H9000R wireless connection gone gone gone cannot restore it

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    • #115672

        It worked flawlessly for a solid month or more, now nothing. Tried resetting it by connecting the 9K in local host mode, but then can’t connect when switching to wifi.I am sooooooooo annoyed, with th Christmas holidays  approaching, I was looking forward to doing a lot. And now all support teams will be gone. I am mad.

        Is there a way to connect them directly via ethernet and NEVER use wifi again?

      • #153589
        Eventide Staff

          Hi J,

          Sorry to hear about that! First off let me direct you to the H9000R addendum in case you haven't already seen it. It has lots of useful info about connecting the R specifically:


          You can certainly just use an ethernet connection, you'll just need an ethernet cable. You can connect the R to your local network (to which your computer must also be connected), or I believe connect directly to your computer, although I've seen problems with the direct connection before.

          Sorry that this is happening right on the eve of the holidays. Do let us know how you get on, though.


        • #153590

            I ultimately got it to work along the lines of the 9KR Addendum, whihc is what I had done two months ago. What’s weird is that it took an extra 2-3 minutes from the moment the network white light stopped blinking for the device to be seen on my wifi, thence usable in Emote.

            I was hoping that a direct networkless Ethernet connection would be 100% reliable, but you seem to indicate that it is not? I think I’ll try it, as I do need wireless since my studio MacPro sits very close to the 9KR. 

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