Harmadillo does not save settings

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    • #169526

        Harmadillo does not save its settings. It I always come back to the same wrong setting, no matter what I do.

      • #169527
        Eventide Staff

          Can you be more specific about what you are doing when you save the settings?

          I just tested this and saving a Preset or an FX Chain recalls with the correct Harmadillo parameters.

        • #169537

            I’m using Emote. The algorithm Harmadillo of this chain (in attachment) always comes back to the same setting. The first time, I thought it was a mistake on my part. Second time it losts again its settings I tried to test and I come to this conclusion. This experience seems to already happened with other chains. But I can not be sure that the error is my own (and so I redo the preset). When, in 2 days, this happens 2 times, I start looking specifically at the problem.

            And well: I save in the memory of the H9000r. It asks me if I want to replace the preset (as usual), I answer yes. I open the chain again, and … the change has not been taken into account.

          • #169538

              (2nd attempt of attachment)

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              • #169551
                Eventide Staff

                  Sorry, that attachment is just a text file when I download it and unzip it.

                  The best way to troubleshoot this would be to export the FX Chain using Emote, or provide a screen recording that demonstrates the issue. Step by step instructions to reproduce this would also be useful.

                  Does this only happen with that specific FX Chain?

              • #169566

                  Insert-input is a FX chain saved using Emote !?

                  Anyway anyway, here is a video recording of the problem I encounter

                • #169567

                    I’m having trouble publish it online. The attachment system of the forum refuses it (and impossible to edit my last message!!!???).

                    So here it is:

                    • #169581
                      Eventide Staff

                        Thanks for sharing this video, and sorry that you were having issues sharing your files. This is very helpful.

                        I can reproduce this, it seems that this is only an issue with the Rate parameter when Tempo Mode is on. All of the other parameters are recalling correctly. I’ll look into this further, but for now I would suggest keeping tempo mode off for Harmadillo and then your presets should recall correctly.

                        Sorry for the inconvenience.

                    • #169569

                        I’ve had problems with loading some presets too. In my case the visible state of the preset loads correctly, only the audio is not processed according to knob positions unless I move the knobs first. I meantioned the problem earlier here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/forums/topic/h9000-some-presets-not-loading-correctly/

                        Don’t know if this is related, or a completely different bug..

                        • #169585
                          Eventide Staff

                            Seems like a different bug but thanks for your input. We’ll look into this issue as well.

                        • #169570

                            Saving presets seems like magic from hell. Hopefully Eventide will fix this very soon.

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