I hear gating on low input signals Equivocate

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins I hear gating on low input signals Equivocate

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    • #115549

        Is it just me or is there a gate on signals lower than th 60db in the input of Equivocate?

        It could be gating per band that is to save CPU or something. I just have to do a project with very low to very high volume changes.

      • #152877
        Eventide Staff
          deepg wrote:

          Is it just me or is there a gate on signals lower than th 60db in the input of Equivocate?

          It could be gating per band that is to save CPU or something. I just have to do a project with very low to very high volume changes.

          There shouldn't be any gating on the EQ at all, it should pass signal at any level. There's a gate on the Match EQ functionality, where it won't try to match a signal that's too quiet, since in practice this just confuses the algorithm.  Is this what you're talking about?



        • #153028

            False alarm, had time to find the plug that was gating was FabFilter Pro Q2 with a high pass in linear phase mode very high.

            If you want I can edit my heading of the original post.

            Thanks for looking into it.

          • #153029

              hold that one.. a few minutes back.. still testing

            • #153031

                ok so I am supplying screen shots of the problem

                here is the chain with MRecorder plugin capturing signals pre and post each instance of Equivocate.

                chain test.jpg

                and the level normalised results of the captures.

                results test.jpg

                I am unsure why the mute/ gate occurs in the signal (see results marked in red)

                Please note this chain produces no gating when the input signal is higher, ie increse gain before plugin chain.

              • #153032

                  BTW the pre normalised signal level post eq plugin 1 is -105db to -55db and the output of the second eq is similar but with the muted areas.

                • #165274

                    Culprit found!

                    Ableton Live mutes vst2 plugins when audio drops below -100dbfs.

                    Who knew right?

                    There is a fix (sort of) I’ll post here later the link but it involves creating or editing ‘options.txt’ and placing a time value that delays the muting of low signals BUT does not stop this behaviour altogether.

                    Took a few years to discover this. Sorry for thinking it was Equivocate.

                  • #165275
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