H9’s Looper bug

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    • #112672



      I’m not able to overdub while being in reverse after using “Flip Direction” and I’m not able to record anything after stopping the loop that it was reversed after using “Flip Direction”; I need to reload my Looper preset in order to make it work again.

      However, the display shows that it is recording/overdubbing, but there is no sound.



      There’s no problem when doing the same with “Octave”.


      This doesn’t happen when using the 3 Aux Switch either, only with MIDI.


      Could anybody else confirm that? It might be just me and my MIDI Controller.



      I’m using my MIDI controller (Liquid Foot Mini) directly into the H9 alone, no other MIDI devices in the chain.

      And the CC I have mapped for “Flip Direction” is not duplicated





    • #139628
      Eventide Staff



      We'll try to duplicate this on our end.  Quick Question, when you get it into this weird state where it looks like it is recording/overdubbing, but you don't hear anything, is the Looper bypassed?  You can check by going into preset mode (press and hold right footswitch).  If the Active LED is not lit in Preset mode, somehow the Looper has been bypassed, which should never occur with the Looper, but would be nice to know if that's the case.  

    • #139630


      Thanks so much for replying.


      I’m not able to replicate this bug anymore. Nothing has changed since this happened a few days ago so I’m not sure what was causing it.

      But I will keep using it to see if I can somehow replicate it and I will try to make a short clip and will provide screenshots of my settings for both, H9 and my MIDI controller.


      By the way, Looper is not bypassed; LED is lit.


      Thanks again!

    • #139964

      OK it’s happening again.


      I’m still sending the same CC and it still hapens with “Flip direction” only.


      I’ve noticed that when I send the CC it shows “BYPASS” in the screen for a second and it does the reverse thing. After that, I can not record anymore, because it has been bypassed, but if I send the CC for “REC” the screen shows “R > 0:00” and “D > 0:00”.


      Any help will be appreciated.

      • #140119
        Eventide Staff
        spaceJam wrote:

        OK it's happening again.


        I'm still sending the same CC and it still hapens with "Flip direction" only.


        I've noticed that when I send the CC it shows "BYPASS" in the screen for a second and it does the reverse thing. After that, I can not record anymore, because it has been bypassed, but if I send the CC for "REC" the screen shows "R > 0:00" and "D > 0:00".


        Any help will be appreciated.


        We're having trouble reproducing this.  Are you doubly sure none of your MIDI CC mappings under RCV.CTL in the H9 itself are mapped to BYP, FS1, FS2, or FS3? 

    • #140026



      Also, can anybody else with a MIDI controller check if that happens?

    • #140127

      I’m attaching my MIDI and AUX mapping here.




      Please note that I’m not using MIDI + AUX at the same time. But I will disable those AUX mappings and will check if the problem persists.

    • #140176

      I have disabled everything in the AUX and I’m still having the same issue.


      Anyone else with a MIDI controller can confirm if this happens when sending a CC to activate DIR?



      • #140182
        spaceJam wrote:
        … Anyone else with a MIDI controller can confirm if this happens when sending a CC to activate DIR?

        I had intended to try this out for a while now, SpaceJam.  I went as far as nearly duplicating your MIDI assignment screens in H9 Control, and MIDI ‘Learned a CC #44 to Looper – Flip Direction in the H9 itself.

        I’m sending CC messages with an FCB-1010.  Various static values using the footswitches; performing as expected.  Continuous values of CC #44 via footpedal stuttered the loop until the values settled down.  Also expected: the Looper is trying to incrementally flip directions under a barrage of MIDI CC values.

        I don’t see anything wrong in your MIDI assignment images.  On the off chance that the LF Mini was sending MSB / LSB MIDI CC’s, I thought there might have been a CC #16 “clue” somewhere.  This is baffling …  I can’t reproduce the issue.  Have you used a MIDI monitor to check if the LF Mini is sending anything else unusual?

    • #140186

      Hey, thank you so much for your help.


      I will install a MIDI monitor to see if there’s something weird happening when sending that CC. Any suggestion?


      If you guys aren’t able to reproduce that then is most likely an issue with my LF+ Mini and my H9 setup.

      Correct me if I’m wrong with this workaround: send a CC for knob8 with a low value (0?) to “hit” the -2x Rec-Speed and then send the same CC with a high value (~110) to “hit” 1x.


      Thanks for everything!

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