H9000 Triggering the Scenes and MIDI

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    • #185383

        Please if someone can give me some input on this.


        I am trying to use the h9000 via Emote and MIDI

        how am I supposed to use MIDI?

        Only directly to the MIDI I/O on the Rear of the H9000?  MIDI thru USB can work in and out of the H9000 to the DAW?

        I can trigger the H9000  directly with a controller through the  USB port, but I can not record or get that MIDI into the DAW

        how can I trigger the H9000 and record that into the DAW so I can play that MIDI message and trigger the H9000 from the DAW ?


        Then I did not find where is the page/tab or how is the way to Trigger Scenes, reading the manual but it seems the literature is old and does not match the current Emote version.




      • #185391
        Eventide Staff


          Scenes can be triggered using PC or CC messages, the MIDI can be received via DIN or USB from your DAW/computer or a MIDI controller.

          The H9000 does not output MIDI. When Scenes are triggered on the H9000, there is no MIDI data to record from the H9000.

          It sounds like for what you’d like to do, you need to program the sequence of MIDI messages within your DAW, and output that MIDI to the H9000 to trigger the Scenes.

          The latest version of the manual is up to date with the latest software version. Please see “Creating and Editing Trigger Sources”: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/2.2.11/content/emote/views/scenes_view.html

          Let me know if that clears it up.

        • #185398

            Thanks for your replay,

            Working, from MIDI Interface to MIDI In in the back

            So what is the reason for having MIDI out in the H9000 if the unit does not output MIDI? (I am just curious)

          • #185399
            Eventide Staff

              The MIDI output can be used for MIDI feedback with controls that support this: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/2.1.12/content/setup/h9000setup.html#midi

              Future firmware updates could include some additional features that would be useful with outputting MIDI data, there have not been many requests for this.

              Does your last post mean that you have resolved the issue or do you still need help with this?


              • #185796

                  I’d definitely be keen on MIDI output from the H9000, and to be able to build algorithms that generate MIDI for various uses.

              • #185400

                  Yes, all is working great


                • #185402
                  Eventide Staff

                    Good to hear!

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