H910 Harmonizer versus H 3000 Factory

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    • #113564

        I already have the H3000 Factory which as we all know has H910 capabilities. What will the H910 Harmnonizer bring to the table that the H3000 can’t do? I know the H3000 doesn’t have the keyboard but other than that – what?

      • #143820
        Eventide Staff

          Hi radioman521-

          For the most part, you can accomplish the features of the H910 with the H3000 Factory, apart from the keyboard (as you mentioned).

          However, while you can recreate similar effects, the original H910 has a very specific and recognized character to it's pitch shifting and converters, which were modeled in the H910 plug-in. Specifically, the lo-fi "glitching" that happens when pitch shifting, the primitive converters, and the inherent randomness of the hardware. So, the sonic footprint of the H910 plug-in is in fact quite different than the H3000 Factory plug-in, which some consider a "recognizable" sound.

          Hope that helps!


        • #143821


            Thanks for the quick reply. I’ve gotten quite used to the H3000 Factory sound and how to manipulate controls to get what I want. Looks like I’ll have to make a decision as to whether I really need the feel the H910; I tend to need stuff that’s not too heavy/over the top.

          • #143824
            Eventide Staff

              Hi radioman521-

              All of our plug-ins (including H910) have a 30-day demo period, if you'd like try H910 out in some mixes.



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