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September 7, 2020 at 1:05 pm #116086
ParticipantHoping someone can help with this one. Installed my H9000R w/Dante Card. It showed up at first in Dante Controller, but had “unresolved subscriptions”. I updated the Dante card firmware using the Dante Firmware Update Manager, and now I got nada. H9000R shows up w/Emote, but nowhere to be found on Dante Controller. I have the Dante on a dedicated switch in one port on my Mac Pro and the Emote controller is on another switch connected to the other port on my Mac Pro. Any ideas? I’m at a total loss here :(…
September 7, 2020 at 1:16 pm #155732hemlocxl wrote:
Hoping someone can help with this one. Installed my H9000R w/Dante Card. It showed up at first in Dante Controller, but had "unresolved subscriptions". I updated the Dante card firmware using the Dante Firmware Update Manager, and now I got nada. H9000R shows up w/Emote, but nowhere to be found on Dante Controller. I have the Dante on a dedicated switch in one port on my Mac Pro and the Emote controller is on another switch connected to the other port on my Mac Pro. Any ideas? I'm at a total loss here :(…
Could you provide the version of the Dante firmware you installed, as well as the version of the Dante Controller app you are using, and the version of Mac OS, and we'll try to chase this down.
By the way, are the network link LEDs on the rear panel of the Dante expansion card on?
I recently had to update Dante Controller in my own setup to version 4.2.5 so it would work correctly on Mac OSX 10.15 (Catalina), so that might be worth a try.
September 7, 2020 at 10:31 pm #155736
ParticipantOS- Mojave 10.4.6
Dante Controller 4.2.5
Firmware – h9k-dante-io-board-
Dante card LED is Orange on the left and green on the right
Network port on H9000R is green on the left, orange on the right
Emote is running fine and shows the unit
It showed up, initially and now can’t be found by Dante Controller or via Dante Firmware Update Manager. I had some issues when setting up my MTRX Studio, but those were resolved and it runs fine w/Dante. And the Dante is definitely working, because I can route Logic Pro X’s via Dante into Pro Tools Ultimate 2020.9 (HDX2) just fine. I’m sure I am just overlooking something, but Dante is hardly user friendly, it seems. Been a lot of trial and error, so far, argh. I suppose I could always go other routes for I/O with the H9000R, but I do like what Dante is capable of.
September 8, 2020 at 2:49 pm #155741
John Baylies
ParticipantHi hemlocxl,
Could you also let us know what setting you're using in the 'Configure Dante Interfaces in Unmanaged Mode' preference page? You can get to it by clicking the button with the four boxes in it in Dante Controller.
Changing the Primary Interface from en1 to en0 might help.
Checking "Use shared Dante Interface" might help as well.
September 8, 2020 at 7:02 pm #155748
By the way, it appears that the Dante Firmware Update Manager is no longer supported (and doesn't work in OSX 10.15), and we should be using the Dante Updater from within Dante Controller instead (under the View menu). Although, it's not clear to me from a quick look how one goes about updating from a file, so perhaps we need to get our firmware uploaded to Audinate's library before this will work.
September 8, 2020 at 11:03 pm #155750
ParticipantIP is self-assigned. I attached a screenshot (Lousy one, lol!)
September 10, 2020 at 12:45 am #155759
ParticipantOk, now the H9000R is showing up in Device Info, but NOT in the Routing. I cannot change anything in the network config tab for the H9000R. It is set to SWITCHED and Manually Configure an IP address. The IP address is the same as in Emote, but the subnet mask is wrong. It reads in Dante Controller and in Emote. As I said, I cannot change ANYTHING in Dante Controller. It just freezes and reverts to the Switched setting with Manually configure an IP address, no matter if I Apply settings, clear config or reboot the device. Also, not that my firmware is out of date and I have the current firmware downloaded but cannot update it through Dante Controller or the Firmware Updater.
September 10, 2020 at 10:34 pm #155769
ParticipantUPDATE! It seems I got the durned thing working, in a sense! I unplugged the Network cable, was able to make a few changes in Dante Controller and managed to get it FULLY recognized in Dante Controller! All green, across the board! But, now I just have to figure out how to get the thing to work in Logic or Pro Tools :(… I found a youtube video that kinda walked through configuring the H9000 with Logic via USB, but I am having no luck trying a similar thing w/Dante so far. Does there happen to be a sample Dante Controller map that routes the H9000 in/out of a DAW? And how to configure it in Emote? I spent the better part of a few hours trying to figure it out, but no worky so far. I had to wrap my head in duct tape to keep it from blowing up and messing up my walls, lol. I’m sure I am overthinking it, but if there is a good tutorial out there, it would be totally useful! Also, if you guys could upload the firmware update to Audinate’s site, that would be great, too. Getting there, slowly, but surely!
