Headphone output on the H8000Fw?

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    • #105396

        Hello again, I want to thank IDeangelis for helping me get my system synced, it now runs perfectly with no pops just sweet pure sound!

        But I have another question to add to the forums. I am doing some vocals and I would like to hear the vocals through headphones so I can control my voice better.Is there a way to set the outputs to work as a headphone output? I bought a phone to 1/8 in stereo plug but either did not route it right or it does not work?

      • #117038

        Glad you are up & running!

        You can't use the H8000FW outputs to run a headphone. Use your mixer for that.

        all the best

      • #117221

          I have been trying to use my sound card output for listening to vocals through headphones I am hearing some latency even with my buffer at 128 which makes my system hiccup sometimes.
          I was wondering is there any good little mixers you would recommend, I could hook up for latency free monitoring with the h8000?

        • #128324
          Eventide Staff

            You will not get any true latency-free operations where a computer is involved.

             If you are handy with a soldering iron, you could make up an XLR to 1/4" adaptor and drive the headphones from the back of the unit. This will work best with high impedance phones, but will drive regular phones at a modest volume. The output will distort if you push it too far. 

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