Harmonizer H910 Incompatible with Logic X?

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Harmonizer H910 Incompatible with Logic X?

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    • #168075

        I’ve installed my purchased Harmonizer H910 Plug In, however Logic X now greets me with an Error Message that it found an incompatible Plug In.

        The Single Version of the H910 is being loaded normally, however the Dual Version did not show at all at first.and is marked within the Plug In Manager as “couldn’t be opened”.

        The Dual Version works when I open it manually, however the Error message at every Logic start, as well as the Placement in the “Incompatible” Folder within the Drop Down Menu is very distracting. Is there a way to fix this issue?


        Thank you!


      • #168076


          go into Plug-in Manager, and make sure you have highlighted the presumed to be incompatible H910 plug-in… and then click on the reset and scan selection option… the plug-in manager will then rescan the item, and hopefully the blue tick will include the words “successfully validated” … this isn’t a Eventide problem it’s an godsend from Apple, bless there hearts, but I have to do this many a time with other plug-in manufacturers – and I have Eventide, Soundtoys, Arturia, Korg, Fabfilter, East West, Heavyocity, Korg and Native Instrument’s… all of which I have had to do the dance of the reset and scan.

          I am user, not a member of the Eventide help crew… so if you still got an issue… maybe contact them direct via email…

        • #168124

            Great, that fixed it! Thanks a lot!

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