September 12, 2020 at 3:41 am #155785
ParticipantI’m going to chime-in because I’m a little confused by this setup. And there’s always different setups/scenarios/challenges.
I’m on the same:
OS- Mojave 10.4.6
Dante Controller 4.2.5
I’m not sure what audio interface you’re using and/or with Dante installed? I do not have the H9000 w/Dante connected directly to my MacPro. Instead I have a PCIe Dante card installed. This is then connected to a network switch. My MacPro is also connected via/Ethernet port to this network switch. The H9000 w/Dante is also connected to the network switch. I don’t have ANY issues when I launch Dante Controller recognizing equip. Although sometimes Dante Controller forgets ‘saved’ settings. I saved a default studio setup and it’s as easy as pie reloading Dante with the equipment ON prior to executing. For me works flawless. I LOVE Dante but there’s additional expenses to setup properly.
Are you using the Dante Virtual Soundcard?? Do you have a dedicated Dante audio interface and/or network switch??? Just curious and to help others looking to setup Dante properly in a network studio. For me it was a bunch of literature reading and trial but I’m happy to share knowledge.
September 12, 2020 at 9:03 pm #155788
ParticipantI should also add that I have an Avid MTRX Studio and HDX2 setup. DADman is probably adding another layer of complications. But I have audio working fine from Logic, Pro Tools and system audio for iTunes, Youtube, etc. It’s just trying to get the H9000R working in both DAWs. I’m sure the routing process is different both of them, so it’s even more frustrating, since it’s not just a simple I/O situation and more of a send/return scenario. I literally plugged an AVIO AES3 connector into my Eleven Rack and into the Dante network and it runs fine, right off the bat. Audio in, no problem. So, not sure how many steps I am missing here, but there really is no clear documentation anywhere online. I don’t want to return the thing, to be honest. I just want it to work, but I need to know how to get it to work
September 14, 2020 at 12:37 am #155799
ParticipantI feel your frustration as I went through the same. The issue could just be the setup/routing in the “Algorithms” page. Try a simple 1-2 ch. setup. Input/Outpus should be Dante and routing. Don’t add any other connection links/channels. Make sure you have a similar routing setup in Dante Controller and DAW. Pay special attention to the routing because it might not a 1 to 1 connection. For example even though in the Algorithms page I have 1-2ch routings it might be different in Dante Controller and DAW. I’m on DP and that routing is handled via “bundles”. Protools, Logic, etc. handles differently. The routings have to align for a signal to pass.
Took me many minutes/trial & error to understand the routing in the Algorithms Emote tab with my DAW/Dante Controller. I was happy with DVS but decided on a dedicated option after adding the H9000. Not saying that’s the solution, but if thinking of adding more Dante equip then it’s an option. Try the routing suggested above and report back. I’m guessing it’s the routing/setup. Not an H9000 issue.
September 14, 2020 at 3:32 am #155801
ParticipantTo be honest, I have wasted waaaaay too much time trying to figure this out. I can’t even get it to work with USB, at this point. Routing a simple send/return shouldn’t be this difficult for $6000, ugh There’s no documentation on how to properly do this anywhere, so I am probably going to call Sweetwater for a return label tomorrow.
September 15, 2020 at 3:06 am #155812
ParticipantOr maybe I got that wrong? Is the MTRX sending audio to the H9000 and then that’s being returned to the MTRX? I give up, Dante is mindbogglingly confusing. Thinking I might return the Dante card and just stick to the Analog, AES and ADAT I/O. Either way, this thing is NOT working the way it theoretically should. The Emote user manual is useless. I understand what it says I should do, but it doesn’t address all the variables in my setup, for one. And I understand that there are many ways to skin the proverbial cat, so it’s impossible to address every scenario, but as it stands, it seems like I can only use one stereo channel of I/O on the H9000R and not 32 channels(16×16), so it’s a bust, it seems..
September 15, 2020 at 4:15 am #155813
John Baylies
ParticipantDante is confusing at first, but it's powerful once you learn its ins and outs.
Maybe this will help.. The rows in Dante Controller correspond to the I/O Channels at the top of Emote.
…and the columns in Dante Controller correspond to the I/O channels at the bottom of Emote.
Here's my Dante Controller setup as an example… Here you can see that Ableton output 15/16 goes to H9000 input 11/12, and H9000 output 1/2/3/4 goes to Ableton input 1/2/3/4.
