HELP ! Can’t get analog input 3 and 4 out of S/P Dif

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    • #108332


        I have a H8000FW . I Haven't been here in awhile .

        All I want to do is get analog inputs 1,2,3 and 4 out of S/P Dif .

        I can only seem to get analog channels 1 and 2 out of SP Dif .

        I can see channel 3 and 4 coming in with the meaters and I can here it coming out of analog out 3 and 4 but I can't get it to come out of the digital spidf output .

        Please Help



      • #123043
        Eventide Staff

          Sounds like you need to understand the routing capabilities of the unit. I would suggest that you study the factory routings on the unit and in the manual.

          For example, if you load "Thru" into both A and B, "Analog A->B" (UM p.26) will send analog 1/2 out S/PDIF1/2, while "AES8 A->B" (UM p.27) will send Analog 1/2 out S/PDIF3/4.

          You may also find the Routing Utility (see H8000 Support pages) useful. Alternatively, if you tell me EXACTLY what you are trying to do, I can tell you how to set it up.

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