How do you share PitchFuzz algorithm from my Max to my Core?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes How do you share PitchFuzz algorithm from my Max to my Core?

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    • #114191

        I’m a bit worried I’ll mess up presets on my pedal (got a gig coming).  Anyway, I’ve got PitchFuzz on my H9 Max, but not my H9 Core.   My H9 Core has previously shared algorithms from the Max (not sure if that’s important to mention or not).  How do you share the PitchFuzz? 

      • #146490
        Eventide Staff

          You must do a software update on your Core, then do an Update Purchases on H9Control.

          I'd suggest you wait until after the gig before doing any updates. The best laid plans, etc.




          • #146492

              Thanks for the help.  I’ll do the update after the gig.  By the way, I’ll be using PitchFuzz at our next gig for a Steve Miller cover called Threshold.   Our keboardist will use me for some of the synthesizer parts in Threshold – many thaks to the Eventide H9.


              nickrose wrote:
              You must do a software update on your Core, then do an Update Purchases on H9Control.

              I’d suggest you wait until after the gig before doing any updates. The best laid plans, etc.

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