H9K MIDI Feedback

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    • #187249

        Are the USB B and DIN MIDI feedback options functional? I just tested them and I’m not getting any MIDI CC messages coming out of the H9000. I also tested the DIN THRU port and that one works.


        For context, I have a computer connected via USB B to my H9K and I’m trying to come up with a way for the computer to know when the H9K has completed its boot sequence. My plan was to send MIDI messages every second until one is received back via the feedback. The THRU port isn’t ideal for this because it starts to function before the H9K has finished booting. Also I would ideally be able to use USB B so I don’t have to connect an extra cable.

      • #187347
        Eventide Staff


          I can confirm that MIDI feedback is working from the USB B port using a MIDI monitor app. You can download this for free to help troubleshoot the issue: https://www.snoize.com/MIDIMonitor/

          I’m not sure if your test is a good way to determine when the H9000 has fully booted. In my testing, I am seeing the H9000 as an available MIDI device before it has finished the boot cycle.

          Can you provide some more information about why you are unable to know when it has booted? When viewing the front panel, you will see the screen go to the main UI page after the progress bar is full. On an H9000R unit, there are LED patterns that should the stage of the boot cycle.

          It should not take more than about 3 minutes for the H9000 to fully boot. If you turn it on, open the Emote app, and wait 3 minutes, you should see it appear in Emote once fully booted. That is my best recommendation for how to know when it has finished booting.

        • #187352

            I control my H9K using a mac mini “brain” and a set of iPhone touchOSC clients, one for each band member. It’s important that all the phones show the same knob values for anything MIDI mapped on the H9K, like a mic volume level for example. To accomplish this, I keep a source of truth for what each H9K knob “should” be set to in a script that runs on the mac mini. This source of truth initializes to -24db on boot, then can be adjusted via the phones. I have the mac and H9K on a power strip so they always initiate their boot sequence at the same time.

            The H9K will boot up with a knob value from the previous night though, so when I boot up the mac mini and H9K I need the mac to write it’s source of truth value onto the H9K. The H9K takes longer to boot up than the mac, hence the desire for some way to programmatically determine when the H9K is ready to receive MIDI and modify knob values. I currently do that by waiting 3 minutes from when the mac finishes booting, but it would be more precise if I could run a timer from when USB feedback begins.

            I’ve attached a photo of my MIDI feedback settings, but unfortunately with the MIDIMonitor app you recommended I don’t see any signal coming back from the H9K after a signal gets sent. Do you have any other ideas for debugging steps?


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          • #187364
            Eventide Staff

              That is the only setting to enable for MIDI Feedback to work.

              In the MIDI Monitor app, make sure that the H9000 USB audio device is selected as a source.

              Then, map an algorithm parameter such as “Mix” to a CC, such as CC1. When you adjust that parameter in Emote, you should see the H9000 output CC1 from the USB B port on the MIDI Monitor.

              Note that Functions currently do no work with MIDI feedback, but any other parameter should work.

            • #187374

                Ah I see, I misunderstood the feature. I thought it would just send back any midi message regardless whether it was mapped to something (I had mine mapped to a Function knob). I remapped it to an algorithm knob I’m not using and set my script to send alternating 0 and 127 values so I don’t get stuck sending the same value that’s already written (a response only gets sent when the parameter changes). Now I can detect when the H9K is ready rather than having to guess. Thanks!

                • #187386
                  Eventide Staff

                    Great! Glad to hear you got it sorted.

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