Hotknob patch…clarification about

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    • #111330

        I don't understand exactly about Hotknowb patch programming…on manual is written you can controll multiple parameters simultaneosly….ex: using algorithm from time factor DIGITAL DELAY. I enter HOTKNOB patch mode, press X parameter and select delay A givin it his min and max value, ok? then press again X parameter and select delay B and, again, givin it min and max value. ok?

        NOW, if I save this patch EVERY TIME I use the Hotknob on the fly I CHANGE digital delay A and B…right?? and so on for all the parameters assigned to X, Y and Z…right?

        thanx again…this is a VERY important option to work with the H9 live on the fly as I use to do moving by hands knowb on Time Factor stompbox!

      • #125266
        Eventide Staff

          I'm not sure if this answers your question but HotKnob programming is saved with your preset so whenever the preset is loaded the HotKnob does what you told it to do.

        • #125267

            well…question can be like this (maybe more clear): I can assign MORE then one single parameter to any X, Y and Z button once in Hotknow Patch function…right? This mean, after saving new settings, I push button X (where I assigned 3 different parameters with theis min-max value) and "MOVING" the Hotknob I "MOVE" all 3 different parameters assigned values?

            better now? 🙂

            hope so…


          • #136082
            Eventide Staff

              "I can assign MORE then one single parameter to any X, Y and Z button once in Hotknow Patch function…right? This mean, after saving new settings, I push button X (where I assigned 3 different parameters with theis min-max value) and "MOVING" the Hotknob I "MOVE" all 3 different parameters assigned values?"

              No. The HotKnob button allows you to change multiple parameters. The X, Y and Z buttons always change only one parameter at a time. For example, you can program the Hotknob to change delay and mix at the same time and save that HotKnob assignment with your preset. Then, when you load that preset, if you press the HotKnob button, turning the big Knob (the encoder) will change delay and mix according to the range that you programmed. 

            • #136083

                so, if I understand well (sorry to stress u but it's VERY important), I CANNOT assign more the one single parameter to X (or Y or Z) BUT I can program the Hotknob patch in a way that, when I MOVE the Hotknob I MOVE SIMOULTANEUSLY X, Y, Z assigned parameters within a min-max value? Right?

              • #136084

                  Yes, that is correct.

                • #136086

                    cool!!! thanx very much…next thursday I will have the opportunity ti try the H9 in person…I'm "afraid" I'm gonna buy it…;)

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