry for this inconvenience and for the confusion this has caused you.

    • #163575

      Sorry for the very late reply, and thanks for the extensive answer.

      I really look forward to having these issues fixed, as this kind of long-form, shifting looping is one of the main uses I plan for the H9000 when used live, and it’s a real shame that they are essentially redundant at the moment.

      Thanks for the tips on the other algorithms meanwhile – they are excellent and get me close to what I’m after. If I’m feeling brave, I might even try to dig into VSig to design something myself, but never tried to do anything that advanced so wish me luck…

    • #163578
      Eventide Staff

      We have a fix for this that brings the system back for these looper algorithms, we just need to finish testing this and it should be included in the next firmware update. Please sit tight and you will have the long-form, shifting loops of your dreams soon!

    • #163582

      Great news, thanks!

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