Hi Cut on Delays

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    • #113505

      I was watching a video where Pete thorn was talking about his rig and I saw he was using two H9’s. He stated that he likes to add a hi cut to the delays to darken them up a bit. Is this possible on the H9. I don’t see any parameters for this in the H9

    • #143568

        You’re looking for the FILTER control (in almost any TimeFactor delay algorithm).  In some of the other algorithm types (pitch / delay; reverb), you might see it labeled as TONE or HIGH- and LOW-LEVEL.  Sometimes it’s configured as a high cut.  Other times there will be highpass and lowpass combined in the same control.

      • #143574

          Instead of a Hi cut I miss a Low cut ‘knob’ on the delays sometimes. Lots of times the delay repeats cut better through the mix and not ‘clouding’ it too much with by using Low cut. But all delays only have the filter (Hi cut) if I am correct.

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