Help needed copying a sweet delay tone

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Help needed copying a sweet delay tone

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    • #107050


      I have fallen in love with a delay tone from this video: [View:

      At the 3:40 mark some sweet tones. He is using a TTE. I am guessing around 300 ms. My questions are  actually symptomaic of my issues of using the pedal:

      – Tape or Vintage?

      – just use A channel? or use dual?

      – mix?

      – if Tape, then X, filter, wow, flutter, fliter? All a mystery.

      Appreicate any tips. This would be one of my go to live settings ,so I would really appreciate help. Any time I try to set, I feel I get too much saturation/effect. I prefer a really clean sound here.



    • #120341

      try tape mode, with only the a delay, 300ms or so, not much saturation, a little wow and a little flutter and you should be there.

    • #120342

      awesome! What about the trail offs?

    • #131581

      I would say set it so you have 3 strong repeats. Also update to the latest software if you havent yet. The tape settings got even better. Man Kimock is so incredible. His son is a kickin drummer as well!

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