Having cc problems

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    • #108092

      The title says it all.

      A good example of what Im trying to achieve is preset 'Guitar Rig 1'. The description states 'You may use your MIDI pedalboard’s CC messages to remote the 4 effects levels on the first hot keys page…to get FX
      on/off functions. For your next gig!'

       Ive tried  both a digitech FS3X  and a Boss FS-6 and have problems with both.

      The digitech works very well with my eventide stomp boxes, performing all the functions very well.

      I can get it to change presets, switch FXA and FXB on/ off, change tempo etc no problem I can also map it via  ext controllers to the 4 effects levels on the first hotkeys as described above. Problem is they only work in a momentary role i.e. as long as I hold down the switch. What Im after is a latching on/off kind of function.

      The Boss FS 6 I can't get to work very well at all. The eclipse seems to see both switches as tip, ring and tip and ring all at the same time.

      I really don't want to go down the midi foot controller route if at all possible, I only really want to be able to perform the functions described in the presets description. Any program changes will be done between songs using the front panel of the eclipse.

      Any pointers to solve this would be very much appreciated.


    • #122618
      Eventide Staff

        You could presumably change the momentary switches in the Digitech to latching switches. Five minutes of soldering.

        Otherwise, it is not obvious why you are having problems with the BOSS. You will probably need to talk to its maker – my guess is that you have the wrong settings – the fact that the Eclipse works as expected with the Digi suggests that the Eclipse is OK.

      • #122621

        Thanks very much for the quick reply nick.

        I don't mind having a go soldering the digitech. 

        Can you point me to anywhere I could find instructions on how to do this?

        Cheers again


      • #133790
        Eventide Staff

          I was thinking in terms of finding some latching switches and replacing the digi ones. You'd have to find the switches first (take your current ones along to your local electronics shop and tell them what you want).

          The connections should be much the same.

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