(right-click the image and select 'View Image' to view it full-size)
Using the routing I described with a single FX chain in Emote would look like this:
September 15, 2020 at 4:21 am #155814
John Baylies
Participantwoops, I think that image of my Dante Controller setup broke the forum… I'll upload it as an attachment instead.
In 'dante routing.jpg' you can see that Ableton output 15/16 goes to H9000 input 11/12, and H9000 output 1/2/3/4 goes to Ableton input 1/2/3/4.
To get that routing working with a single FX Chain in Emote, it would look like this:
September 29, 2020 at 4:49 pm #155932
ParticipantDERP!! Disregard!! I solved the problem… Just had to reconfigure a few things in the routing. Apparently, I can’t send, say channel 17-18 out from the H9000R, to, say channel 49-50 on the MTRX Studio. If I send from 17-18 on the H9000R to 17-18 on the MTRX Studio, VOILA!! It works!! MTRX Studio has 64 channels of Dante, so not sure exactly why that isn’t working the way I want it to, but if I can use channels 17-32, that works for me, I suppose!
September 29, 2020 at 10:11 pm #155933
ParticipantActually, there were still some hiccups, but Sweetwater Tech Support was able to fix it to the point where we have something usable. Thankfully they can access my computer remotely and could tweak things in Pro Tools, DADman and Dante Controller (Took a bit over 2 hours, but we got somewhere!). Turns out DADman adds another layer of confusion with routing, when using Dante and Pro Tools. Best solution so far is to run the Emote standalone app and treat it as an external send/return, it seems. If I were just running Emote and Dante Virtual Soundcard, or could create and aggregate I/O on my Mac Pro, it would be a LOT easier. Unfortunately Pro Tools HDX doesn’t really want to play that game, argh. Now that it’s configured, tomorrow I will try running multiple instances on separate channels and seeing if that works. Fingers crossed, lol!
September 30, 2020 at 5:43 am #155934
ParticipantYou can certainly use any Dante channel on the MTRX Studio to or from the H9000R. You need to route the H9000R in Dante Controller to the MTRX Studio. Then, in DADman route the inputs from Dante to the MTRX Studio paths that you want to patch from Dante. This is my main I/O as part of my setup. I have a ton of Dante around my studio and I can patch from anywhere to anywhere. The key is to start with Dante Controller and then go and patch whatever you need to in DADman.
September 8, 2020 at 1:12 pm #155739hemlocxl wrote:
OS- Mojave 10.4.6
Dante Controller 4.2.5
Firmware – h9k-dante-io-board-
Dante card LED is Orange on the left and green on the right
Network port on H9000R is green on the left, orange on the right
Emote is running fine and shows the unit
It showed up, initially and now can't be found by Dante Controller or via Dante Firmware Update Manager. I had some issues when setting up my MTRX Studio, but those were resolved and it runs fine w/Dante. And the Dante is definitely working, because I can route Logic Pro X's via Dante into Pro Tools Ultimate 2020.9 (HDX2) just fine. I'm sure I am just overlooking something, but Dante is hardly user friendly, it seems. Been a lot of trial and error, so far, argh. I suppose I could always go other routes for I/O with the H9000R, but I do like what Dante is capable of.
Thanks for the info. I'll try and replicate the problem here.
By the way (apologies, I should have asked about this before) what is your IP addressing scheme for the Dante network? Are you using static, DHCP, or self-assigned (Bonjour) addressing? You could post a screenshot of the Network settings for the relevant interface on your Mac. Mine is attached as an example – I am using self-assigned addressing, hence the link-local (169.254) address.
September 9, 2020 at 1:55 pm #155751hemlocxl wrote:
IP is self-assigned. I attached a screenshot (Lousy one, lol!)
Thanks. Does this match the network assigned as Primary in the "Configure Dante Interfaces in Unmanaged Mode" dialog in Dante Controller? (The toolbar button with "Choose a Dante interface" as the tooltip text when you hover the mouse over it). See John B's screenshot above.
September 10, 2020 at 12:29 pm #155762hemlocxl wrote:
Ok, now the H9000R is showing up in Device Info, but NOT in the Routing. I cannot change anything in the network config tab for the H9000R. It is set to SWITCHED and Manually Configure an IP address. The IP address is the same as in Emote, but the subnet mask is wrong. It reads in Dante Controller and in Emote. As I said, I cannot change ANYTHING in Dante Controller. It just freezes and reverts to the Switched setting with Manually configure an IP address, no matter if I Apply settings, clear config or reboot the device. Also, not that my firmware is out of date and I have the current firmware downloaded but cannot update it through Dante Controller or the Firmware Updater.
