H9000R network fail

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    • #185144

        Hello guys,

        Last night out of know where my H9000r would not connect to the network.
        I tried Ethernet which is how I always connect and after exhausting that option I tried the wifi adapter.
        I see the wifi adapter blinking and the h9000r does show up in the wifi network eventually on my computer,
        but when I put the password in it does not connect because ultimately, the white blinking network light on the front of the unit refuses to go solid while after blinking for the 2 minute sequence, both Ethernet and wifi. I have no audio without the unit being connected to the network and communicating with the emote!

        Please get back to me asap, I am out of business without the unit because I am mixing full time!

        thank you,

        Stephen DeAcutis

      • #185152
        Eventide Staff

          Hi Stephen,

          Sorry for the issues you are having. I see you have opened a support ticket, I can help you troubleshoot the issue via the ticket.

        • #185206

            Reporting back, after hours of trouble shooting with Tyler, my final attempt to resolve the matter seems to have corrected the issue!

            Re-initializing the unit brought me back to being able to see the emote and achieve a solid network light. I will re-check everything tomorrow Sunday the 6th and also check for audio and confirm my findings!

            Stevie D

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