Ilok registered to email not account ID

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    • #186320
    • #186342
      Eventide Staff

        Sorry to hear about the issue. I checked with our support team and it sounds like they’ve been in touch. Let me know if we can help with anything else.

      • #186421

          Ohh, we need to connect to the iLok name not the email address? I was wondering why my plugin wasn’t showing up in my iLok account even after restarting/updating and everything else.

          Same issue here, I bought the SplitEQ, would love for someone to reach out/undo the registering to the email iLok account so I can re-register to my actual account.

        • #186422

            <p style=”text-align: left;”>Yup.  The problem is that the Eventide website registration should not even allow a email address as you can’t even have a ilok username as a email.</p>
            They sorted it for me.

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