It's possible there's something wrong with the Dante card but first I'd like to double check that the network configuration is OK.
The H9000 with a Dante card in it has (at minimum) two separate network interfaces that need to be configured with different addresses:
– The H9000 control port, which is right above the two USB A ports on the rear panel, which is used for Emote communication, software updates, etc
– The Dante ports(s) on the expansion card, which are used for Dante audio and controller traffic
The control port is configured via the network page in emote or the front panel UI. The Dante port (for simplicity's sake let's assume a non-redundant configuration, so we're just using a primary port) is configured via Dante Controller.
There is no requirement that these interfaces be on the same network. However, they can't both have the same IP address.
It's often a good idea to separate the networks, because the Dante traffic is time sensitive. I too have a Mac Pro. The first ethernet interface on the Mac is connected to a switch that is also connected to the H9000's control port, and my router, and some other network devices. This network uses DHCP addressing in the range 10.1.x.y. The second interface on the Mac is connected to the Dante card, with self-assigned (bonjour) addressing, so uses addresses 169.254.x.y. (By the way, addresses starting 169.254 are reserved for self-assigned addresses and should not be configured statically).
If you look at the screenshots attached, you'll see that the Mac's primary interface is, the H9000 control interface is, the Mac's secondary interface is and the H9000 Dante card is
I can talk you through this by phone if that would help. Just send an email to support@eventide.com and we can arrange a call.
September 11, 2020 at 12:12 am #155771hemlocxl wrote:
UPDATE! It seems I got the durned thing working, in a sense! I unplugged the Network cable, was able to make a few changes in Dante Controller and managed to get it FULLY recognized in Dante Controller! All green, across the board! But, now I just have to figure out how to get the thing to work in Logic or Pro Tools :(… I found a youtube video that kinda walked through configuring the H9000 with Logic via USB, but I am having no luck trying a similar thing w/Dante so far. Does there happen to be a sample Dante Controller map that routes the H9000 in/out of a DAW? And how to configure it in Emote? I spent the better part of a few hours trying to figure it out, but no worky so far. I had to wrap my head in duct tape to keep it from blowing up and messing up my walls, lol. I'm sure I am overthinking it, but if there is a good tutorial out there, it would be totally useful! Also, if you guys could upload the firmware update to Audinate's site, that would be great, too. Getting there, slowly, but surely!
Good to hear of progress!
From your screenshots before, I can see you have Dante Virtual Soundcard installed. Can you select it as your IO device in Logic? Then you can route channels between the DVS and the H9000 Dante card using Dante Controller, and route the Dante channels into and out of effects in emote. Let us know if you need any more detail on either of these processes. (The simplest Dante Controller mapping is probably one that maps each channel on the transmit side of the DVS to the corresponding channel on the receive side of the H9000, and each channel on the transmit side of the H9000 to the corresponding one on the receive side of the DVS).
By the way, I've requested access to the Audinate partner site so I should be able to get the firmware uploaded soon.
September 12, 2020 at 8:16 pm #155787
Participantmonads wrote:I’m going to chime-in because I’m a little confused by this setup. And there’s always different setups/scenarios/challenges.
I’m on the same:
OS- Mojave 10.4.6
Dante Controller 4.2.5
I’m not sure what audio interface you’re using and/or with Dante installed? I do not have the H9000 w/Dante connected directly to my MacPro. Instead I have a PCIe Dante card installed. This is then connected to a network switch. My MacPro is also connected via/Ethernet port to this network switch. The H9000 w/Dante is also connected to the network switch. I don’t have ANY issues when I launch Dante Controller recognizing equip. Although sometimes Dante Controller forgets ‘saved’ settings. I saved a default studio setup and it’s as easy as pie reloading Dante with the equipment ON prior to executing. For me works flawless. I LOVE Dante but there’s additional expenses to setup properly.
Are you using the Dante Virtual Soundcard?? Do you have a dedicated Dante audio interface and/or network switch??? Just curious and to help others looking to setup Dante properly in a network studio. For me it was a bunch of literature reading and trial but I’m happy to share knowledge.
Everything is connected in Dante Controller. Dante is on a separate switch, as I mentioned previously, I My question now is how do I use Emote with Dante. Absolutely NOTHING I am trying is working. The routing in the Algorithms page in Emote makes absolutely no sense. I can’t even get USB audio to work, because I can’t create an aggregate device with the H9000 and DVS without losing all audio.
DVS is transmitting out from channels 17-32 to channels 1-16 on the H9000
H9000 is transmitting out from channels 1-16 to channels 17-32 on the DVS.
