H9000R MADI Expansion Card not Recognized

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    • #187037

        I bought the card.  Installed it per the instructions.  The H9000R does not recognize the card.  Emote shows all 3 expansion slots as empty.  I updated the H9000R firmware and emote to the latest.  HELLLLLLLP!!  I pulled it out of the rack twice now to double check everything is installed correctly.  I made usre the clips on the cables header were closed.  I didn’t care which side of the ribbon cable had the red wire per the instructions.  What could be wrong?

      • #187040
        Eventide Staff

          I’ve emailed you directly to sort out the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.

        • #187141

            I just installed the replacement card.  Still not showing up  in Emote.  You didn’t send a replacement cable.  Could the cable be bad?  Can you reach out to me to troubleshoot.  I have a significant  investment now in the MAID card and and RME MADI interface .  I have not been able to use it for 2 weeks now.  The RME card is working properly.

          • #187143

              To my chagrin, it turns out to be installation error.  I didn’t use enough force on the ribbon cable connectors to properly seat the connector to the socket.   Eventide provided great support and I was able to resolve the issue.  Now I’ve got to fill up those 32 extra channels!.

            • #187217

                Thanks for the update.  I’ve got a MADI card on the way as well, so will bear in mind to make sure ribbon cable is seated properly.

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