Hours total / Power

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    • #111598

      hi, I have just bought a 7600 and I need to know if 54354/499 is too much time for the equipment, I read the information in the SETUP /SERVICE tab, any help will be great. Thanks

    • #125872
      Eventide Staff

      The time doesn't really matter, except for the fact that the battery should be replaced when it is about 10 years old.

    • #125874

      hi, thanks for your fast response, but could you tell me what that information means? the first five digits is the total time that the equipment have since it left the factory? and the last 3 digits the time the equipment was on (IN USE) am I wrong? the manual didnt explains it. I am asking because is very expensive piece of gear and I want to know if the unit was used too much or not, we didnt have eventide service in Argentina and its imposible to send it here, the customs didnt authorize.

      I am worried because when you turn it the equipment it made some clicks noise when checking systems, programs etc, Is it normal? its the same clicks that the equiment do when you change the rate resolution from, 44.1 to 96 for example 

      Also, the equipment was purchased used in Guitar Center and when I tried to register the system dont let me, could you please help me how to do it?

      You help is priceless! 

      Thank you!

    • #136598
      Eventide Staff

      I think the first figure is the number of hours since it was made, the second the number of hours powered up. But, these figures don't mean much – it will not "wear out" with time.

      There will be a relay click after it finishes its power-up checks – this is normal.

      You should contact support@eventide.com for registration issues.

    • #136602

      thank you so much for your fast responses!!

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