If the H9 will only be available as Max version…

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    • #116220

        …does that mean that as a current owner of a 7-year-old Max, that if mine were to fail I’d have to spend all that algorithm money all over again?  Would be cool if there was a special “Core” replacement price for registered Max owners if faced with this situation. 

      • #156468
          Boynigel wrote:

          …does that mean that as a current owner of a 7-year-old Max, that if mine were to fail I’d have to spend all that algorithm money all over again?  Would be cool if there was a special “Core” replacement price for registered Max owners if faced with this situation. 

          +1 Good point.

        • #156470

            I wasn’t aware of this but wouldn’t this pave the way for a general price reduction of what is after all quite a “mature” product now?

          • #156480

              You could order a replacement core now, jus in case 😉


            • #156517

                Can anyone from Eventide please weigh in here?

              • #156518
                Eventide Staff

                  Technically, if your Max were to malfunction you would not lose all your algorithms on your account. You could find a used Core unit and still take advantage of the fact that you can transfer Max algorithms to up to four H9 Core or Standard units on your account.

                  Moreover, because we are continuing to support all H9 models despite the Core and Standard versions being discontinued, in a high percentage of cases, servicing any H9 would cost way less than buying a new H9 anyways.

                • #156528
                  Eventide Staff

                    It varies widely depending on how busy we are, the type of repair, available parts, and shipping times. That said, Average – 1-2 weeks

                  • #156527
                      joecozzi wrote:
                      Technically, if your Max were to malfunction you would not lose all your algorithms on your account. You could find a used Core unit and still take advantage of the fact that you can transfer Max algorithms to up to four H9 Core or Standard units on your account. Moreover, because we are continuing to support all H9 models despite the Core and Standard versions being discontinued, in a high percentage of cases, servicing any H9 would cost way less than buying a new H9 anyways.

                      What’s an average turnaround time to get a H9 repaired though?

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