How do I get E-control?

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    • #106621

      How do I get E-control for my  h8000FW?

    • #119449

      E-Control is not available at the moment.


    • #119469

      O.k. I misread the press releases and webpage prior to purchase. Any update at all would be appreciated. 

    • #130712

      It was supposed to see daylight in 2009 Q4 but sadly there's no hope.

      I've asked for info on the release but no answers given,so i presume that Q4 comes to pass and we'll be waiting another year for disclosureBig Smile

      I was mislead by eventide publicity also,that's how it is! 

    • #130719

        They announced it in November 2007… I love Eventide, but this one is one of the most absurd failed launches ever.

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