H9000 USB FX chain in Logic

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    • #163812

        I am having problems with my H9000 and for the money, I am ready to throw the thing out the window.

        My setup:
        Apogee Symphony mkII
        H9000 emote 2.05
        both setup to as an aggregate
        Mac Big Sur 11.6.2
        Logic X 10.7.4
        No USB hub or extender

        Emote works in stand alone routed via USB through Logics I/O module but everytime I powerup my studio, I have to reroute everything while toggling back and forth the clock… not a good work around.

        I NEED this to work as an FX chain in logic so it can remember what it was doing last session. You would think the routing would be the same as Logics I/O but nope and yes, i read the manual and watched the tutorials.

        Is this just an USB issue? I have a Dante card installed but I dont have a network hub.

        Also, for such a fancy device, why are MOST effects limited to 48k?

      • #163814
        Matthias Adloff

          If you happen to throw it out of the window, please gimme your address beforehand. I’ll catch it!

          Since I use LAN to control and MADI to feed the H9000, I cannot help you with your first issue. I hope you’ll find a fix, sounds very wrong.
          But “MOST effects limited to 48k”? Nope. At least on my machine, except some 5.1 reverbs and some multiples, everything is 96k. Can’t count them, but I would say 40 out of >1.500 algorithms are 48k only, which would result in a whopping 97% of all algos supporting 96k.


        • #163815

            <p style=”text-align: left;”>Save a session after you have set up the routing on the H9000</p>

          • #163819
            John Baylies

              I’m surprised that you have to reroute everything after rebooting the H9000. It should retain its current state through reboots, unless you explicitly clear the  current state with a soft reset.

              Like Puppeteer said, try Emote > menubar > Session > Save To H9000 after you’ve set up the routing. You can then double-click the saved Session in Emote’s sidebar to reload the Session.

              If you use Emote as a plugin in Logic instead of as a standalone app then Emote’s state will be saved along with Logic’s project, and you’ll be prompted to restore Emote’s state when reopening the project, which could be of use. Saving Sessions is definitely best practice, though.

              USB Sample Rate Mismatch is uniquely a USB issue, yes. It won’t occur with Dante, or any other clocking method.

              If your computer’s connected to the internet via Ethernet, then you can probably just connect the Dante card to the same router that your computer’s connected to, unless that router uses EEE.

              Let me know if that helps.

            • #163834

                Hi, thanks for the info. Unfortunately, using Emote in Logic as an FX chain, the meters on the H9000 shows signal in and out but I am only able to hear the dry signal, almost as if the effect is being bypassed. Any thoughts?

                Thanks to all in advance

                • #163842
                  Eventide Staff

                    If you’re still experiencing issues with this, I would suggest loading the “901 Reverb Buses” factory session. This will ensure that all of your routing on the H9000 will be correct, and any audio being sent to the H9000 over the USB channels 1-16 will be processed by a reverb.

                    Another simply way to troubleshoot your routing is to load the algorithm “13 Note Oscillator”. This will put out a constant sine wave tone, and can help you determine if your H9000’s outputs are routed correctly to your DAW.

                • #163835
                  John Baylies

                    The Emote plug-in itself does not process audio. It only controls, and displays the current state of, the H9000.

                    Regardless of if you’re using Emote as a plugin or as a standalone app, you’ll need to use Logic’s I/O Utility to send audio to, and receive audio from, the H9000.

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