All is green across the board. So absolutely no idea how this routing works in Emote, because nothing I try works in either Pro Tools or Logic. There are no clear instructions or tutorials ANYWHERE, argh…
September 14, 2020 at 4:07 pm #155806
John Baylies
Participanthemlocxl wrote:There's no documentation on how to properly do this anywhereForgive me for asking this, but have you checked out the Emote manual? It's located here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/support/downloads/emote-user-manual
Page 16 is most relevant to your troubles:
September 15, 2020 at 1:46 am #155811
ParticipantJohn Baylies wrote:hemlocxl wrote:There’s no documentation on how to properly do this anywhereForgive me for asking this, but have you checked out the Emote manual? It’s located here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/support/downloads/emote-user-manual
Page 16 is most relevant to your troubles:
Hey John,
Well, it seems that I got it working, sort of. I tried the Emote Stand Alone app with iTunes as a test. Lo and behold, it actually worked with some readjusting things in Dante Controller and DADman. I got it to work in Pro Tools with the same settings. Physical inputs 1&2 (From DVS) and outputs 17&18 (Direct into my MTRX Studio). I guess I was trying to direct the outputs back to DVS, before, but it seems with Pro Tools, it wants the feed into the MTRX Studio. It works, but not quite the way I was hoping, but I guess I’ll have to experiment more. If I change the I/O settings in Emote, it loses input/output signal, even though there are valid available routes in DVS and MTRX.. Also had to add some outputs to the monitor profile in DADman to hear it. Now if I can just reroute that signal back into Pro Tools, it would be great. Haven’t attempted recording yet, but I inadvertently figured out how to route iTunes into Pro Tools, lol. So, not a total waste of time. The only other odd thing is that if I don’t disconnect or mute Emote before I close out a session, Emote stays active and processes signals even with the app closed, yikes…
September 28, 2020 at 11:39 pm #155925
ParticipantJohn Baylies wrote:woops, I think that image of my Dante Controller setup broke the forum… I’ll upload it as an attachment instead.
In ‘dante routing.jpg’ you can see that Ableton output 15/16 goes to H9000 input 11/12, and H9000 output 1/2/3/4 goes to Ableton input 1/2/3/4.
To get that routing working with a single FX Chain in Emote, it would look like this:
I have Emote working in Logic and as the standalone app, since that all is using Dante Virtual Soundcard as the outputs. Unfortunately, my whole plan was to use Emote in Pro Tools and I have an HDX2 system along with the MTRX Studio. I have the MTRX Studio and the H9000R routed to each other in Dante Controller. I have Emote showing there is signal flowing in and out of the H9000R, but no audio output from the H9000R(Photo attached). When I check out the Device Info in Dante Controller, it shows MTRX Studio receiving signal on channels 49-50, which is how I have it routed, but as you can see in the attached photo, there is a “no audio” indicator for all the H9000R to MTRX Studio channels (Same goes for the opposite MTRX to H9000R channels). It’s more than a bit confusing, to be honest. I don’t know if this is a Pro Tools issue, a MTRX Studio/Dante/DADman thing or what (Maybe even operator error if I am missing something simple?). As I said, it works fine in Logic, but that uses Dante Virtual Soundcard for it’s output. PT uses the HDX/Digilink as it’s output and the MTRX Studio adds a whole additional layer of confusion with it’s Dante abilities. I’ve tried to simply use USB, but that’s not working, either. Emote keeps telling me the sample rate is mismatched when I connect the H9000R via USB, which is ridiculous, since I’ve set everything I have to 48 from the get go.
September 30, 2020 at 5:11 pm #155936
Participantdonrwatters wrote:You can certainly use any Dante channel on the MTRX Studio to or from the H9000R. You need to route the H9000R in Dante Controller to the MTRX Studio. Then, in DADman route the inputs from Dante to the MTRX Studio paths that you want to patch from Dante. This is my main I/O as part of my setup. I have a ton of Dante around my studio and I can patch from anywhere to anywhere. The key is to start with Dante Controller and then go and patch whatever you need to in DADman.Yup, finally figured that stuff out. DADman is a little wonky until you get used to it. There’s not a lot of useful documentation out there or good tutorials for DADman or Dante Controller, unfortunately. But finally figured it out. Some corrective actions had to be taken in Dante Controller that I was unaware of, but once that was fixed, it started to flow smoothly with the patching in DADman. Had no problems getting it to work with Logic and Dante Virtual Soundcard, though. Pro Tools is it’s own animal, I guess..
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