Higher Resolution Volume Pedal

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    • #181755

        I have an expression pedal I am looking to use as a volume pedal. I have it synced to the out gain of my last algorithm in my chain, going from -9db to 16db. From what I can tell the gain can only be set to integer db values, which means the higher precision 1-100 of the pedal is getting mapped to only 25 values (1/4 the resolution). Is there a way to improve this resolution? I was thinking perhaps I could have the gain go from -24db to 24db, but then I’d need some way to map that down to -9 to 16 (I don’t know how db math works but I’m imagining you would add db and then multiply by a value less than 1 to get this).

        Perhaps this would be better accomplished with a custom algorithm that has decimal gain adjustment.

      • #181792
        Eventide Staff

          Are you always using an expression pedal to control the output volume of the entire FX Chain? If so, I would suggest mapping it to the FX Chain output gain parameter. Click the green I/O bar to expose the FX Chain parameter (In Gain, Out Gain, Mix, etc.) and you can map the output gain parameter there. The output gain of the FX Chain has a finer resolution compared to the algorithm output gain parameters and this may work better for you.

        • #181851

            Thanks! I can see the decimal gain values and it’s smoother.

            Unfortunately I have noticed another issue. If I sweep up the pedal very slowly it doesn’t register in the volume map or on the “tip calibration” screen. It just stays fixed at whatever pedal position it was in before starting the sweep. If I give the pedal a quick twitch it jumps up to the proper value.

            I’m not sure if this is something about the pedal or about the H9000, but if someone has an expression pedal on hand I’d be curious if you can reproduce this behavior yourself. I’m taking about 10 seconds to go from one end of the pedal to the other.

          • #182008
            Eventide Staff

              Glad to hear that the FX Chain output gain works better for you.

              I can reproduce what you are describing with slow movements of the expression pedal, we can look into improving this.

            • #182026

                Is this something that would be likely to be included in an upcoming update or more of a backlog item?

                I can go back to using a regular volume pedal in the mean time, but I was really liking the expression for compressor patches like my guitar lead. Being able to have the input signal full volume then attenuate the final signal was much better than having the gain adjustment before compression.

              • #182046
                Eventide Staff

                  Sorry, I can’t provide a timeline at the moment. We are currently looking into this so we may be able to have it improved in the next update, but no guarantees.

                  If you use a MIDI expression pedal, that should work more consistently.

                • #182049

                    Thanks! Appreciate all the work eventide puts in on this amazing product.

                  • #182717

                      Thinking I might try to explore the MIDI option. Could I get the basic MIDI Expression here


                      Plug my TRS volume pedal into it, then plug it into one of the USB ports on the back of the H9000?

                    • #182719
                      Eventide Staff
                      • #182990

                          I decided to go for it with the MIDI Expression I linked above, works flawlessly!

                        • #182995
                          Eventide Staff

                            Good to hear! Thanks for the follow up.

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